TME: 019 Stock Picks
08/02/2015 Duration: 10minWe hear a lot of people giving their stock picks. Some post their stock picks on the web. Some scream their stock picks on TV. Today we are going to talk about the good and the bad of stock picks. Stock Membership Sites I was in the woods on a cool March morning. The market… Continue reading TME: 019 Stock Picks The post TME: 019 Stock Picks appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME: 018 Trading For A Living
04/02/2015 Duration: 13minIn 2013 Gallup’s American Workplace study 70% of those who participated described themselves as disengaged from their work. So if you are reading this article there is a 70 % chance that you do not like your job. Imagine this. We spend 40 hours per week at work. There are 168 hours in a week… Continue reading TME: 018 Trading For A Living The post TME: 018 Trading For A Living appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 017: Stock Market News
01/02/2015 Duration: 10minWhat is the goal of any business? To make money. When you watch the news we need to understand that they entertain so that they can make money. Stock market news is no different. The people reporting on the stock market are in the business of entertaining. It might be a man that screams at… Continue reading TME 017: Stock Market News The post TME 017: Stock Market News appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 016: Oil Prices
28/01/2015 Duration: 13minOIL Prices So the question on many peoples mind today is how much lower will gas prices go. Personally I never thought gas would get below $3.00 a gallon again. Just the other day I saw gas for $1.88 per gallon. It is crazy. So the question was posed to me the other day “is… Continue reading TME 016: Oil Prices The post TME 016: Oil Prices appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 015: Margin Trading
25/01/2015 Duration: 10minWhat is Margin Trading? When a trader trades using margin they are basically borrowing money to trade. Trading on margin can be very dangerous if you don’t have a good trading plan. How Margin Trading Works Margin trading allows a trader to trade more money than you have in your account. Example: Account value: $10,000… Continue reading TME 015: Margin Trading The post TME 015: Margin Trading appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 014: Technical Analysis
16/12/2014 Duration: 13minDEFINITION OF ‘TECHNICAL ANALYSIS’ A method of evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. Technical analysts do not attempt to measure a security’s intrinsic value, but instead use charts and other tools to identify patterns that can suggest future activity. We agree with most of Investopedia’s definition… Continue reading TME 014: Technical Analysis The post TME 014: Technical Analysis appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 013: Trading System
27/10/2014 Duration: 11minWhat is a trading system? A trading system is a set of repeatable rules, that answers the following questions that a trader might have: 1) When should I enter a trade? 2) When should I exit a trade? 3) How much volatility is in the market? 4) How much should money I place the trade? 5) How much money should… Continue reading TME 013: Trading System The post TME 013: Trading System appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 012: Mutual Funds
24/09/2014 Duration: 11minIn 2013, an estimated 96 million individual investors owned mutual funds and held 90 percent of total mutual fund assets directly or through retirement plans at year-end. Altogether, 56.7 million households, or 46 percent of all U.S. households, owned mutual funds. Household ownership of mutual funds has remained steady over the past decade. Mutual funds… Continue reading TME 012: Mutual Funds The post TME 012: Mutual Funds appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 011: September 2014 Week Performance
21/09/2014 Duration: 07minTRADES We track our accounts day by day against the back test results. If you do this and find big variance then there is a problem. The back test accounts for gaps so the only variance would be the entry or exit. The trades made so… Continue reading TME 011: September 2014 Week Performance The post TME 011: September 2014 Week Performance appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 010: August 2014 Trading System Performance
17/09/2014 Duration: 09minTrading System Performance for The Market Engineer Trading System When trading a system it’s always a good idea to keep a good trading journal. Some people use a journal to determine what they did wrong. We keep a journal to match our system with actual performance. Today we will talk about our trading system performance… Continue reading TME 010: August 2014 Trading System Performance The post TME 010: August 2014 Trading System Performance appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 009: The 1%
15/09/2014 Duration: 10minIn this session of The Market Engineer Podcast we will talk about the 1%. Where did they come from, where did they get their money, and why do so many people hate them? 2-Month Challenge I challenge you to sign up for one of our systems. You will get 2 months free on… Continue reading TME 009: The 1% The post TME 009: The 1% appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 008: Day Trading
07/09/2014 Duration: 12minIn this session we will talk about a type of trading style called day trading. Can money be made day trading? Is day trading realistic for the average trader? Do you have the time to day trade? What does it take to day trade? 2-Month Challenge I challenge you to… Continue reading TME 008: Day Trading The post TME 008: Day Trading appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 007: Trading Tools
31/08/2014 Duration: 13minIn this session we will talk about different tools of a trader or investor. What type of account should I have? What are my choices? What do they mean? What does it mean to my trading? In this podcast we will answer these questions and more. The post TME 007: Trading Tools appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 006: You Are Not Dumb!
09/04/2014 Duration: 13minIn this session we will talk about you. How much confidence do you have in yourself? How much confidence should you have when it comes to investing? Do you believe in yourself? You are smarter than you give yourself credit! The post TME 006: You Are Not Dumb! appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 005: The Whipsaw
31/03/2014 Duration: 13minWhat is the Whipsaw? Can we ever beat the whipsaw in trading? How can we minimize whipsaw? This week we will discuss the answers to these questions. In trading the whipsaw is a necessary evil that we can beat with a good system. First let’s go back to the old days. There… Continue reading TME 005: The Whipsaw The post TME 005: The Whipsaw appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 004: Black Box Trading
24/03/2014 Duration: 13minBlack box trading is a derogatory term that many people use for successful traders. Some people don’t understand systematic trading so they ridicule the systematic trader. Let me give you an example. A few years ago, when oil ran up to $100 dollars per barrel in 2007/2008 there was an… Continue reading TME 004: Black Box Trading The post TME 004: Black Box Trading appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 003: Trading Risk
15/03/2014 Duration: 14minToday we are going to talk about trading risk. What is trading risk? Risk can be how much you are willing to lose or it could be how much you are willing to put up on a trade. How do we determine how much to buy and where our stops should be? First let’s talk… Continue reading TME 003: Trading Risk The post TME 003: Trading Risk appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 002: Why Are You Investing?
07/03/2014 Duration: 13minWhy are you investing? Are you in the market for the rush? Are you a gambler in the market? Do you plan your trades? What type trader or investor are you? Is your trading a roller coaster ride where the market jerks you around? In this session we will talk about emotions… Continue reading TME 002: Why Are You Investing? The post TME 002: Why Are You Investing? appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.
TME 001: Welcome to The Market Engineer Podcast! (Trading System)
06/03/2014 Duration: 07minThis is an introduction to The Market Engineer. We will talk about how to trade systematically. Join One of Our Memberships Today. The post TME 001: Welcome to The Market Engineer Podcast! (Trading System) appeared first on THE MARKET ENGINEER.