Join Angie and Owen, two nerds who love super heroes, as they discuss all things Marvel, DC, and anything else that kicks ass.
Issue 38: "You got some Venom for me, BOAH?"
14/11/2018 Duration: 01h07minAngie and Owen tear themselves away from Parks and Recreation and Red Dead Redemption II long enough to review a movie they saw a month ago. The verdict: thank the Powers that Be for Tom Hardy and his weird accents.
Issue 37: "I Saw a Tangerine Playing with a Tangerine the Size of a Tangerine"
24/10/2018 Duration: 02h01minA One-Percenter cosplays as a giant furry flying mammal and beats up the emotionally disturbed and mentally traumatized. This is considered one of the greatest films ever made.
Issue 36: "Batman Dooms Westeros"
12/10/2018 Duration: 01h30minWe kick off our watching of the Dark Knight Trilogy with Batman Begins! It's not up to the level of the Dark Knight or the Arkham Games, but it sure as hell isn't Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice either.
Issue 35: "E is for Effort"
28/09/2018 Duration: 01h13minOUR LAST FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE! It's been a roller coaster of mediocre-to-awful adaptations of Marvel's First Family. We finish with this unreleased feature from 1994 full of shoddy effects, studio interference, and a crew trying to do their best with no money and time.
Issue 34: "Ioan Gruffudd, Three Times Fast"
19/09/2018 Duration: 01h37minWE'RE BACK with Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. We desperately try to stay on topic as we discuss pretty much anything but this meh-splosion of a movie.
Issue 33: "Adventures in Mediocrity"
22/08/2018 Duration: 01h12min10 years before the piece of actual garbage we watched last episode, Fox made a Fantastic Four movie that only KINDA sucked. We learn that perspective can be a dangerous thing as we talk about The Shield, a horrible wife, the Welsh language, and how much we love gummy bears.
Issue 32: "Trash Test Doomy"
08/08/2018 Duration: 01h20minAngie subjects Owen to one of the darkest moments in movie history with the war crime that is 2015's Fantastic Four. We talk about Jules Verne, NASA protocol, Angie's inexplicable re-watches of this film, and Owen's potential aneurysm.
Issue 31: "DISCO IS LIFE!!!"
01/08/2018 Duration: 01h36minWe revisit the 1999 cult-classic Mystery Men and find our opinions on it as uneven as the film. Join us for cos-plays, egg salad, Scooby-Doo, and more marveling at the insanity of the late 90's.
Issue 30: Baba Yaga Comes at Night"
25/07/2018 Duration: 01h36minWe're back! Sorry about the delay, so get your fix by joining us for Ant-Man and the Wasp. We talk about Angie's work schedule, the best dad in the MCU, ant biology, and the word "quantum". Note, There are some minor audio problems with Issue 31, but we promise, we're just as funny, so bear with us.
Issue 29: "Wake Me Up"
04/07/2018 Duration: 01h18minIt's time for a crash course in early-2000's "culture" with Daredevil. We discuss the subtler points of cross-humping, sandbag-slaying, nu-metal, and whatever the hell Colin Farrell was doing.
Issue 28: "1/10 - Needs More Bomb Voyage"
27/06/2018 Duration: 01h32minNo, that's not our actual review of The Incredibles 2. We liked it just fine. Although we are still dealing with complex feelings about a woman eating baozi.
Issue 27: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
15/06/2018 Duration: 01h25minTime to begin the next phase of Super Talk with Pixar's The Incredibles! We discuss toxic fandoms, proper radio-speak, Nietzsche, and costume designer Edith Head.
Issue 26: "The Perks of Being a Wallcrawler"
06/06/2018 Duration: 01h45minWe finish our tour of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that began in JANUARY with Spider-Man: Homecoming. Now, we gotta figure out where we are going from here. Chances are, it will involve more superhero movies.
Issue 25: "Let Beauty Come out of Ashes"
25/05/2018 Duration: 01h19minCome listen to your sleep-deprived hosts gush about the wonderful Deadpool 2!
Issue 24: "How I Met Your Mother"
16/05/2018 Duration: 01h41minWe make our hot take on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: It's better than the first one. Fight us.
Issue 23: "Destiny Arrives - Part II"
09/05/2018 Duration: 01h16minIt's the second half of our review of Infinity War. If you've ever wanted to hear two nerds try not cry onto their microphones, with varying degrees of success, you have come to the right place.
Issue 22: "Destiny Arrives - Part I"
04/05/2018 Duration: 01h45sIt's SPOILER time, as we review a movie where a bunch of people in funny outfits try to take a glove from a depressed California Raisin. Infinity War is out, and the movie is so big we had to split our episode in two parts.
Special Edition 2: "Infinity War Preview"
28/04/2018 Duration: 51minJoin us for our SPOILER-FREE episode previewing the culmination of 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including our pre-viewing hype and post-viewing EMOTIONS.
Issue 21: "Mister Doctor"
18/04/2018 Duration: 01h38minIt took around 30 years for this film to get made, but now we have famed British actor Bendyback Crabbyboy teaming up with a bunch of actors whose names we cannot pronounce to create and acid trip whose moral is "being less of an asshole makes your life more fulfilling."
Issue 20: "An Empire Crumbles"
13/04/2018 Duration: 02h26minIn a movie dealing with complex social, political, and personal disagreements concerning the nature of superheroes in the modern world, we spend an inordinate amount of time talking about alternate-universe Sam Wilson and his psychotic tendencies.