Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message because she believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Each episode of Author Audience will be packed with ACTIONABLE training, spiritual inspiration, and encouragement for you to write, publish, and market your books. However, this podcast is not just about how to write and self-publish a book. It is so much more. Episodes also include topics on book marketing, social media marketing, how to sell more books, product creation, coaching, speaking, etc. Shelley’s passion is to help you connect with your audience in the best way possible. If you are a Christian author, Christian entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach more people with your message, you're in the right place! The question is, are you ready to let your light SHINE?
3 Reasons You Should Make Your Book Interactive
14/09/2016 Duration: 08minAre you planning on publishing a new book? Why not consider making it interactive? In today's training, I'm going to share with you three reasons why you should make your book interactive. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: LET’S CONNECT
How to Set a Realistic Publishing Goal
05/09/2016 Duration: 12minAre you starting a publishing project? How do you set your goals? Are they realistic publishing goals? I'm going to share with you a few tips that I would recommend for you to consider when publishing a new book. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
7 Tips for When You're in a Funk
30/08/2016 Duration: 10minHave you been in a funk lately? I know I have! Here are seven tips you can use when you're in a funk and can't seem to move forward. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: LET’S CONNECT ONLINE! Connect with Shelley on Facebook: http://www.f
{Godly Gain} Busyness: Does it Equal Good Business?
29/08/2016 Duration: 15minHave you tried spending a lot of time on something but when you look back, it seems like you haven't accomplished anything? In today's episode, we will talk about busyness and how it relate to business. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Indie Author Day
27/08/2016 Duration: 18minHave you heard of the Indie Author Day? Today, we will hear about this event and how it will be beneficial for authors who are self-published, published by indie press or hybrid authors. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: LET’S CONNECT
What to do When Your Book Project Turns out Differently Than You Planned
25/08/2016 Duration: 10minWhen things are not going as planned, what should you do about your book project? In this training, I'm going to share with you how you can handle it when your book project works out differently than you planned. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
5 Editing Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Nonfiction Book
24/08/2016 Duration: 17minEditing is so essential in sending your message clearly to your readers. In today's training, I would like to share with you 5 editing mistakes that you should avoid when writing a nonfiction book. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
6 Steps that Helped Me Move from Scarcity to Faith in My Business as an Author
22/08/2016 Duration: 23minSometimes our thinking can slow down our progress as an author. I often call it our stinkin' thinkin'. Are you ready to move from scarcity to faith in your life? This last year, I had a breakthrough in this area of my life and want to share with you the 6 steps I took to move from scarcity to faith. There is no one formula for seeing breakthrough in this area, but I hope this training helps you and encourages you. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactf
One of the Most Rewarding Parts of Being an Author
20/08/2016 Duration: 13minAre you in a middle of a book project and need a little motivation? Today, I want to encourage you to continue to write because there are people out there who need what you have to share and will be blessed by it ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
7 ways to find beta reviews or reviewers for your book
18/08/2016 Duration: 23minWhen you are publishing a new book, creating a Beta Group or reviewers for your book is a brilliant idea. But where do you find beta reviewers for your book? In today's training, I'm going to share with you 7 ways to find beta reviews or reviewers for your book. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Jo
3 Ways to Use a Beta Group When Publishing a Book
07/08/2016 Duration: 07minDo you know what a Beta Group is and how it can help you when writing and publishing your new book? In today's training, I will share with you three ways on how you can use your beta group in publishing your books. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: www.shelleyhitz.c
{Godly Gain} Fixing our eyes on the goal. Wading through a sea of distractions.
03/08/2016 Duration: 20minMany times we're given a task or a goal by God but we get distracted along the way. In today's Godly gain segment, we discuss about how we can fix our eyes on our goals and wade through distractions. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
{Godly Gain} Are you striving in the flesh or the Spirit?
01/08/2016 Duration: 17minMany times we strive in our own efforts to make something work and then go to God once we're tired and worn out. In today's Godly Gain segment, we encourage you to stop striving and let God work in you and through you. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: www.shelleyhitz
{Godly Gain} Got skillz_ What are the special skills God has given you (Exodus 31)
31/07/2016 Duration: 12minGod gives special skills - CJ Hitz What are your special skills and how are you using them? Today, we would like to give you this short message because we know that encouragement to really keep our eyes on Christ is so important as we write our books. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next L
Where should you focus? Here are my top 10 list of high impact tasks for authors
29/07/2016 Duration: 19minMany authors are overwhelmed with the number of tasks that they are facing. But which are really the most important tasks to focus on? Today, I would like to share with you the top ten high impact tasks for authors. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
{Focus2Finish Session} How Debra Butterfield Will Use Webinars to Grow Her Business in the Next 90 Days
28/07/2016 Duration: 31minHave you set your 90-day goal yet? How are you working to achieve it? Join us today in my first focus2finish session with Debra Butterfield and we will give you insights that could help you achieve your goal. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
{Godly Gain} Feeding our pride with numbers
20/07/2016 Duration: 18minDo you get caught up in obsessively checking the number of likes, followers and shares you get on social media? Watch as we talk about how these numbers can feed our pride and how it can affect us spiritually. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
The POWER of setting goals and having accountability
19/07/2016 Duration: 14minGoal setting is a topic that never gets old! Are you setting specific goals and reviewing them on a regular basis? In this training, we are going to discuss the power of setting goals and having accountability. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
7 ways to build buzz for your book without hard-selling - instead BUBBLE!!
18/07/2016 Duration: 18minMany authors struggle in being authentic and relatable in their book marketing. Today, I'm going to share with you a training on how you can build buzz for your book without being pushy or self-promotional. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here:
{Godly Gain} Being Led by the Spirit in Our Writing and Following the Example of Jesus in Prayer
13/07/2016 Duration: 26minDo you have some ideas on what to write, but you are not sure about it? Surely you don't want to go forward, blind-folded. Here's an encouraging message for you that will give direction to your writing. ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here: This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for more FREE Training Join my next LIVE webinar here: