Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
40 - Ghost Tours for the Theatre of the Mind with History Goes Bump - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
04/09/2015 Duration: 01h06minDo you like ghost tours? Are you a fan of the kind of paranormal history that... goes bump? Diane and Denise from The History Goes Bump podcast take us behind the scenes of their ghost tours for the theatre of the mind. Visit for more info. Pssst... Are you looking for the SpeakPipe Link? In this episode: Episode preview :00 Shoutouts! 2:20 International Podcast Day is September 30th! How will you celebrate International Podcast Day? 4:43 Meet Diane Student and Denise Moormeier, the hosts of the History Goes Bump podcast 6:52 What's the History Goes Bump podcast? "Ghost tours for the theatre of the mind" 7:35 The true story of When a Stranger Calls 8:40 More on how the History Goes Bump journey began 10:00 How did the interest in history begin? 13:38 Favorite time periods! 16:54 So many haunted locations to choose from! 18:59 Some of the recent haunted spots covered on History Goes Bump: Moses Cone Manor in North Carolina, Salem Witch Trials, Danvers State Hospital in M
39 - Karen A. Dahlman, The Spirit of Alchemy, and More Ouija LIVE - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
20/08/2015 Duration: 01h20minThe audio version of the very first LIVE video episode of The Big Séance Podcast. Our guest is fan favorite, Karen A. Dahlman, and we talk about her latest book, "The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion", a behind the scenes look at how it was written, plus listener ouija questions. Visit for more info! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? In this episode: Listener feedback from John Lilies of the blog, Carbon Lilies :00 Question from a loyal listener - Can anyone help? 1:33 Introduction of today's episode 2:25 John's blog post, 13.1 Reflections 2:49 International Podcast Day is September 30th! 4:24 LIVE interview with Karen A. Dahlman begins! 4:58 The Spirit of Alchemy and the role the ouija played in the writing of it 8:11 The artwork on the cover of the book 11:00 The ancient art of alchemy 14:08 DAKi, Karen's not-so-imaginary playmate! 18:55 The very special story of an early mentor... and belly dancing?! Whaaat?! 22:43 What does it look like when Karen c
38 - Spirit Guides, Development Circles, Science, and Mediumship with Claire Broad - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
08/08/2015 Duration: 01h25minUK medium, Claire Broad, shares stories of Whitefeather, her spirit guide. Learn how she developed her mediumship starting at the age of four! Claire paints a picture of the development circle, and explains why she thinks mediumship should be dealt with like a science. Visit for more info! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Meet Claire Broad 2:10 Childhood and early mediumship experiences 6:37 Can you smell YOUR spirit guide? 13:02 Whitefeather, Claire's spirit guide 15:00 The road to mediumship 19:00 Evidence of the survival of consciousness 21:53 Claire's story of being healed by Whitefeather 23:43 Native Americans, snakes, and healing 29:00 How do you connect with your spirit guide? 38:50 Patience 45:53 Learning more about Merlin, my spirit guide 47:59 Claire on development circles and working on your personal spiritual development 52:15 Mediums are like plumbers. Some are good. Some are not so good. 56:50 The physical phenomena that C
Announcement: Karen A. Dahlman LIVE on July 30th
27/07/2015 Duration: 03minI am excited to announce and invite you to a special LIVE video episode of The Big Séance Podcast with guest, Karen A. Dahlman! It all happens Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 8pm Central (CT)! We’ll talk all things Ouija and Karen’s latest book, The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion. Go to for more info! Submit a question or record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your question or voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information. Please help The Big Séance Podcast by subscribing, rating, and reviewing the show on iTunes, TuneIn Radio, or Stitcher! Also, check out BigSé!
