To A Billion With Joy

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 43:14:00
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Is it possible to go for a crazy goal while actually enjoying the journey? Join entrepreneur Alison Cardy as she aims for a billion dollars and a great life in this weekly podcast and at


  • Episode 131: The Actual Current Priority

    08/04/2020 Duration: 08min

    The Reeses incident and where it led An update on my research project Why I’m leaving some groups The commonality between business and mandalas Clearing out the past for future to come in Quotables “Bright lines work really, really well for me.” “I know that eating not good for you food does not make you feel good.” “What if I really took some time and put it towards our relationship?” “If I miss a couple waves of timing in the market, but I have a strong relationship at home, that’s worth it.”

  • Episode 130: It Was Actually About Love

    01/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    How strangers have been treating me The next step that brought up a lot of resistance The actual theme of the past two years Some gushing about my husband What I notice happens when I hang out with marketers The difference between my communication on air and off air Quotables “Wow, there are some amazing people in the world.” “Hello again! I need help again!” “Over two years ago I started this podcast.” “Maybe I can cut myself a little slack.” “What would happen if I did nothing for a year?” “Sometimes we do not know what we’re actually going through when we’re going through it.”

  • Episode 129: Loosening an Old Mental Grip

    25/03/2020 Duration: 09min

    Straightening out some money things The not fun thing I noticed about my behavior Releasing a really tight grip What’s improving because of my big goals What I’m appreciating right now The generosity and kindness I’m witnessing What makes reaching out to people worth it Quotables “That was probably enough for one week.” “I was so devoted to getting this business going and doing work that I really enjoyed.” “I didn’t know that was an issue I was having.” “Thank heavens for big goals!” “I am loving working with my clients.” “There is some inertia and resistance around that.”

  • Episode 128: Learn and Do a Little Better Next Time

    18/03/2020 Duration: 07min

    Morning routine creep! Did I overshare on facebook? A really good conversation with my husband Where is the place for anger? The benefits of coaching youth soccer Quotables “Numbers are just numbers.” “I do better with quiet and focus.” “You need to feel and express and anger.” “My husband and I have an opportunity for a next chapter in our relationship.” “I always have this thought that if I do something there will be a flood of response.”

  • Episode 127: It’s Really Okay Wherever You Are

    11/03/2020 Duration: 13min

    What had me talking to cows The decisions I’m facing and what has me feeling nervous Re-connecting with a former mentor of mine The downside of my extreme sunshine The freedom of genuine yeses and nos The completely natural thing anyone would bump into as they’re growing Quotables “My marketing instincts are poor.” “My work is to help them get who they are out into the world.” “I wasn’t seeing any problem at all. I was like that’s the way you do things. You gotta go along. You gotta be nice.” “I wasn’t really listening to that truth inside of myself about what I was really wanting.” “I was trying to positive my way out of feeling what I actually felt.” “Any emotion that you’re feeling, any experience that you’re having, it’s not wrong to have.” “We’re all on a journey. We’re all learning. We’re all doing the best we can.”

  • Episode 126: Learning to Work with Authority Influence

    04/03/2020 Duration: 10min

    The pleasant surprise of a recent effort Bragging on our clients Intensive re-cap What created a slow and steady journey for me historically A meta-lesson around mentor selection and allowing influence A new development on retirement savings Quotables “Our clients are inspiring, beautiful, wonderful people.” “How can I show up with good integrity and not needing people to change, but influence the relationships in a positive way?” “Sometimes when you hit things it’s actually a wonderful opportunity.” “We’re talking about moving forward doing more things in partnership together.” “I had a long stint of I just want to do things my way.” “Set a goal. Start working towards it.”

  • Episode 125: Just Back and Heading Out the Door

    26/02/2020 Duration: 05min

    Some eye opening lessons learned from an intensive The impact of things that feel so right Why I’m grateful for my goals Quotables “We can clean up our inheritance or we can get run by it.” “I can be a very tricky client to work with.” “I think it’s a really good thing to do our inner work.” “It’s cool to get support.”

