Mothering can be an inspired journey to our most glittering, authentic, passionate, creative and connected selves. Through the mirror offered to us by our children, we are taken to every hurt, unmet need, and also every joy and excitement weve ever experienced. We want every woman and mother to give themselves and those around them the compassion, love and healing they so readily offer their children, but rarely allow themselves. Journey with us as we discuss the many layers of being a mother today, where we have come from and where we want to go. Learn tools to connect with yourself, offer compassion to those parts wed rather deny and get back in love with yourself, motherhood and who you are as a feminine woman.
NTM 187: What is the story you’re letting become you?
21/01/2019 Duration: 38minWe all run a story, the question is not if you are, but WHAT IS IT? Bridget’s is ‘I can’t work more and be the mum I want to be’, Julie’s is ‘toddlers are hard, I don’t have time for anything else…including what I really want to be doing’….but when we choose to believe our Listen InThe post NTM 187: What is the story you’re letting become you? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 186: The Best of 2018
14/01/2019 Duration: 01h08minThis episode is a little different! Today we’ve put together some gold nuggets from our most popular episodes of 2018. There’s wisdom we’d forgotten about, moments we’d love to jump back to, and a whole lot of love for what it is to nourish the mother (yourself) at the centre of all the crazy happenings Listen InThe post NTM 186: The Best of 2018 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 185: Monetising Motherhood
07/01/2019 Duration: 39minIn this episode we get real about how we started Nourishing the Mother, where we wanted it to take us and you, and what’s evolved into a thriving business four years later. You CAN monetise your motherhood, or whatever YOUR top value is…you just have to SEE it first, appreciate it second and be willing Listen InThe post NTM 185: Monetising Motherhood appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 184: Manifesting your 2019
31/12/2018 Duration: 45minIt’s on everyone’s mind this time of year – ‘What do I want for this year?’ – yet how many of us actually carve out the time to consciously work on manifesting what we desire? How many of us are too scared to really ‘go there’? In this episode we share Julie’s recent experiences of Listen InThe post NTM 184: Manifesting your 2019 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children
24/12/2018 Duration: 40minHow do you decide to grow your family? What do these conversations look like in a relationship where one partner is a ‘no’? In this episode we explore the challenging conversations that take place as we seek to listen to our heart’s yearning, while respecting and honouring our partner’s desires…and Merry Christmas! Relevant links: Nourishing Listen InThe post NTM 183: Getting to a place of ‘yes’ for more children appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 182: Flip Your Finances – stories from anxiety to empowerment
17/12/2018 Duration: 52minDo you feel creeping anxiety at the amount of money shelled out this time of year? Do you condemn and ridicule the culture of consumerism? In this episode we revisit our financial stories from two years ago, the growth and changes that have occurred for us personally in that time, and how we can move Listen InThe post NTM 182: Flip Your Finances – stories from anxiety to empowerment appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 181: When your parenting toolkit is asking you for more
10/12/2018 Duration: 39minThis week we share stories of our own from moments in our week where we’ve been ‘tool-less’ and required to ‘up-skill’, stepping bravely where we never have before! Sometimes this journey of parenting takes us places we never thought we’d go and in reflection we have the opportunity to gain the wisdom, see the growth Listen InThe post NTM 181: When your parenting toolkit is asking you for more appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 180: Is Santa Real?
03/12/2018 Duration: 40minIn today’s episode we seek to explore this age-old question through story, anecdote and thought-provoking questions about the meaning of magic. No matter where you sit on this topic, we hope you’ll be inspired to enter into this festive season with your children in a congruent and meaningful way. Relevant links: Nourishing the Mother Listen InThe post NTM 180: Is Santa Real? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 179: If I hate motherhood right now, how good of a mother am I?