37 - Spiritualism, Development Circles, and Ouija with Marion Hover - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
23/07/2015 Duration: 58minThe United Kingdom really knows how to rock the whole Spiritualism thing. In Part 1 of my Mediumship in the UK series, platform medium Marion Hover shares a bit about her background with Spiritualism, two very cool experiences involving her mediumship, and her work with development circles and the Ouija. Visit for more info! Call the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Information about this and the next episode (Mediumship in the UK) 3:20 TuneIn Radio Announcement and my appearance on the History Goes Bump Podcast 2:16 Meet Marion Hover! 5:46 What is a platform medium? 6:56 Marion’s background in the Spiritualist Church. 8:50 Development Circles/What does modern Spiritualism look like? 12:47 The amazing story of Marion helping a soul cross over 15:37 Marion’s nephew makes a spirit visit 21:36 More on Development Circles (and talk of the “Scole Group”) 27:23 Marion's experiences with Table Tipping an
36 - The Haunted Myrtles Plantation, Natchez Mississippi, New Orleans, and Cemeteries Galore - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
09/07/2015 Duration: 44minAre you brave enough to stay the night at the haunted Myrtles Plantation? I did. Join me as I talk about the exciting stops on my summer vacation through the south, here in the US. Other paranormal spots included the King's Tavern in Natchez, MS, Oak Alley Plantation, and the Lalaurie Mansion in New Orleans. Call the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? Visit for more show notes! In this episode: A quick summary of this episode! :38 Leaving St. Louis for Lamberts Cafe in Sikeston, MO 1:54 Stayed the night at the Hilton Memphis (Sorry, Elvis) 2:49 We arrived in the beautiful and historic Natchez, MS. View the photos I took around the city in my Natchez album on Flickr. 3:14 King’s Tavern — Featured on Ghost Adventures in Season 7, episode 18 from 2013. Kings Tavern is the oldest standing building in the Mississippi Territory and Natchez and its history goes all the way back to 1769. 3:36 Plan B and stumbling into a beautiful surprise! 4:17
35 - Goth and the Paranormal with Cemetery Confessions - The Big Séance Podcast
25/06/2015 Duration: 01h12minHow much do you really know about the goth community? Have you considered that the goth and paranormal subcultures might have a lot more in common than you realized? Enjoy this fascinating discussion with The Count and Mark, the hosts of the Cemetery Confessions podcast. Call the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? Visit for more show notes! In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Where have I been? 2:49 Meet The Count and Mark (AKA DJ Gomez), the hosts of Cemetery Confessions 4:03 Why the name “Cemetery Confessions”? 10:24 Goths and cemeteries 10:47 How does the goth culture view death and mortality? 14:07 Do the paranormal and goth subcultures have a lot in common? 16:46 Explanation of the goth lifestyle 18:49 Isn’t spirit communication and talking to the dead a little goth? 20:28 Patrick works to earn an honorary goth card 21:14 Fall and Halloween… a time to be goth 22:28 Patrick’s Halloween Altar… do I earn more points? 25:03
34 - Paranormal Subculture and the Charlie Charlie Challenge - The Big Séance Podcast
03/06/2015 Duration: 32minIn this episode, Patrick talks to 2 local high school students for a research project about the paranormal subculture. We also dig into the Charlie Charlie Challenge phenomenon. Have you taken the challenge? Call the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? Visit for more show notes! In this episode: Where I’ve been and what has changed! :38 My meeting with Rick and Daniel, and the Paranormal Subculture Interview 1:57 “Tendencies” in subcultures and further description of the Ethnography project 2:45 Young people and their thoughts about the paranormal 5:37 The struggle Rick and Daniel went through to find help with their project 8:35 Where do you fit into the paranormal subculture 10:14 I shared my “See Dorothy” EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) from a past investigation of a family residence 11:08 One of my very favorite EVPs - “It’s All Over Me”, captured on one of our investigations of Friedens United Church of Christ in St. Charles, Miss
33 - Dream Interpretation with Karen Burton - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
17/04/2015 Duration: 49minHear Karen Burton recount some powerful dreams, including those that just may be visits from our deceased loved ones. Learn how she interprets these dreams, and how you can too! Call the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? Visit for more show notes! In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Some Shout Outs and Thank Yous! 1:49 Meet Karen Burton! 3:31 When did Karen start interpreting dreams? 6:07 Symbols and dream dictionaries 8:02 Being able to read in your dreams 10:26 Spirit visits from passed loved ones 13:21 How to know if it was really a spirit visit 19:13 Can and should we invite spirits to visit us in dreams? 24:22 Dreamscapes 27:00 When we're more likely to remember vivid dreams 29:42 Dreaming about and predicting deaths 32:00 Precognitive dreams 37:05 Karen recounts a very touching and powerful precognitive dream involving her children 37:56 What's going on with Karen and where to find her 45:23 For More on Karen Burton: Wor
32 - The Mysterious Story of Patience Worth - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
