Get your science on with the new podcast from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Our hosts take on technology, attacks on science, climate change, and more, as they channel the power of science to make the world a better place.
Ep. 100: Farming While Black: How One Community Farm is Uprooting Racism
05/01/2021 Duration: 28minLeah Penniman, founder of Soul Fire Farm and author of Farming While Black, discusses how Afro-Indigenous centered community farms can uproot the food system and create new opportunities for Black and Brown farmers.
Ep. 9: Cómo conseguir que el público se fíe de la vacuna contra COVID-19
15/12/2020 Duration: 26minHay dos claves importantes para asegurar que el público confíe en la nueva vacuna contra el COVID, dice epidemióloga y experta en salud pública Ana Diez Roux quien ayudó a crear el marco de recomendaciones para repartir la vacuna utilizado por los CDC. Y su consejo para mejorar la salud de todo el país te sorprenderá.
Ep. 99: How Can We Distribute a COVID-19 Vaccine Equitably?
15/12/2020 Duration: 28minHow do we make sure that vulnerable populations have access to a COVID-19 vaccine? Dr. Ana Diez Roux discusses an equitable distribution plan.
Ep. 98: Reviving the Gulf Coast Dead Zone
01/12/2020 Duration: 28minWhat happens upstream… goes downstream. Dr. Rebecca Boehm explains how excess fertilizer on Midwest farms contributes to “dead zones” in the Gulf, and how to reverse course.
Ep. 8: ¿Qué es el almacenamiento energético? La clave para alcanzar un mundo renovable
01/12/2020 Duration: 28minGracias al almacenamiento energético, se puede aprovechar la electricidad generada por la energía solar y eólica más que nunca. Pero...¿qué es el almacenamiento, y cuales son las ventajas?
Ep. 97: From Wolves to Wildfires: A Firefighting Biologist’s Tale
17/11/2020 Duration: 28minForest firefighter and conservation biologist Jon Trapp talks about analyzing wildfires, close calls with endangered wolves, and the urgency of global warming.
Ep. 96: Election Day 2020: The Trustworthiness of Science
03/11/2020 Duration: 28minToday’s episode starts with part four of our series on who pays for climate damages followed by a replay of Dr. Naomi Oreskes discussing her book, Why Trust Science?
Ep. 95: Do Hypersonic Weapons Live Up to the Hype?
20/10/2020 Duration: 28minGlobal security expert Dr. Cameron Tracy discusses misconceptions about hypersonic weapons and how they could lead us into another arms race.
Ep. 94: The Racist History of Race Science
06/10/2020 Duration: 28minAuthor Angela Saini discusses biological myths and racist biases in the sciences from past to present
Ep. 93: The Cascading Disasters of Wildfire Season
22/09/2020 Duration: 28minClimate scientist and Bay Area resident Dr. Kristy Dahl discusses how global warming is fueling wildfire season and its impacts on the most vulnerable.
Ep. 92: Energy Storage Technology Will Ramp Up Renewables
08/09/2020 Duration: 28minDr. Elena Krieger explains how an unsung technology can increase reliable access to clean energy
Ep. 91: The Afterlife of Electric Car Batteries
18/08/2020 Duration: 28minWhen electric vehicles start retiring, what happens to their batteries? Transportation expert Hanjiro Ambrose discusses the importance of recycling EV batteries.
Ep. 7: Los huracanes son más fuertes con el cambio climático y complican respuesta al COVID-19
04/08/2020 Duration: 28minLa Dra. Astrid Caldas de UCS habla sobre los retos que tendrán que enfrentar las comunidades cuando choquen los huracanes con las áreas más afectadas por COVID-19
Ep. 90: Climate Change Brings Stronger Hurricanes and Threatens Pandemic Response
04/08/2020 Duration: 28minSenior climate scientist Dr. Astrid Caldas discusses the connections between climate change and more intense hurricanes and underscores the challenges when they converge with COVID-19.
Ep. 89: Voting During a Pandemic: COVID-19 and the 2020 Election, Part 2
28/07/2020 Duration: 28minVoting rights expert Dr. Michael Latner explains how science can keep us safe when casting our votes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ep. 88: Voting During a Pandemic: COVID-19 and the 2020 Election, Part 1
21/07/2020 Duration: 28minVoting rights expert Dr. Michael Latner explains how science can keep us safe when casting our votes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ep. 87: The Deadliest Intersection: COVID-19, Air Pollution, and Racism
07/07/2020 Duration: 28minScientist and lawyer Dr. Adrienne Hollis connects the dots of the pandemic, and why a disproportionate number of Black and Brown people are dying.
Ep. 86: Science Is Not Immune to Racism (and That Includes Us)
23/06/2020 Duration: 05minA message from our host.
Ep7: Promesas rotas: comunidades marginadas pagan el precio por políticas de la administración Trump
23/06/2020 Duration: 30minEl Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto discute el estudio de UCS ´La ciencia abandonada, promesas rotas´ sobre cómo la administración Trump ha rechazado métodos científicos y leyes basadas en evidencia diseñadas para protegernos. Sus acciones han empeorado las desigualdades que enfrentan las personas de raza Negra y las exponen aún más a la contaminación.
Ep. 85: How Will COVID-19 Impact Clean Energy Progress?
26/05/2020 Duration: 27minRenewable energy expert John Rogers is back on the podcast to talk about COVID-19 is affecting clean energy jobs, and how we can create a stronger, healthier clean energy economy for everyone.