Learn English. Learn real English. Learn Rock n Roll English!
Things That Make You Happy with Lindsay from All Ears English
05/02/2024 Duration: 27minToday we are joined by a very special guest as Lindsay from All Ears English joins us! We talk about all things happiness and Lindsay always shares some happiness wisdom with us with her Type 1 / Type 2 theory! Plus lots of stories in true RnR English fashion! So get on the headphones and just keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
The Benefits of Drinking
22/01/2024 Duration: 26minEveryone wants to be healthy these days (which is great), but let's not forget all the fun that you can have drinking! So that's what we talk about today! We speak to the Hellraiser who is obviously more than qualified on the subject! So get your headphones on and just keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
Vocabulary Stories with Keith from English Speaking Success
08/01/2024 Duration: 24minTo kick off the New Year we have a special guest, but we are doing usual RnR English things with lots of RnR Stories! So get the headphones on and just keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
Should We Tell Kids The TRUTH About Santa?
18/12/2023 Duration: 28minChristmas is now upon us so we talk about the main man! Firstly about his character, is he such a good guy after all? And then whether we should tell kids the truth. Plus talk about cat poo, Batman's car and lots more! So get the headphones on and just keeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
The World of Coaching ⚡#320
11/12/2023 Duration: 24min"Coaching" is massively in fashion at the moment, but what is it? Today we speak to a qualified coach to find out and as usual.... in an RnR way! So get the headphones on and keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
FB Live & Giveaway!
06/12/2023 Duration: 03minI'm doing a Facebook Live this evening at 8pm UK Time (9pm CET), you just need to be logged onto Facebook and make sure you follow my FB Page). Remember you can win a prize, all you need to do is ask me a question which you can do HERE.
Are You Sporty Or A Couch Potato?
04/12/2023 Duration: 30minA TRUE RnR English episode today! Tune into an entertaining chat with 2 old school friends who talk about showering together at 11 years old, only ever playing one sport, what it means to be "invincible" and lots more! So get the headphones on and keeeeeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
A Boy, A Sandpit & A Stone
27/11/2023 Duration: 12minBack with a folktale today, after you listen to it, don't forget to put your name on the waiting list HERE.
New Vocab Course Preview Part 3
24/11/2023 Duration: 11minRemember you can join the waiting list to get the Mega Black Friday Offer HERE.
The NO-STUDY British English Vocabulary Masterclass Part 2 ✌️
23/11/2023 Duration: 14minRemember you can get this course totally for FREE with my crazy Black Friday offer! There will only be 50 places available, so register your interest HERE so that you receive the link to buy the offer before it goes on general sale. P.S. If you'd like to read more information about The NO-STUDY British English Vocabulary Masterclass, click HERE.
New Vocab Course + Black Friday Offer
21/11/2023 Duration: 22minHave a listen to my new vocab course and also hear about my CRAZY Black Friday Offer! You can make sure you get the offer by joining the waiting list so that you have the chance to buy it before it goes on general sale, you can join the waiting list HERE.
70 Years of British History
20/11/2023 Duration: 28minAs always, if you're expecting a really serious history discussion, you're in the wrong place. BUT... if you are looking for some light-hearted chat about some of the big events in British History since the 1950s, then you're in the right place! So get the headphones on, listen up and keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
Learning Through Non-Fiction Books
13/11/2023 Duration: 25minA very interesting podcast today where I reveal some embarrassing truths, but also one of my greatest passions! A big thanks to my guest Masha for the inspiration to this podcast!
Embarrassing Things That Happen to All Of Us Part 2
06/11/2023 Duration: 29minWe're back to talking about the important things in life such as waving to someone and they don't wave back, toilet seats and even wives stealing phones! So it's all going off today, get your headphones on and just keeeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
The North South Divide with Anna from Speak Like a Native
23/10/2023 Duration: 31minToday we have a very special guest and I speak to a very special guest! Anna from Speak Like a Native joins us today and we speak about the North South divide in England where we look at the typical stereotypes - are people from the North friendlier? Are men from the South not "real men?" Is the weather in the North really worse than in the South? All of these questions are explored as well as much more, so get the headphones on and keeeeeeeep on ROCKin'!
Embarrassing Things That Happen To All Of Us
09/10/2023 Duration: 25minDo a poo at someone's house and the toilet won't flush, car karaoke sessions, being left alone at a party, we cover it ALL (and more) in today's episode! So get the headphones on, get comfy and just keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!