Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message because she believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Each episode of Author Audience will be packed with ACTIONABLE training, spiritual inspiration, and encouragement for you to write, publish, and market your books. However, this podcast is not just about how to write and self-publish a book. It is so much more. Episodes also include topics on book marketing, social media marketing, how to sell more books, product creation, coaching, speaking, etc. Shelley’s passion is to help you connect with your audience in the best way possible. If you are a Christian author, Christian entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach more people with your message, you're in the right place! The question is, are you ready to let your light SHINE?
#203: Breakthrough Insecurity as a Writer (Breakthrough Series)
24/07/2019 Duration: 28minHave you ever said Is my writing good enough? Do I have what it takes? Do I have the skills I need to be a writer? In this episode of our Breakthrough series, CJ and I are going to help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of fear. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the powerful combination of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back. Scripture mentioned: 1 John 4:18, John 13:23 (NKJV), Exodus 31:1-3 NLT, Galatians 5:16 (NIV) “2 Corinthians 12:10 NLT Resources: The importance as a Christian author of knowing our identity Filled and Skilled as a writer 5 questions to ask when you’re NOT feeling qualified or an expert and wondering if what you have to share is important: If this Breakthrough series has been blessing you, make s
#202 Freedom from People Pleasing (Breakthrough Series)
19/07/2019 Duration: 48minDo you have fear of what others will think regarding your writing? Are you afraid of criticism and being judged? In this episode of our Breakthrough series, CJ and I are going to help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of people-pleasing. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the powerful combination of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back. Scriptures mentioned: Galatians 2:11-16, Philippians 2:5-7 NKJV, Matthew 25, 1 Samuel 17:38-40 Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) The Truth: “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.” Galatians 1:10 NLT Resources: Mark DeJesus, “Exposing the Rejection Mindset” Broken Crayons Still Color book by Shelley Hitz One reason Christian authors resist marketing http://www.traini
#201: Conquer the Fear of Sharing Your Story (Breakthrough Series)
17/07/2019 Duration: 41minHave you ever felt fear about publishing your words in a book? Whether you write nonfiction or fiction it can feel like a daunting task. And many times fear stands in our way like a bully trying to get us to quit. In this episode of our Breakthrough series, CJ and Shelley are going to help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of fear. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the powerful combination of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back. Scriptures mentioned: 2 Timothy 1:7-8, Tomans 8:11, Nehemiah 4:1-15, Revelation 12:11 Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) The Truth: 2 Timothy 1:7-8 - “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of
#200: Comparison: 7 Ways to Overcome the Comparison Trap in Your Writing (Breakthrough Series)
12/07/2019 Duration: 42minHave you ever struggled with comparison in your writing? Have you ever asked the question How is my writing any different than what’s already been written? In this episode of our Breakthrough series, we are going to help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of comparison. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the powerful combination of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back. Scriptures mentioned: Galatians 6:4-5, Hebrews 12:2a TPT Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) The Truth: Galatians 6:4-5 - “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” If this Breakthrough series has been blessing you, make sure to download our free PDF, “5 Practical Tips for Christian Writers to Breakthrough Writers’ Block” here: http://www.traini
#199: Self Doubt: Am I Qualified? (Breakthrough Series)
10/07/2019 Duration: 27minHave you ever struggled with self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness in your writing? Have you ever asked the questions, “Am I qualified to write a book? Who am I to publish a book?” In this episode of our Breakthrough series we will help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of self-doubt. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the dynamite of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back. Scriptures mentioned: 2 Corinthians 1:27-29 (NLT), Acts 4:13 (NIV), Exodus 3:11-14, Ephesians 3:20, Judges 6-8, 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIV) Team Hoyt story. Watch their story here: The truth: Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIV), “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” Free Gift If this Breakthrough series has been blessing you, make sure to download our free PDF, “5 Practical Tips f
#198: 15 Prayers for Christian Writers
07/07/2019 Duration: 01h40minJoin us in this episode as CJ and Shelley pray for you to have a breakthrough in your writing in the following 15 areas of resistance that Christian writers face. Note: To interact with us on this training and comment, watch this episode here: Introduction TIMESTAMP - 7:33 1.) Self-doubt/unworthiness: Am I qualified? Who am I? What do I have to share that people want to hear? Scripture: Psalm 94:16-19, 2 Corinthians 4:7 TIMESTAMP - 15:28 2.) Comparison: It’s already been done. How is what I’m writing any different than what’s already been written? Looking at bestsellers and seeing that as what a book is supposed to be, what my book should be. Scripture: Galatians 6:4-5, Hebrews 12:2 TIMESTAMP - 20:28 3.) Fear: Fear of sharing my story. Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7-8, Revelation 12:11 TIMESTAMP - 26:07 4.) People-pleasing: Fear of what others will think. Afraid of criticism and being judged. Scripture: Galatians 1:10 TIMESTAMP - 32:07 5.) Insec
#197: A New Podcast Name! Welcome to the Kingdom Writers Podcast.
