If you're not a believer in "aging gracefully" then this podcast is for you. We don't believe in going quietly into the night. We continue to create, look good, feel good, produce and LIVE!
Chicks Still Kickin - Trying New Things
20/08/2017 Duration: 16minI'm trying all sorts of new things to enhance my aging body. Stay tuned.
Recommended Entertainment
13/08/2017 Duration: 18minWomen's roles have been changing constantly throughout the history of earth and I found some great entertainment that sort of highlights that. Enjoy!
Toxic People
05/08/2017 Duration: 21minNo matter what we do or where we go, sometimes we encounter toxic people. What do I mean by "toxic people". These are the people who always make you feel funky. It's not what they say or do, it's how they make you feel. Don't second guess what you know. If you know that someone is toxic to you, don't try and get agreement from others, just get them off your lines - quickly.
Make-Up and Attitude - Two of My Favorite Things
30/07/2017 Duration: 14minThis podcast is about make-up and attitude in our senior years. Both important to me!
My Personal Journey
23/07/2017 Duration: 15minGotta have a purpose. Working on mine. I definitely have the purpose to help people. I'll make my purpose this week to help at least one person. Then I'll report back to you next week.
Back to the Real Life, Stretch, stretch, stretch
16/07/2017 Duration: 14minGreat time in LA. Glad to be home but missing my grandkids sooo much. Back to the need for stretching every day and little to no sitting. (big sigh) Gotta do it. Now that I have new grandkids, I gotta be spry into my 80s.
Still in LA and Lovin' It
11/07/2017 Duration: 08minLeaving in a few days and it's breaking my heart. Much as I want my kids to move to Florida, my son has a budding business in Hollywood, so the timing isn't right. I foresee travel in my future.
I'm a Grandma, what's your superpower?
03/07/2017 Duration: 16minI'm in LA with my son and his family, helping integrate brand new twins into the family mix. Enjoy your grandkids while you can.
I'm Headed West, my friends.
25/06/2017 Duration: 15minToday's podcast is about art, make-up and traveling west to Los Angeles where young people go to dream and achieve their goals. I love LA! I'm headed there to help take care of my 4 year old granddaughter while mom recovers from delivering twins. Wish me luck and fun!
Surprise Yourself
18/06/2017 Duration: 21minI covered a bunch of great quotes that I read online about aging but the one that I really liked was to surprise yourself and others. If you always dress a certain way, change it. If you always wear the same color of lipstick, change it up. If your hair style hasn't changed in 40 years, change it! Then let me know the feed back you get!
Make-up and Weight Loss. Some resources for you.
11/06/2017 Duration: 20minI don't pretend to know all there is to know about being my 60s. I have some advice and some pet peeves and you know I will share those with you. But I have found a woman with a video blog or a video cast on Youtube and I think she has some great tips for all of us - mostly women. Her name is Margaret Manning and her channel is Sixty and Me. I hope you enjoy this podcast and will check out Margaret's videos.
Listen Up Men! This one's for you.
04/06/2017 Duration: 19minI did a podcast about women and what not to wear in their senior years but this one is for men. I don't understand why men in their senior years think they should wear plaid jackets and pants. Doesn't make sense. I give some great rules for men in their silver years. It's way easier to give men some stable data on how to dress than it is women because women have so many choices and styles. But men have only a few rules to follow and if they do, they look hot!
Happy Memorial Day! Honor to those who served, are serving and will serve.
29/05/2017 Duration: 19minToday is memorial day and we all need to give thanks to those who served, are serving and will serve in the US Armed Forces. My dad was 32 1/2 years air force, my brother 20 years Army and my uncle was also in the Army. We Americans owe a huge debt to these men and women who fight to ensure we continue to enjoy the freedoms we have. This podcast is all about positivity. Listen to the story of Betty - a 70 something lady who beat a pretty serious health issue by staying positive and not panicking. A lesson for us all.
Positively Aging
26/05/2017 Duration: 19minThis podcast is a bit of a summary of many of the things I've been saying for the last 17 weeks. However, the main point is that if you're thinking that you are of less worth to society because you are getting older, you are missing some of hte most important aspects of reaching our later years and that's your experience. You have so much to give back to society. You just need to do it. Keep your exercise in. Stay positive in your attitude. Take charge of your health. Meet someone knew. Set goals and figure out how you will achieve them. Learn something new every day. START!
Love is All You Need
19/05/2017 Duration: 18minOne of the biggest advantages of being a senior is that I don't have a lot of people that I need to please all the time. My kids are grown, married and have kids of their own. When you are young, typically you start trying to please your parents, then you want to please your spouse and then when your kids are born, you spend 24/7 fulfilling their desires, needs and wants in order to have a happy home. Once the kids move out, it's generally all about you and your spouse or just all about you. So why not do what you love? Like every day. Every day do something(s) that you love to do. Great quote by Frank Lloyd Wright: "The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes." That's the message for this week.
What to Eat or NOT
12/05/2017 Duration: 19minDieting has got to be one of the - if not THE - most confusing subjects out there. Eat meat. Don't eat meat. Eat fat. Don't eat fat. Eat dairy. Etc, etc, etc. It has gotten to the point where maybe we should only drink water and not eat at all. Sheesh. This podcast is for you if you've tried being a vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, grain eater or bullet proof. I believe there's a sane way to do it but it might not be the easiest route. Warning: Common sense plays a huge part in this podcast.
Attitude with a Capital A!
05/05/2017 Duration: 17minLost your husband or wife? Lost one or more of your children? Lost friends, jobs, homes - whatever? How do you maintain a positive attitude in the face of unspeakable grief and heartache? Learn something new. Help somebody. Create art. It starts with a mindset. People say that you have to have the attitude that the glass is always half full. It just is true. But only if you want to live a long and happy life. See if this podcast can help you. As always, feel free to contact me - Thank you for listening!
Murder, Mayhem and Ruin - Oh My!
28/04/2017 Duration: 19minToday's media delights in creating chaos and making the environment seem dangerous. This podcast is for anyone who wants a surefire way to feel better about themselves and their lives.
Navigating the Medicare Maze
21/04/2017 Duration: 25minIf you are turning 65 in the next few years, this is the podcast for you. You will need to know everything there is to know about Medicare and how it works. Learn from someone who worked the system and has come up with the best way to go - Steve Sigal. For more information:
Dieting and Remembering OJ
14/04/2017 Duration: 17minI talk about two things in the podcast. The first is about dieting because I did the most ridiculous diet over the last two weeks and I'm not reaping the rewards but rather suffering the consequences. I also talk about a fabulous documentary - OJ: Made in America that really opened my eyes to that whole story. Enjoy!