Freelance broadcast journalist, more commonly known as @RadioKate. This is my mission to get into space. Somehow. There has to be a way. Help me find it!
Charlie Mars gives us a guided tour of the US Spacewalk of Fame Foundation - wow. #nasatweetup
06/11/2010 Duration: 22min -
On the Zero-G plane with microgravity Flight Attendant Tim Bailey (@tim846) #nasatweetup
06/11/2010 Duration: 08min -
Taking a moment to think about the incredible things that have happened at #nasatweetup so far
04/11/2010 Duration: 09min -
"There's a shuttle over there!" Oh, WOW! Shuttle Discovery on the launch pad! #nasatweetup
02/11/2010 Duration: 01min -
Oh my goodness, we are *in* the Vehicle Assembly Building. Wow. #nasatweetup
02/11/2010 Duration: 02min -
#nasatweetup @astro_Ron explains getting to grips with microgravity and explains why he tweets
01/11/2010 Duration: 23min -
Stephanie Stilson, NASA Discovery Flow Director, Launch Vehicle Processing Directorate, KSC #nasatweetup
01/11/2010 Duration: 16min -
Bill Gerstenmaier from NASA Space Opperations Mission Directorate talks to #nasatweetup attendees
01/11/2010 Duration: 18min -
How to practise docking the Orion with the ISS - Olivia Fuentes explains #nasatweetup
30/10/2010 Duration: 02min -
NASA project manager Jonathan Cruz talks about the pad launch abort system #nasatweetup
30/10/2010 Duration: 03min -
Discovery astronaut Mike Mullane says a fond farewell to space shuttle Discovery #nasatweetup
30/10/2010 Duration: 02min -
Getting very excited about #nasatweetup, when really I should be packing!
28/10/2010 Duration: 04min