Bringing you the recent scientific advancements in the field of Herpetology.
122 Volcano Lizards
09/08/2022 Duration: 24minLizards can live in some tough environments, but does any lizard top the chubby Phymaturus living on the side of an active volcano? This episode we explore how they are coping with repeated ashfall events, as well as highlighting a newly described Phymaturus species. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Boretto JM, Cabezas-Cartes F, Kubisch EL, Sinervo B, Ibargüengoytía NR. 2014. Changes In Female Reproduction And Body Condition In An Endemic Lizard, Phymaturus spectabilis, Following The Puyehue Volcanic Ashfall Event. Herpetological Conservation and Biology:11. Species of the Bi-Week: Lobo F, Barrasso DA, Hibbard T, Quipildor M, Slodki D, Valdecantos S, Basso NG. 2021. Morphological and Genetic Divergence within the Phymaturus payuniae Clade (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with the Description of Two New Species. South American Journal of Herpetology 20:41. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Becker, L.
121 The Cheeky Startler
02/08/2022 Duration: 27minToad headed agamas have a bonkers display - bright pink flaps which pop out of the sides of their head. It has long been assumed this serves as a warning to would-be predators, but does scientific evidence support this? Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper Reference: Whiting, M. J., Noble, D. W. A., & Qi, Y. (2022). A potential deimatic display revealed in a lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 136(3), 455–465. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Petrovan, S. O., Al-Fulaij, N., Christie, A., & Andrews, H. (2022). Why link diverse citizen science surveys? Widespread arboreal habits of a terrestrial amphibian revealed by mammalian tree surveys in Britain. PloS one, 17(7), e0265156. Editing and Music: Podcast edited by Emmy – Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Michael Timothy Other Music – T
120 Vipers With Eyebrows
31/07/2022 Duration: 32minSome vipers have crazy horns - we chat about it, and discuss a brand new species of lizard from South America. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Busschau, T., & Boissinot, S. (2022). Habitat determines convergent evolution of cephalic horns in vipers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 135(4), 652–664. Species of the Bi-Week: Amézquita, A., Daza, J. M., Contreras, L. A. B., Orejuela, C., Barrientos, L. S., & Mazariegos H., L. A. (2022). One more and one less: a new species of large bromelicolous lizard (Gymnophthalmidae: Anadia) from the Andean cloud forests of northwestern Colombia and the phylogenetic status of Anadia antioquensis. Zootaxa, 5150(2), 217–238. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Petrovan, S. O., Al-Fulaij, N., Christie, A., & Andrews, H. (2022). Why link diverse citizen scie
119 Crocodile Comeback
19/07/2022 Duration: 36minDespite existing on the planet for millions of years with minor morphological changes, crocodiles are having a difficult time in a new human dominated world. However, there are success stories. This episode we take a look at the rebound of American Crocodiles, and also explore how long herpetofauna live for. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Mazzotti FJ, Balaguera-Reina SA, Brandt LA, Briggs-González V, Cherkiss M, Farris S, Godahewa A. 2022. Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing Nesting Ecology of the American Crocodile in Florida, United States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:904576. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.904576. Reinke BA, Cayuela H, Janzen FJ, Lemaître J-F, Gaillard J-M, Lawing AM, Iverson JB, Christiansen DG, Martínez-Solano I, Sánchez-Montes G, Gutiérrez-Rodríguez J, Rose FL, Nelson N, Keall S, Crivelli AJ, Nazirides T, Grimm-Seyfarth A, Henle K, Mori E, Guiller G, Hom
118 The Frogs That Cannot Hop
12/07/2022 Duration: 29minAnimals come in many sizes, great and small. But all are subject to the laws of physics. In this episode we look at how the tiniest of frogs are too small to elegantly jump. Species of the Bi-week returns for an even fresher, more chocolatey frog. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Essner RL, Pereira REE, Blackburn DC, Singh AL, Stanley EL, Moura MO, Confetti AE, Pie MR. 2022. Semicircular canal size constrains vestibular function in miniaturized frogs. Science Advances 8:eabn1104. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abn1104. Species of the Bi-Week: Chávez G, Thompson ME, Sánchez DA, Chávez-Arribasplata JC, Catenazzi A. 2022. A needle in a haystack: Integrative taxonomy reveals the existence of a new small species of fossorial frog (Anura, Microhylidae, Synapturanus) from the vast lower Putumayo basin, Peru. Evolutionary Systematics 6:9–20. DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.6.80281. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Mont
117 Predation Liberation - Shine on Chameleons
05/07/2022 Duration: 28minJackson's chameleons are famous for their bright colours and fancy horns. But can a lack of predators make them even jazzier? Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper Reference: Whiting MJ, Holland BS, Keogh JS, Noble DWA, Rankin KJ, Stuart-Fox D. 2022. Invasive chameleons released from predation display more conspicuous colors. Science Advances 8:eabn2415. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abn2415. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Gordon, S. P., Reznick, D., Arendt, J. D., Roughton, A., Ontiveros Hernandez, M. N., Bentzen, P., & López-Sepulcre, A. (2015). Selection analysis on the rapid evolution of a secondary sexual trait. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1813), 20151244. Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney Other Music – The Passion HiFi,