26/11/2018 Duration: 33minWhen motherhood is something you deeply value, or thought you did, what does it mean when it gets so hard you begin to resent it? Who are you if you are not the compassionate, empathetic, gentle communicator you hold on a pedestal?….The pain we face here as conscious parents can be immense, but what is Listen InThe post NTM 179: If I hate motherhood right now, how good of a mother am I? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 178: Oh for f*ck’s sake…when transitions get hard
19/11/2018 Duration: 47minHow do you cope when your child is going through behavioural challenges associated with a big transition? Can you ‘dig deep’ when the moment calls, or do you find yourself wanting to ‘run’? Often, there’s a bit of both at play. In this episode we explore through our recent stories, and practical tips, various ways Listen InThe post NTM 178: Oh for f*ck’s sake…when transitions get hard appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 177: When the personal is political – An interview with the Health Australia Party
12/11/2018 Duration: 49minDo you consider how much public policy shapes your personal choices? How much do you think your vote counts towards the world you want to see? In this episode Bridget interviews Andrew Hicks of the Health Australia Party, and Candidate Pippa Campbell, to explore why the ‘personal is political’. Through honest conversation on some of Listen InThe post NTM 177: When the personal is political – An interview with the Health Australia Party appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 176: How to stay open in the face of discomfort
05/11/2018 Duration: 43minIn your relationship, how do you deal with your edges; do you run? hide? peacemake? Fire up? What would it look like if you were to remain ‘open’ instead? To stay receptive? How would that change your reality? In this episode we discuss, through story and practical tools, how to stay open even when you’re Listen InThe post NTM 176: How to stay open in the face of discomfort appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 175: Burnt out by love – when being in service runs you into the ground
29/10/2018 Duration: 35minFeeling burnt out by love can look like anger, tears, exhaustion, resentment, feeling touched out, and like you’re holding yourself together by a thread. So what do you do when you find yourself here? What does it call you towards? How can you love this phase and find your way out? Here’s where we take Listen InThe post NTM 175: Burnt out by love – when being in service runs you into the ground appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 174: The desire for our relationship to fulfil everything for us
22/10/2018 Duration: 31minIn this episode we explore the ways in which we can get in the habit of projecting onto our partner all of the things we want, or want to become, by thinking they need to be everything for us. The truth is to retain our sovereignty, there needs to be enough ‘sameness’ and enough ‘different-ness’ Listen InThe post NTM 174: The desire for our relationship to fulfil everything for us appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 173: Being Fearlessly authentic and connected in your mothering
15/10/2018 Duration: 36minOur greatest gift as mothers is raising little humans designed to bring out our most authentic self…it’s just really painful! What if there was no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ behaviour, but your children asking you to get more and more congruent and authentic with what you feel and what you say? What if our greatest offering Listen InThe post NTM 173: Being Fearlessly authentic and connected in your mothering appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 172: Whatever you condemn, you breed, attract or become
08/10/2018 Duration: 30minIn response to a listener’s question, this week we expand upon the concept that whatever you condemn or judge, you will breed into your life and relationship in order to balance your perceptions and love more parts of yourself and those around you. When you become aware of this principle, you can see your feelings, Listen InThe post NTM 172: Whatever you condemn, you breed, attract or become appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 171: He can’t be in his masculine if I am
01/10/2018 Duration: 29minIt’s so easy to judge our partner for ‘not measuring up’, not meeting our needs or just, being too feminine. But what if its not them at all? What if you’re taking up ALL the space of the masculine and there’s none left for them to step up and into? What happens when we find Listen InThe post NTM 171: He can’t be in his masculine if I am appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 170: When we’re coaching our children, we’re coaching ourselves
24/09/2018 Duration: 32minThe parent-child dynamic is one of the most profound cornerstones of our vision of Aligned Parenting; to be able to parent from a place of recognition – what is them and what is us? What is happening below the surface behaviour? Why is it here? What is it healing? What is it seeking to empower? Listen InThe post NTM 170: When we’re coaching our children, we’re coaching ourselves appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 169: The Fertility Journey – an interview with Kirsten Wolfe
17/09/2018 Duration: 57minIn this episode we dive into the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and fertility with Kirsten Wolfe, Acupuncturist and Director of Mornington Chinese Medicine. We weave in personal story, touching on our own experiences working with Kirsten through miscarriage, while asking the big questions about fertility, IVF, natural conception, and the places they take a Listen InThe post NTM 169: The Fertility Journey – an interview with Kirsten Wolfe appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 168: When we hold our kids to higher standards than we hold ourselves
10/09/2018 Duration: 34minDo you hear yourself saying things to your children and recognise it might be a bit unreasonable? Or ponder where you yourself ‘lose your shit’ or don’t speak respectfully, or fire up instead of play nice? In this weeks episode we get honest about all the ways in which we tend to hold our children Listen InThe post NTM 168: When we hold our kids to higher standards than we hold ourselves appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

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