Great Moments In Science - With Dr Karl Kruszelnicki

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 27:11:59
  • More information



From the ground breaking and life saving to the wacky and implausible, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki reveals some of the best moments in science.


  • First known computer, Pt 2

    27/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    Going deeper into the Antikythera Mechanism - a box with 30 bronze gears inside connected to three dials outside. It predicted the movements of a bunch of astronomical data. But let's start with eclipses of the Sun.

  • First known computer

    20/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    We tend to think of computers as being a fairly recent invention. But the world’s oldest known computer is actually a few thousand years old. It’s called the Antikythera Mechanism

  • Staring into empty space

    13/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    Gazing off into empty space or being the target of a ‘stare bear’, it can happen to us all. Staring into the middle distance can be relaxing and head-clearing, but fixing our eyes on nothing at all for a very long time can be just plain dangerous.

  • Virus 104

    06/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    The last few episodes have considered the difference between a virus and a bacterium; wondered whether a virus is alive or not; and looked at our discovery of these incredibly tiny critters. While mysteries surrounding viruses are intriguing, without them we couldn’t have babies or even think.

  • Virus 103

    30/03/2021 Duration: 05min

    This COVID-19 pandemic is the first one for 102 years. In 1918-1920 we had an influenza pandemic, which we now refer to as the Spanish Flu. Back then we didn’t know about a thing called a ‘virus’, so in 1918 no-one knew what was killing people. But we did know about germs.

  • Virus 102

    23/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    Bacteria and viruses both have the genetic code needed to make babies but only a bacterium has all the biological machinery to make another bacterium. A virus has to get into a cell and make it start manufacturing copies of the virus. So, is a virus 'alive' – well, depends on the definition.

  • Virus 101

    16/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    2020 will be remembered as the Year of the Virus – the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. By early 2021 the COVID virus had truly left its mark on our population, lifestyle, and biosphere. But the universe is complicated, and viruses can be good guys too.

  • Value of human life

    09/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    Trying to talk about the dollar value of a human life really sounds like cold hard economics. Knowing how the calculations are done is chilling. But human life does have a value. Bizarrely, trying to work that out began with trying to work out the "value of death".

  • Bulldust asymmetry

    02/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    Fake News has been around for thousands of years. You’ve probably heard of Nero, who was accused of playing the fiddle while Rome burned. But nowadays, the word gets around a lot faster. Thanks to the Internet and Social Media, a lie can travel around the world before the truth has even got out of bed. So fake news spreads quickly, and it takes more time to set straight than it took to tell the original lie.

  • Smell, part 2

    23/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    More on how under-rated our sense of smell is – and how loss of smell can be an early indicator of COVID-19. In your DNA many of the genes associated with smell are located right next to a big bunch of genes that form your immune system. As a baseline, pre-COVID-19, about 1-5% of the general population had no sense of smell, and another 5-13% had a lessened sense of smell. But COVID-19 has bumped these percentages way up.

  • Smell, part 1

    16/02/2021 Duration: 06min

    We see our human sense of smell as woefully inadequate compared to other animals – but awareness of our sense of smell has become more of a hot topic recently with the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant number of people who get the virus lose their sense of smell early on. It seems that a loss of smell can be a very good early sign of COVID-19 infection. 

  • How to measure a building

    09/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    In a classic scientific 'urban myth' a physics student is asked to measure the height of a building using a barometer. In 2020 French and Italian physicists wrote a paper called 61 Ways To Measure The Height Of A Building With A Smart Phone. This opened up a bunch of extra-modern measuring methods because of the smartphone's array of internal sensory gadgets.

  • Universe in a lifetime

    02/02/2021 Duration: 08min

    Modern, pre-COVID, travel means it’s possible to trip around the world quite quickly. What if we had a super-advanced future rocket technology that could keep us accelerating at 1G. You could travel billions of light years - in less than a human lifetime!

  • The worst plane of WW2

    26/01/2021 Duration: 06min

    During World War II a curious aircraft was built by the German air force. Its purpose was to combat Allied bombers, but not everything went to plan. What sounded like a ‘good idea at the time’ became, probably, the Worst Plane of World War II.

  • BP's Carbon Campaign

    19/01/2021 Duration: 08min

    Why would the fossil fuel company BP promote the idea of reducing our individual 'carbon footprint'?

  • Migrating Species

    12/01/2021 Duration: 08min

    Climate change has begun displacing species, but just how many are on the move?

  • Carrington Event

    05/01/2021 Duration: 06min

    What was the mysterious Carrington Event of 1859? And why did it affect telegraph systems?

  • Palaeolithic Dieting

    29/12/2020 Duration: 06min

    Is it true that our bodies would prefer the 'Paleo diet'?

  • Ribbon Curling

    22/12/2020 Duration: 06min

    What twisted trickery causes ribbons to curl?

  • Hot Dog Eating

    15/12/2020 Duration: 08min

    What's the maximum number of hot dogs someone could eat in 10 minutes?

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