Movie podcasts from a Canadian perspective
Film Studies 10-2: Paranormal Prison
06/03/2021 Duration: 50minA paranormal investigation themed YouTube channel called “Scientist vs Skeptic” gains the last opportunity to explore a closed and reportedly haunted prison. The team of four spends the night along with a prison guard as their guide and soon ghostly … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 8
02/03/2021 Duration: 47minIt’s the penultimate episode of the series and it’s a trip back through Wanda’s history. We also get Agatha’s backstory and the reason she wants Wanda’s powers. We get the true story of where Vision’s body ended up and we’re … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 7
22/02/2021 Duration: 50minEpisode 7 sets up the big finale of this series. While most characters tread water in this episode we get a bit more information about what is going on with S.W.O.R.D. Director Hayward. Monica plans her return into Westview with … Continue reading →
Film Studies 10-1: Willy’s Wonderland
19/02/2021 Duration: 01h01minNicholas Cage plays silent “The Janitor”, a man whose car got a mysterious flat tire in a podunk town. He’s offered free repairs if he cleans a kiddie restaurant that was closed due to dark and violent past. Soon, he … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 6
16/02/2021 Duration: 59minVision is on a quest to find out what is really going in Westview. While the town celebrates Halloween and Pietro distracts Wanda, he finds that people on the outskirts of the town aren’t acting the way they should be. … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 5
08/02/2021 Duration: 41minWanda is losing control and her world is breaking apart. Vision is also beginning to notice things aren’t quite right. Oh, and S.W.O.R.D. is beginning to find a way to infiltrate “the Hex” to free the denizens of Westview. OH! … Continue reading →
Or Is It? – Little Hercules in 3-D
04/02/2021 Duration: 01h45minA listener request brings Hulk Hogan, Hercules, and Scott White back to the show. Little Hercules in 3-D can be found on YouTube but would likely prefer to stay hidden. Zeus (Hulk Hogan) sends his son to Earth where he … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 4
30/01/2021 Duration: 50minEpisode 4 – We Interrupt This Program. In this episode, we get caught up with everything that’s been happening outside of Westview so far during this series. As it turns out, we predicted almost everything correct and we know exactly … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episode 3
25/01/2021 Duration: 51minIn the third episode, “Now In Color”, Wanda’s pregnancy becomes fast-tracked and Vision begins to notice that things may not be what they appear. But when an agent of S.W.O.R.D. makes a poor costume choice, we get our first big … Continue reading →
Home Screen – WandaVision: Episodes 1 & 2
18/01/2021 Duration: 45minPhase 4 of the MCU has officially started with WandaVision on Disney+. So we decided to start a new podcast that focuses on streaming series and this was the perfect first series. Wanda Maximoff and a revived Vision are trying … Continue reading →
Or Is It? – Hard To Kill
06/01/2021 Duration: 01h43minSteven Seagal. Fucking Steven Seagal. Out of all the people who star in movies every year, Scott White picks Steven goddamn Seagal. Hard to Kill is the story of Seagal, a police officer, whose wife is killed on Oscar night. … Continue reading →
2020 Year in Review
04/01/2021 Duration: 02h10minIt’s our annual look back at the year in movies. But what a year it was. Movie theatres shut down, movies being delayed until the following year, and even movie studios bypassing theatres altogether and releasing movies on streaming services. … Continue reading →
Film Studies 9-19: Wonder Woman 84
30/12/2020 Duration: 01h58minThe first and only big studio superhero movie to be released in 2020 (if you don’t count Birds of Prey, which you shouldn’t because they are technically villains) is Wonder Woman 84. It has been delayed multiple times but Warner … Continue reading →
Or Is It? – How The Grinch Stole Christmas
26/12/2020 Duration: 01h13minThe beloved Christmas classic that many grew up on as kids – was made into a live action movie in 2000 starring Jim Carrey. And to be fair, while it doesn’t have the warmth and nostalgia of the 70s cartoon, … Continue reading →
Or Is It? – The Thing With Two Heads
19/12/2020 Duration: 01h13minScott White returns with a 70s Blaxploitation movie called The Thing With Two Heads. A racist, bigoted doctor has very little time left in life and temporarily grafts his head onto the shoulders of a “soul brother. Hilarity should ensue … Continue reading →
Film Studies 9-18: Freaky
10/12/2020 Duration: 01h12minMillie was a normal everyday high school girl when she is stabbed by a local serial killer with a magic knife causing them to switch bodies. Now, she has 24 hours to re-stab herself or else they were still in … Continue reading →
Film Studies 9-17: Tenet
02/12/2020 Duration: 01h08minChristopher Nolan’s latest mind-bender was supposed to bring the theatres new life in the pandemic world of 2020. Alas, it didn’t quite live up to it’s hype in the theatres. Why? Well, we took a look at the movie and … Continue reading →
Film Studies 9-16: Fatman
26/11/2020 Duration: 01h12minThe economic downturn that the rest of America is experiencing, is affecting Santa Claus as well. More and more kids are ending up on the naughty list leading to less presents being given out which means Santa’s stimulus checks are … Continue reading →
Film Studies 9-15: The New Mutants & Come Play
10/11/2020 Duration: 01h49minIt’s been a while since the last Film Studies but it’s been a while since there’s been movies out to review as well. So, we’re coming back with a double feature of sorts. We actually review several movies in this … Continue reading →
2020 RetroSpooktive: The First Purge
25/10/2020 Duration: 51minThe final episode of this year’s RetroSpooktive sees us talking about The First Purge. This movie was promoted as the film to show how the Purge was created and became a national holiday. But in its infancy, it was just … Continue reading →