116 The Unfamiliar Scent of Death
29/06/2022 Duration: 27minCan the smell of predators put lizards off their lunch? Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper Reference: Webster C, Massaro M, Michael DR, Bambrick D, Riley JL, Nimmo DG. 2018. Native reptiles alter their foraging in the presence of the olfactory cues of invasive mammalian predators. Royal Society Open Science 5:180136. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.180136. Species of the Bi-Week: Oliver PM, Rittmeyer EN, Torkkola J, Donnellan SC, Dahl C, Richards SJ. 2020. Multiple trans-Torres Strait colonisations by tree frogs in the Litoria caerulea group, with the description of a new species from New Guinea. Australian Journal of Zoology 68:15. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Apfelbach R, Parsons MH, Soini HA, Novotny MV. (2015) Are single odorous components of a predator sufficient to elicit defensive behaviors in prey species? Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9, 263. (doi:10. 3389/fnins.2015.00263) Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by
115 Tag! You’re Envenomated
24/06/2022 Duration: 26minVenoms are complex, and researchers are constantly discovering new intriguing uses. But this episode we look at a fascinating new venom use for the snakes themselves. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Saviola AJ, Chiszar D, Busch C, Mackessy SP. 2013. Molecular basis for prey relocation in viperid snakes. BMC Biology 11:20. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7007-11-20. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Teshera MS, Clark RW, Wagler AE, Greenbaum E. 2021. Foraging and scavenging behaviour of the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis): no evidence that envenomation cues facilitate kleptoparasitism of struck prey. Amphibia-Reptilia:1–11. DOI: 10.1163/15685381-bja10073. Other Links/Mentions: Indian purple frog call from Thomas A, Suyesh R, Biju SD, Bee MA. 2014. Vocal behavior of the elusive purple frog of India (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis), a fossorial species endemic to the Western Ghats. PloS one, 9(2), p.e
114 Not All Retics Are The Same
21/06/2022 Duration: 31minA phylogenetic paper focused episode looking at the longest snake of them all: Reticulated pythons. Are all reticulated pythons part of one big happy whole, or do the hundreds of islands they inhabit mean pythons represent just as many sub-species? Species of the Bi-week is a wonderfully lemon-soaked lizard. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Murray-Dickson G, Ghazali M, Ogden R, Brown R, Auliya M. 2017. Phylogeography of the reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus ssp.): Conservation implications for the worlds’ most traded snake species. PLOS ONE 12:e0182049. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182049. Species of the Bi-Week: Pavón-Vázquez CJ, Esquerré D, Fitch AJ, Maryan B, Doughty P, Donnellan SC, Keogh JS. 2022. Between a rock and a dry place: phylogenomics, biogeography, and systematics of ridge-tailed monitors (Squamata: Varanidae: Varanus acanthurus complex). Molecular Phylogenetics and
113 Bearded Dragons Dodgy Dinners
09/06/2022 Duration: 26minBearded dragons love to eat bugs, but pesticide use means they aren't always as good as they look. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Contador-Kelsall I, Maute K, Story P, Hose GC, French K. 2022. Sublethal pesticide exposure influences behaviour, but not condition in a widespread Australian lizard. Conservation Physiology 10:coac024. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coac024. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Entiauspe‐Neto, O. M., Reichle, S., & Dos Rios, A. (2022). A case of playful interaction between Bolivian River Dolphins with a Beni Anaconda. Ecology, e3724. Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney
112 Intoxicated Crocs
01/06/2022 Duration: 31minFreshwater crocs are classic predators of the water's edge - but when prey changes, can they keep up? Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Aiyer A, Shine R, Somaweera R, Bell T, Ward-Fear G. 2022. Shifts in the foraging tactics of crocodiles following invasion by toxic prey. Scientific Reports 12:1267. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-03629-6. Species of the Bi-Week: Marques MP, Ceríaco LMP, Stanley EL, Bandeira SA, Agarwal I, Bauer AM. 2019. A new species of Girdled Lizard (Squamata: Cordylidae) from the Serra da Neve Inselberg, Namibe Province, southwestern Angola. Zootaxa 4668:503–524. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.4.4. Other Links/Mentions: Turtles making noise? - Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney
111 Steps Towards Turtle Rehabilitation
