Murder and the paranormal finally meet! Grab your wine and milkshakes and join us every Sunday for some chilling ghost stories and downright terrifying true crime stories. The world's a scary place. And that's why we drink!
E2 Clotheseline Cookies and the Lone Band-Aid
15/02/2017 Duration: 01h03minIn episode two, Em and Christine discuss the insanely haunted Whaley House in San Diego and the just plain insane serial killer Robert Durst. And that’s why we drink! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E1 Francis Ford “Cupola” and the Off-Brand Kool-Aid
09/02/2017 Duration: 01h08minGet your wine and milkshakes ready - it’s time for the first episode of And That’s Why We Drink! Em tells Christine all about one of the most haunted places in America, the Winchester Mystery House. Christine tells Em about the most famous mass suicide in history, though the flavor of the Kool-Aid is still up for debate.Thanks so much for joining us. If you like this episode, please take a moment to rate and subscribe! #AndThatsWhyWeDrink Learn more about your ad choices. Visit