Jonathan McCrea brings you the latest developments from the world of Science and Technology from robotics in warfare to artificial lifeforms and beyond
Was ancient Greece's Antikythera mechanism the world's first computer?
03/11/2024 Duration: 39minMike Edmunds - Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Cardiff University & Founding member of the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project @cardiffPHYSX.
Extra: Mapping the brain of a fly
29/10/2024 Duration: 13minGuest: Tamara Boto - Assistant Professor of Physiology in Trinity College Dublin @TamaraBoto @TCDPhysiology @tcddublin
The future of law enforcement
27/10/2024 Duration: 33minGuest: Martin Mullins - Director of Transgero and Professor of Risk Manangement at the University of Limerick @mjamullins @transgero @UL
Extra: Estimating Ireland's ancient populations
22/10/2024 Duration: 17minGuest: Rowan McLaughlin - Researcher in the Hamilton Institute at Maynooth University @MU_Hamilton @MaynoothUni
Replicating the moon
20/10/2024 Duration: 35minGuest: Aidan Cowley - Science Officer at European Space Agency @esa @esaspaceflight
Extra: Incredible new heart-imaging technology
15/10/2024 Duration: 15minGuest: Dr. Christoph Hennersperger, Co-Founder and CTO, Luma Vision.
How drugs are discovered
13/10/2024 Duration: 30minGuest: Dr William Pao, former Chief Development Officer at Pfizer and Head of Research at Roche and author of 'Breakthrough: The Quest for Life-Changing Medicines'.
Extra: The Myths of Evolution
08/10/2024 Duration: 18minSimon Conway Morris - Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Paleobiology at Cambridge University and Author of From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds: Six Myths of Evolution @EarthSciCam @Cambridge_Uni
The Search for Male Contraception
06/10/2024 Duration: 43minLogan Nickels - Chief Research Officer with the Male Contraceptive Initiative @MaleBCNow
Extra: Inflammatory Bowel Disease - What Causes It?
01/10/2024 Duration: 14minGuest: Colm Collins, Assistant Professor at the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences in UCD, and Conway Investigator.
A brief history of UFOs
29/09/2024 Duration: 34minGuest: Greg Eghigian, Professor of History and Bioethics at Pennsylvania State University, Visiting Research Fellow at the Davis Center for Historical Studies at Princeton University, and author of ‘After the Flying Saucers Came’.
Extra: Lucid Dreaming
24/09/2024 Duration: 16minEmma Peters, a PhD student in the Lucid Lab at the University of Bern in Switzerland.
How AI will change your life
22/09/2024 Duration: 38minPatrick Dixon, Futurist Keynote Speaker and author of ‘How AI Will Change Your Life: A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World’.
Extra: When can we have lab grown meat?
17/09/2024 Duration: 18minSeren Kell - Head of science and technology at the Good Food Institute Europe @SerenLaurelKell @GoodFoodEurope
What happens to your data after you die?
15/09/2024 Duration: 42minCarl Öhman - Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at Uppsala University and author of The Afterlife of Data: What Happens to Your Information When You Die and Why You Should Care @CJ_Ohman @UU_PoliSci
Extra: What is Psilocybin and how does it work?
10/09/2024 Duration: 18minJoshua Siegel - Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
Life after death
08/09/2024 Duration: 37minSam Parnia - Director of Critical Care & Resuscitation Research at the New York University School of Medicine and author of Lucid Dying: The New Science Revolutionizing How We Understand Life and Death.
Extra: How our biology shaped world history
03/09/2024 Duration: 18minGuest: Professor Lewis Dartnell, Astrobiology Research Scientist at the University of Westminster and Author of 'Being Human: How Our Biology Shaped World History' @lewis_dartnell
What really happens during brain surgery
01/09/2024 Duration: 40minGuest: Neurosurgeon Ted Schwartz @TedSchwartz13
Extra: Inflammatory Bowel Disease - What Causes It?
01/09/2024 Duration: 14minGuest: Colm Collins, Assistant Professor at the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences in UCD, and Conway Investigator.