Uncommon Knowledge Audio Edition

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Updated every two weeks, the Uncommon Knowledge podcast brings you fascinating discussions with today's biggest thinkers. View full episodes at http://www.hoover.org/uk Also check us out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/UncKnowledge


  • Mona Charen and Midge Decter


    Authors Midge Decter and Mona Charen discuss Romney’s gender gap, the impact of feminism on America, and what women really care about. (Playing time: 42:08)

  • Jonah Goldberg and John O’Sullivan


    AEI scholar and National Review Online founding editor Jonah Goldberg and National Review’s Editor At Large John O’Sullivan on the election and the GOP’s future. (Playing time: 45:10)

  • Rob Long and Harry Shearer


    Hollywood Odd Couple Rob Long and Harry Shearer discuss their unusual friendship, politics, and show business. (Playing time: 54:50)

  • Justice Antonin Scalia


    Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia visits Uncommon Knowledge for a wide ranging interview including the living constitution, Roe v. Wade, Congress’ relationship to the court, and to discuss his new book Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts. (Playing time: 48:47)

  • Bill Kristol and Shelby Steele


    Hoover fellow Shelby Steele and the Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol discuss the economy, politics, and the presidential race. (Playing time: 51:39)

  • George Gilder


    George Gilder, author of Wealth and Poverty, the book that became a best seller during the first year of the Reagan years and a guide to the Reagan administration itself, is now--just in time perhaps for the Romney years--available in a new edition. (Playing time: 41:23)

  • Pat Sajak


    Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak discusses his modest upbringing in Chicago, joining Armed Forces Radio in Vietnam, and working in small markets before finally landing in Hollywood. (Playing time: 48:53)

  • Trevor Rees-Jones


    The Chairman of Chief Oil and Gas Trevor Rees-Jones discusses fracking -- what it is and why it is crucial to the country’s future, the challenge of discovering and distributing cheap energy, and why our gas prices will (and should) go up in the future (Playing time: 1:02:53)

  • Charles Hill, Fouad Ajami


    Hoover fellows Charles Hill and Fouad Ajami discuss the strength and, yes, the democratic tradition of Middle Eastern states. (Playing time: 1:08:41)

  • George W. Bush


    President George W. Bush discusses postpresidential life and his work at the Bush Institute. (Playing time: 1:03:21)

  • Rick Perry


    Texas governor Rick Perry discusses the Texas success story, the perils and pitfalls of running for president, and what the rest of the country can learn from Texas. (Playing time: 45:28)

  • Dennis Prager


    Radio host, columnist, conductor, and best-selling author Dennis Prager discusses his new book, Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. (Playing time: 48:14)

  • Jim Manzi with bonus material from Jonah Goldberg


    Science and technology expert Jim Manzi argues that controlled experimentation should be conducted and credible data collected before the government enacts major social and economic policies and explains why this has yet to happen. (Playing time: 43:06)

  • Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy


    Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy discuss their new book The Presidents' Club: Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity. (Playing time: 57:04)

  • John Stossel


    Author and television host John Stossel discusses his new book No, They Can’t: Why Government Fails - But Individuals Succeed. (Playing time: 45:18)

  • Thomas Sowell


    On the occasion of the publication of a new edition of his book Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell returns to Uncommon Knowledge for a wide-ranging interview. (Playing time: 52:37)

  • Pat Buchanan on Suicide of a Superpower


    Author and commentator Pat Buchanan discusses the disintegration of the United States as a superpower and a united nation. (Playing time: 1:00:41)

  • Charles Murray on Coming Apart


    Longtime American Enterprise Institute fellow Charles Murray discusses his controversial new book, Coming Apart, about what American was, is, and will become. He also reveals his personal score on his now famous “bubble quiz.” Take the quiz here http://www.scribd.com/doc/77349055/Coming-Apart-by-Charles-Murray-Quiz (Playing time: 47:35)

  • Uncommon Knowledge Special Audio Edition: Senator Rick Santorum


    Rick Santorum on why he's still in the race, the rights of the unborn, the Santorum tax plan, how Santorum plans to expand his appeal, the core differences between himself and Mitt Romney, and a up-to-the-minute state of the primary race from the candidate himself. (Playing time: 18:22)

  • Mitch McConnell


    This week on Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell discusses why the glacial pace of deliberations and decisions in the Senate is a feature, not a bug. "Once it was clear the president was going to try to turn us into a Western European country as rapidly as he could, about the only strategy you have left when your opposition has a forty-seat majority in the House. . . . We knew we couldn't stop the agenda. But we thought we had a chance of creating a national debate about whether all of this excess was appropriate. And the key to having a debate, frankly and candidly, was to deny the president, if possible, the opportunity to have any of these things be considered bipartisan." (Playing time: 37:42)

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