03/04/2015 Duration: 28minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? The mysterious story of Pearl Curran, who channeled entire books and other works from a spirit known as Patience Worth, and all through the Ouija board. Also, the winner of the Love Never Dies book giveaway! Visit for more show notes! In this episode: Ghostwriter and Ghost: The Strange Case of Pearl Curran & Patience Worth by Ed Simon, from The Public Domain Review 1:18 Two Moms and a Baby from the article Ouija poet Patience Worth: 100 years and many moons later, by Jane Henderson, from the St. Louis Post Dispatch (Shared by permission.) 18:17 I am currently reading The Patience of Pearl: Spiritualism and Authorship in the Writings of Pearl Curran by Daniel B. Shea 21:57 Rebecca Codner is the winner of the Love Never Dies Book Giveaway! Congratulations, Rebecca! Also, thanks to author Jamie Turndorf and Hay House for the book! 22:26 An update on my future episode with Keith Johnson, demonologist and par
31 - Departing Visions and After Death Communication with Carla Wills-Brandon - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
19/03/2015 Duration: 59minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Psst… Are you looking for the SpeakPipe link? Carla Wills-Brandon, author and researcher, discusses Deathbed or Departing Visions and other After Death Communication. We also talk about Death Phobia, as well as an exciting discussion about psychomanteums! Check out Carla’s book, Heavenly Hugs: Comfort, Support, and Hope from the Afterlife, which is also found on the Recommended Reading list. Visit for more show notes. In this episode: Patrick tells the story of his Grandpa Keller’s After Death Communication (ADC) :39 Introduction of Carla Wills-Brandon and Deathbed Visions/Departing Visions 2:31 Carla’s Bio 3:45 What led Carla to researching Departing Visions and life after death topics? 7:32 William Barrett and Deathbed Visions 11:30 Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson’s study of Departing Visions 12:50 Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and the missing chapter 15:20 Beginning her research and collecting stories 17:08 Carla and Raymond Moody’s Psychoman
30 - The Amazing Story of Psychic Medium, Dr. Linda Salvin - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
05/03/2015 Duration: 53minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Dr. Linda Salvin shares her unbelievable spiritual and psychic journey that stemmed from a series of accidents, beginning with surviving a commercial airliner crash in 1981. She gives a reading on air, we talk about her Wicks of Wisdom™, and she shares some big news! Visit for more show notes. Dr. Linda’s Bio Dr. Linda Salvin is a 21-year radio host veteran and metaphysician. Dr. Linda was not born with psychic gifts. A series of devastating accidents transformed her life. With each of these experiences, her spiritual connection to the Universe and her psychic gifts began to grow. Spiritual awakenings resulting from a plane crash, fire truck and another near-death experience with the white light, caused her to seek out ways to integrate her education and experiences to assist others on a new holistic and metaphysical path. Known as a "psychic's psychic", fellow psychics consult her from cities across the United States. Her radio show is a mix of sophist
29 - The Spirit of Creativity and More Ouija with Karen A. Dahlman - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
19/02/2015 Duration: 01h13minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Author, licensed therapist, and Ouija Expert, Karen A. Dahlman, gives us the scoop on what role the Ouija board played in her first book, The Spirit of Creativity: Embodying Your Soul’s Passion. Also, how do you move beyond your own limiting beliefs? How do you channel chaos creatively? Plus, meditation, dreams, self-hypnosis, and how to know if you are sleepwalking through life. Visit for more show notes. Today’s guest is one of your favorites. Her first interview on the Big Séance Podcast was all the way back to episode 5. She was then co-host for episode 17, which was one of our special Halloween episodes, and she had contributions in episodes 19 and 24. Today she gets the stage, once again, all by herself, though it’s a different book this time. We’re going to be talking about her first book, The Spirit of Creativity: Embodying Your Soul’s Passion. Karen A. Dahlman is an author, licensed therapist, business owner & consultant and a leading ex
28 - Learn How to Record EVP: The Session - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
12/02/2015 Duration: 31minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Are you fascinated by the EVP examples you hear on your favorite paranormal television shows? Have you ever wanted to learn just how to conduct an EVP session? Or maybe you’re already actively involved in an area of spirit communication, but you’d like to learn about someone else’s process and hear a new perspective on EVP. In this episode, I share the techniques that I’ve learned and use in my research on Electronic Voice Phenomena. Visit for more show notes. How to Record EVP: The Session There are many many ways of recording for and capturing EVP. For decades, people all over the world have successfully recorded spirit voices in their own individual way. There are basic techniques and there are techniques that are rather complicated, some requiring more equipment and more explanation. There are also techniques that due to times changing and new technology, are just outdated. My experiences with EVP began as a paranormal investigator, but more recentl
27 - Carole J. Obley and Soul to Soul Connections - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
