Jonathan McCrea brings you the latest developments from the world of Science and Technology from robotics in warfare to artificial lifeforms and beyond
The Intricate Skills Required For Bomb Disposal
07/11/2021 Duration: 01h30sIn your news feed or the newspapers or on television, there is probably a recent story on the explosion of some kind of improvised explosive device (IED). For us here in Ireland, those occurrences are nowadays quite rare. However, there are many countries where explosives are a regular occurrence and every day there are men and women who put themselves in harms way in order to deactivate these devices. These are the bomb disposal experts who make a living from switching off devices designed to maim and kill. Many people will have the movie 'The Hurt Locker' in mind when thinking of Bomb Disposal Experts but it is a position that carries many risks and doesn't necessarily match with portrayals depicted in Hollywood movies. In this exclusive and rare interview Jonathan speaks to a bomb disposal expert from the Irish Defence Forces, where for operational reasons the identity of the bomb expert are kept anonymous. On Futureproof today, Jonathan speaks with a bomb disposal expert on what skills are required to dif
Futureproof Extra: Fighting Infectious Diseases
02/11/2021 Duration: 16minFutureproof Extra: Fighting Infectious Diseases