20/06/2019 Duration: 26minThis is our big, exciting news! The podcast, Author Audience, has a new name. Yay! If you'd like to know even more, email us at to ask for a private link to a video we shared with our members this week about the changes. This video will give you the real, raw journey of why we decided to change the name of the podcast and the membership. So here we go. A new season and a fresh start. So exciting! Welcome to the Kingdom Writers podcast where CJ and Shelley Hitz are passionate about equipping and empowering Christian writers of all genres to share their unique gifts with the world. This podcast is filled with spiritual encouragement as well as prayers to help you overcome the resistance you face as a writer. Your story matters! We believe that you have a specific role to play in the kingdom of heaven to impact lives for eternity. And because of this, we will pour out our lives encouraging writers like you to not only tell your stories but to take the courageous step of self-publishin
#196: How to Organize Your Journals into Book Content
12/02/2019 Duration: 11minAre you stuck in getting all the contents organized from your journals? Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the amount of content that we can get from our journals that we get paralyzed and stuck. In today's training, I am sharing with you tips on how to get your journal contents organized in three easy ways. ========================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community
#195: How to Get Started Creating Videos
05/02/2019 Duration: 15minVideo is one of the most effective tools in marketing your book. But are you using this tool to your advantage? Today, I want to share with you tips on how you can get yourself started in creating videos that would be a powerful way to market your products. =============================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at CLICK HERE for
#194: Following the Voice of God in Your Writing with Kellie Frazier
28/01/2019 Duration: 20minAre you following God's voice in your writing? How do you know if it's God's voice or your own desire? How do we hear God's voice? In today's episode, Kellie Frazier shares with us her incredible story of hearing God's voice, trusting in Him and seeing her faith unfold right before her eyes. This is going to bless you. ========================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our gro
#193: How to Persevere in Your Writing
21/01/2019 Duration: 17minDo you feel like you're fighting a battle in your writing, publishing or marketing your book? What do you do? I want to encourage you today with the story of Hezekiah and how he persevered and won his battle. I hope this encourages you to never stop and continue on what God wants you to do. ========================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at AuthorAudie
#192: Writers - Where Do You Put Your Trust?
15/01/2019 Duration: 18minAre you fighting a battle right now? We have real enemies trying to stop God's specific purpose for us. Who do you trust in and call for help to fight your enemies? Today, I am sharing a powerful message about trusting God in the midst of our battles. The battle is not ours, but it's God's. ========================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at AuthorAudie
#191: How to Launch a Book and Ecourse with Matt Tommey
22/11/2018 Duration: 20minDo you use your content to the fullest? Have you fully explored all the options you have for using your book for income and impact? In this training, Matt Tommey shares with us how repurposing helped him launch a book and an ecourse. Plus, he shares other book marketing tips that he has had success with. Watch my new webinar here: =============================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business
#190: Turning Situation into Success - Overcoming Obstacles
16/11/2018 Duration: 18minHow do you turn a situation into success? If there are hurdles in writing your book, do you just give up or does it become an opportunity to grow? In this episode, Erika Grace, as she introduces her book, Turning Situation into Success and how she was able to finish writing this book, despite the different obstacles she had to overcome throughout her writing journey. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: =============================================== Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program
#189: Did You Give Up Too Soon?
07/11/2018 Duration: 16minHave you ever tried doing something and it did not go as you've expected? Did you just give up after you "failed" or did you try other ways to do it? When should you give up? Today's message is all about learning when to give up and when to push through. I hope this message will encourage you as it did to me. Watch my new webinar “10 Ways I've Earned Income as an Artist (and you can too)” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find y
#188: Is Your Book Launch the End or Just the Beginning?
28/09/2018 Duration: 09minAre you disappointed by the result of your recent book launch? Or are you afraid that your book launch will not be "successful" based on your book sales? In today's training, I would like to encourage you that your book launch is not the end but just the beginning of your journey. I hope this encourages you. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a
#187: Transitioning from Kindle Only Books to Print Books with Teresa Mills
14/09/2018 Duration: 14minDo you have a kindle book that you're thinking of publishing into print? What is stopping you from doing it? In this episode, Teresa Mills shares with us how her transition from kindle to print books helped her sell more books. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful mi
#186: Your Story Matters
12/09/2018 Duration: 14minWe all have stories to share. And someone out there is just waiting for your story that could potentially save or change their lives forever. Are you willing to share it? Today, I want to encourage you to be bold in sharing your story...because it matters. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profit
#185: Never Underestimate the Power of a Great Book Cover
31/08/2018 Duration: 22minDo you know that your book cover has a big impact on marketing and advertising your book? In today's session, Crista Crawford shares with us how changing her book cover helped her move forward to marketing her book better. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministr
#184: Inspiration From Young Published Authors: An Interview with Fireflies Aglow
14/08/2018 Duration: 25minCreativity knows no age. And these group of young people shows us that by publishing their own book. In today's episode, be inspired as Fireflies Aglow shares their journey as they explore their creativity at their very young ages. Watch my new webinar “Write Now: Removing the Obstacles to Your Writing Life” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactfu

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