Direct Talk with Pastor Denise Thomas of Deliver the Good News Ministries, Inc., was created to give listeners straight to the point messages of encouragement on a variety of Christian faith-based topics for daily living. God Bless!
Be Healed Now (Unedited)
21/04/2018 Duration: 17minBe healed now in your mind first and the rest of your healing will begin to take place.
Be Filled (Unedited)
14/04/2018 Duration: 15minBe filled with the Holy Spirit and let the power of God guide your life. Receive the Holy Spirit today.
Be Transformed (Unedited)
07/04/2018 Duration: 15minBe transformed through the power of God. Do not be conformed to the ways of the world.
Broken Hearts Belong to God (Unedited)
31/03/2018 Duration: 17minBroken hearts belong to God, do give Him your heart issues and be healed of a crushed spirit today.
Confidence Comes From God (Unedited)
24/03/2018 Duration: 15minConfidence that comes from God is not like self-confidence that comes from the world.
Go Public Preach the Word (Unedited)
17/03/2018 Duration: 18minHas God called you to be a preacher? If so, it is time to go public and preach the Word.
Be Consistent (Unedited)
10/03/2018 Duration: 14minBe consistent! Keep going and do not give up. God wants you to be consistent in everything that you do for Him.
A New Season (Unedited)
03/03/2018 Duration: 16minAfter this a new season is coming so push forward with God helping you all the way.
Deliverance From Depression (Unedited)
24/02/2018 Duration: 17minDeliverance from depression is available with the power of God.
Consequences For Your Choices
23/02/2018 Duration: 10minThere are consequences for your choices. Choose life today instead of death.
Where Is Your Treasure
22/02/2018 Duration: 14minYour heart is connected to the thing you treasure, so where is your treasure these days?
Direct Tallk Live Broadcast - What Has God Called You To Do
21/02/2018 Duration: 13minWhat has God called you to do and are you doing it?
Clarify My Call (Unedited)
17/02/2018 Duration: 15minClarify My Call is being shared to help us understand that God has called His people to do something great for Him.
Direct Talk with Pastor Denise - Bless Your Day (Unedited)
10/02/2018 Duration: 17minBless your day and speak life into your situations and bless others too with your words.
Entertain Strangers (Unedited)
04/02/2018 Duration: 14minDo not forget to entertain strangers because you never know when God is going to send an Angel in disguise.
Direct Talk with Pastor Denise - A True Minister Has Coordination (Unedited)
03/02/2018 Duration: 22minA true Minister of the Gospel has coordination so that everything works together well for God's purpose.
Speak to God In the Morning (Unedited)
28/01/2018 Duration: 05minA few words on the importance about speaking to God in the morning.
Direct Talk with Pastor Denise - Change Your Thinking (Unedited)
27/01/2018 Duration: 14minRenew your mind through the Word of God to change your thinking and your life will change too!
Direct Talk with Pastor Denise - Break Free From Captivity (Unedited)
20/01/2018 Duration: 15minAre you being held captive today to the things of this world that are unproductive? If so, it is time to break free!
Direct Talk with Pastor Denise - The Blame Game (Unedited)
13/01/2018 Duration: 14minBlame can cause bitterness of the heart. If you have been blaming others, it is time to let it all go!