  • Episode 124: Starting to Dig Through My Own Psyche

    19/02/2020 Duration: 13min

    The cool things are happening in my world A place where I’m seeing a need to work The surprising physical signal I just caught onto My newest humbling lesson as a soccer coach Why I value being involved in my community Money stories and their impact! Quotables “I didn’t know how to figure some things out on my own.” “We all need help because we can’t see our own psyches very clearly.” “I really like my style.” “We either repeat or rebel against a pattern.” “It stings a little bit when you’re doing your best and looking at the world one way and then somebody points out, hey, you’re missing something.” “It’s funny to see I built this whole business and in a way it’s a shell.” “Money is neutral. There’s only the story we tell about it.” “I unlock extreme potential into the world for the benefit of the world.”

  • Episode 123: Short and Sweet and Jam Packed!

    12/02/2020 Duration: 03min

    The people in my life who are kicking butt The philosophy I believe wholeheartedly A bold proclamation Quotables “To see smiles of recognition of what’s really in somebody’s heart and being able to put a name to that.” “Yes, I’m excellent at client selection, and yes, I know how to help.” “Gosh darn it, I’m ready now.”

  • Episode 122: I Wanted to Leap

    05/02/2020 Duration: 05min

    Can’t talk too long! Things that are helping my focus How I’m feeling at the moment The thing that has surprised me over the past few months Quotables “I had a wonderful, relaxing, restorative, active vacation.” “I feel like I am pointed well.” “Ok, tried that investment size once. Let me try it again and see if I can get what I need this time around.” “For sure I’m going to grow in the pursuit of this goal.”

  • Episode 121: Fall is Here!

    29/01/2020 Duration: 04min

    A new co-coach for me Morning routine expansion My favorite book at the moment Making room for what’s next Quotables “All the fall things are starting.” “Wow, it’s so fun to help people move forward and through things.” “A really interesting perspective that’s so different from my day-to-day world.” “So there’s a bit of an in-between feeling there.”

  • Episode 120: The Best, Beautiful, Brilliant Work

    22/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    Re-centering… or procrastinating? The best, beautiful, brilliant work I get the privilege of doing Some observations on generational fears and inheritances The thing we’re all really driving towards What has me feeling sore Quotables “I do feel very close to asking for what I want, for being dogged, for getting things booked.” “After the call I was walking around slightly dazed.” “She was just realizing that much more was possible for her than she had ever thought before.” “Wow, we as a people have a whole lot of work to do.” “I really appreciate people who take the time to write things down.”

  • Episode 119: Love of Missing Out

    15/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    My mis-speak on episode # How a trip with friends magnified an issue for me My next level of boundary setting and why it’s tricky The strength I’m finding at home The things I see that have gotten me to this point The food signal I’d been getting around social settings A lightbulb moment around profit first Quotables “Which means it’s time to say goodbye.” “I love tough conversations and conflict.” “In the past this level of greatness would have been what I was looking for.” “I get to say no. How fun is that!?” “Thank goodness for all these amazing people.” “I’m really interested to see what the 100% yeses are.” “I can miss out and love it.”

  • Episode 118: Clients I Love

    08/01/2020 Duration: 06min

    An unexpected win from reachouts An update from a trip with friends Moving back into the client delivery seat Scouting out places to build How I’m feeling about this season of business Quotables “I want to consume all the books immediately.” “I saw buttes.” “What are all these people doing on my calendar?” “This is why I went through all that work to find these people.” “I can know there are plenty of fish in the sea.”