05/02/2015 Duration: 01h13sCall the show (775) 583-5563! A conversation with spiritual medium, Carole J. Obley, on such topics as past lives, meditation, how she uses her gifts, the most memorable messages that she has received from spirit, and her book, Soul to Soul Connections: Comforting Messages from the Spirit World. Visit for show notes. Carole J. Obley, of Soulvisions, LLC - is a professional spiritual medium from Pittsburgh, PA, who has done thousands of readings for people seeking confirmation, guidance, and healing from the spirit world. She has been the subject of newspaper articles, spoken on both radio and TV and is the author of three books on mediumship and healing. She has also published articles on spiritual and metaphysical subjects and taught workshops at Lilydale, N.Y., the largest US center for Spiritualism. She has produced audio programs to help people with spiritual development and teaches three levels of classes in intuition and mediumship. You can find Carole’s website at soulvisions.n
26 - Psychic Angela Thomas, Precognition, and Three-dimensional Tarot - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
22/01/2015 Duration: 53minCall the show (775) 583-5563! An incredibly interesting chat with professional psychic and clairvoyant, Angela Thomas. Angela is noted over her 30-year practice for high accuracy and detail. She is a subject-participant in an elite consciousness research study focusing on precognition and has gained an enviable reputation for her psychic work in private sessions for individuals, business leaders, and celebrities. Her work has also included crime victim location and recovery, and she is a vocal advocate for related causes. Angela tells us just how she makes her many accurate predictions, and also discusses her upcoming book, Three-dimensional Tarot: The Art of Gathering Information. Visit for show notes. In this episode: Angela's background, when she developed her abilities, and how she got started as a professional psychic. Her research and involvement in the study of precognition. What is precognition? What is Remote Viewing? Are Angela's growth-year predictions different from
25 - 9 Tips to Keep the Paranormal Alive in Your Life Throughout the Winter - The Big Séance Podcast
07/01/2015 Duration: 25minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Suffering from the winter blahs? Cabin fever starting to kick in? The winter tends to be a time when many paranerds out there, struggle to find enough paranormal activity or content to keep them happy. If you’re truly one of these nerds, the autumn/Halloween season just isn’t enough to keep you going for the rest of the year. For some, the days seem longer, even though they’re shorter, and maybe you're longing for fall once again… or at least spring. Well I’m here to get you out of that funk with 9 tips to keep the paranormal alive in your life throughout the winter. Visit for show notes. In this episode: Tip #1: Find a good book on a paranormal, spiritual, or metaphysical topic… or even just a good ghost story! Here are 4 recent books that I’ve read and can recommend to you: "Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones" - Raymond Moody "Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife" – Raymond Moody "The Spirit of Creativity: Embodying
24 - Psychic Predictions and Prophecies for 2015 - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
23/12/2014 Duration: 01h02minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Psychic Predictions and Prophecies for 2015 from Janice Carlson, Angela Thomas, Rob Gutro, Carole J. Obley, Karen A. Dahlman, Lee Allen Howard, and Marilyn Painter. Visit for show notes. In this episode: Some of the Prophecies and predictions of Edgar Cayce and Sylvia Browne. Janice Carlson - Janice has been a lovely friend and supporter of the podcast. You can hear my interview with her if you go to episode 10 from August 27, 2014. I wanted to start our special predictions episode with Janice today, because this was actually all her idea… and I thought it was brilliant! For more on Janice, visit Janice gives us her psychic predictions for 2015. Angela Thomas - Next up is a psychic named Angela Thomas. She is a research psychic for the study of precognition with Dr. Vernon Nappe. She’s been a guest of George Noory’s Beyond Belief on Gaiam TV, and in the spring of 2015, she’ll be publishing her book “Three Dimensional Tarot: The Art
23 - Missouri History and Hauntings - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
11/12/2014 Duration: 56minCall the show (775) 583-5563! My conversation with Ginger Collins-Justus, owner and operator of Missouri History and Hauntings. Ginger shares some odd tales and little known haunted history of the state that I call home. We also chat about some of the historic connections that Missouri has with spiritualism. Visit for show notes. In this episode: Just before the interview, I give an update on the Third Annual Big Séance Thanksgiving Ouija Séance. Ginger chats about her latest event at Maevas Coffee House at the historic Milton Schoolhouse in Alton, Illinois. The Milton Schoolhouse was featured on Syfy’s Ghost Hunters a few years back. Her intuitive gifts and ability to speak with spirits and spirit guides. Ginger drives a hearse! Some of Missouri’s history with witchcraft and Voodoo. Some old Missouri legends and ghost stories. Early St. Louis and Bloody Island. Pearl Curran and the fascinating story of Patience Worth. The Fox sisters and their
22 - Help for the Haunted and Vera Van Slyke: My Interview with Tim Prasil - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World
25/11/2014 Duration: 45minCall the show (775) 583-5563! Tim Prasil, writer and author, shares how he inherited the stories of Vera Van Slyke, one of America’s earliest paranormal investigators, from an ancestor who chronicled them. Find these stories in his soon-to-be-published book, Help for the Haunted: A Decade of Vera Van Slyke Ghostly Mysteries (1899-1909) by Emby Press. Who is Finbar Kelly? Tim explains. We also spend a bit of time talking about our common love of cemetery photography. Visit for show notes. Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information. For More on Tim Prasil, or for up-to-date release information about the book: Like Tim's Facebook page. Follow @TimPrasil on Twitter. Visit or Thanks, Tim! Please help The Big Séance Podcast by subscrib