  • Episode 117: Wow, There Are a Lot of Amazing Leaders in the World

    01/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    New connections and new ideas A branding reflection Some feelings of insecurity Curiosity about who I’m going to meet next Upcoming travel plans for a working trip My new hobby that I’m really enjoying Quotables “Really wanted to get some data to see if the tactics that we’re using are resonating with people.” “It’s really fun to see all these amazing leaders in the world.” “I also know that even the most amazing person is human. We’re all human.” “Let me be of service.” “I’m really looking for people who it feels like a privilege to work with them.” “Landing these bigger fish clients is really just the beginning.”

  • Episode 116: Effort and Attention Matter

    25/12/2019 Duration: 10min

    How we spent a heatwave weekend during a sales drought The big turnaround that occurred this week My natural mode of taking action in the world Reachouts and coping mechanisms An invitation that served me well already Where are you putting your effort and attention?” Quotables “Should I be worried? Will this work out?” “I’m pleased. I feel like I can trust my systems really well.” “It’s wonderful to set people free. That’s what I like to do.” “It was just uncomfortable to not know how to do it perfectly.” “It feels like things are going into motion, which is fun.” “Anything in your life, if you put attention to it and make an attempt to improve it, it will likely improve.”

  • Episode 115: The True Benefit of Going for Goals

    25/12/2019 Duration: 12min

    Fun and resistance with office re-decoration Dealing with an unexpected refund The new, jaw-dropping prospect I called in Should I be worried now? A dawning realization of a place where I am an extremist What we covered in my four hour coaching session that knocked me out Peeking around the corner into taking a stand My philosophy around what you bump into when you set goals Quotables “I had my office in a certain way for a number of years and just accepted that that’s the way it was.” “Just to make this office represent where I am now and who I am now.” “I really want this high level match between who the client is and who I am and the work that we’re doing in the world.” “Clients always come in. They always land. Money always flows.” “I think it will be really helpful to have a point of view instead of just a problem that I help people solve.” “All of a sudden I was like, oh, maybe I should go make some money.” “It’s good to have good people around you. It helps a lot.”

  • Episode 114: Moving into Action

    18/12/2019 Duration: 09min

    An incidence of massive action and how it felt How staring at branding impacted my brain How I feel about big goals What ratcheted up my confidence Power suit resistance The feedback mechanism I love Quotables “I’m not totally sure what had me waiting so long.” “Why do I pick such hard goals?” “I started to believe because of my actions that I’m really doing this and it’s really going to happen.” “I did get a little bit hooked about my image.” “I don’t totally understand how to balance authentic expression with what people need to see in my image to feel comfortable.” “I like seasons of taking action.”

  • Episode 113: Hooray for Doing That!

    04/12/2019 Duration: 15min

    Why I climbed a 100 foot tree Gushing feelings of happiness and joy The issue that I’m best at solving New understanding from research conversations What had me grinning A financial update What exploration really feels like The nice thing about actions Quotables “I tend to attract really wonderful clients.” “Oh, people aren’t just living in this place all the time.” “My brain is expanding. Look at what we can do. And look at how fun it is.” “I knew when I started making that ask, I’m going to make it in a big way.” “I love untangling people and getting all the beautiful expression of who they are out into the world.” “I love being in action.” “People come for the result, but stay for the community.” “Let me hone in to my focus. Let me take every action I see in front of me. Let me be courageous.” “Clarity comes through taking action.”

  • Episode 112: Running Out of Methods of Procrastination

    27/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    My first time doing this new thing What I was trying to keep up with on vacation Grappling with breaking with traditional female roles The most important thing to think about when hosting a workshop that I have historically forgotten The big project that is staring me in my face The one thing I don’t know how to do yet Quotables “I loved my vacation.” “I’m so happy I have coaches in my life. They keep me on track and noticing things.” “How do I know if I’m being successful.” “We get to be outdoors. We get to be moving. We get to be coaching.” “What’s interesting is that I’ve kind of run out of distractions and procrastination things.” “My go-to is brute force, like just get this done.” “I’m not overthinking things. For many many moons I was stuck in this overthinking things.” “I just know that things tend to work out.”

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