24/05/2022 Duration: 29minSometimes turtles can get caught up in nets and other sticky situations. Rehabilitation can help out these injured or exhausted turtles… but how do they fare when they are released back into the big wide ocean? Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Robinson DP, Hyland K, Beukes G, Vettan A, Mabadikate A, Jabado RW, Rohner CA, Pierce SJ, Baverstock W. 2021. Satellite tracking of rehabilitated sea turtles suggests a high rate of short-term survival following release. PLOS ONE 16:e0246241. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246241. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: BM Marshall, CT Strine, CS Fukushima, P Cardoso, MC Orr, AC Hughes. 2022. Searching the web builds fuller picture of arachnid trade. Communication Biology. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03374-0 Szymura, J. M., Spolsky, C., & Uzzoll, T. (1985). Concordant change in mitochondrial and nuclear genes in a hybrid zone between two frog species (genus Bom
110 Snakes - Ant-mothers or Ant-Eaters
19/05/2022 Duration: 34minWe’ve talked about ants being the victims of herpetofauna depredation, but what about snakes that are friends to ants? This episode we chat about a paper detailing the antics of an “ant-mother”. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available here: Main Paper References: Jono T, Kojima Y, Mizuno T. 2019. Novel cooperative antipredator tactics of an ant specialized against a snake. Royal Society Open Science 6:190283. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.190283. Species of the Bi-Week: de Oca AN-M, Castresana-Villanueva N, Canseco-Márquez L, Campbell JA. 2022. A New Species of Xenosaurus (Squamata: Xenosauridae) from the Sierra de Juárez of Oaxaca, Mexico. Herpetologica 78. DOI: 10.1655/Herpetologica-D-21-00041.1. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Hodges, CW, Marshall, BM, Hill, JG, Strine, CT. 2022. Malayan kraits (Bungarus candidus) show affinity to anthropogenic structures in a human dominated landscape. Scientific reports, 12(1), pp.1-16. DOI: 10.10
109 Accelerating Python Research
10/05/2022 Duration: 31minWe find out what Burmese pythons get up to when no one is watching. Become a Patreon Full reference list available here Main Paper References: Whitney, N. M., White, C. F., Smith, B. J., Cherkiss, M. S., Mazzotti, F. J., & Hart, K. M. (2021). Accelerometry to study fine-scale activity of invasive Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) in the wild. Animal Biotelemetry, 9(1), 1–13. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Studd, E.K., Derbyshire, R.E., Menzies, A.K., Simms, J.F., Humphries, M.M., Murray, D.L. and Boutin, S., (2021). The purr‐fect catch: using accelerometers and audio recorders to document kill rates and hunting behaviour of a small prey specialist. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(7), pp.1277-1287. Carroll, G., Slip, D., Jonsen, I. and Harcourt, R., (2014). Supervised accelerometry analysis can identify prey capture by penguins at sea. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(24), pp.4295-4302. Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week them
108 In The Hall of The Mountain Kingsnake
03/05/2022 Duration: 33minAre mountain kingsnakes multiple species? We try to decide. Become a Patreon: Full reference list available at: Main Paper References: Myers, E. A., Rodríguez-Robles, J. A., Denardo, D. F., Staub, R. E., Stropoli, A., Ruane, S., & Burbrink, F. T. (2013). Multilocus phylogeographic assessment of the California Mountain Kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata) suggests alternative patterns of diversification for the California Floristic Province. Molecular Ecology, 22(21), 5418–5429. Species of the Bi-Week: Székely, P., Székely, D., Ordó ñez-Delgado, L., Armijos- Ojeda, D., & Vörös, J. (2021). Our unknown neighbor: A new species of rain frog of the genus Pristimantis (Amphibia: Anura: Strabomantidae) from the city of Loja, southern Ecuador. PLoS ONE, 16(10 October), 1–24. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: Chambers EA, Hillis DM. (2019). The Multispecies Coalescent O
26/04/2022 Duration: 26minWhat’s the best way to explore toad mate choice… create hyper-realistic robo-toads of differing colours. Become a Patreon: FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: Main Paper References: Gardner KM, Mennill DJ, Savi LM, Shangi NE, Doucet SM. 2021. Sexual selection in a tropical toad: Do female toads choose brighter males in a species with rapid colour change? Ethology 127:475–483. DOI: 10.1111/eth.13156. Other Links/Mentions: Incilius luetkenii call fromOrganization for Tropical Studies: Incilius luetkenii interacting with models from Gardner et al., 2021: Hylodes phyllodes call from AmphibiaWeb: Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney Other Music – The Passion HiFi,
106 New Python Alert
19/04/2022 Duration: 29minWe take a look at a frog that bucks the classic frog diet, and explore the confusing world of small Australian pythons. A new python here, a lost python there. Become a Patreon: FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: Main Paper References: da Silva HR, de Britto-Pereira MC. 2006. How much fruit do fruit-eating frogs eat? An investigation on the diet of Xenohyla truncata (Lissamphibia: Anura: Hylidae). Journal of Zoology 270:692–698. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00192.x. Species of the Bi-Week: Esquerré D, Donnellan SC, Pavón-Vázquez CJ, Fenker J, Keogh JS. 2021. Phylogeography, historical demography and systematics of the world’s smallest pythons (Pythonidae, Antaresia). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 161:107181. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107181. Other Mentioned Papers/Studies: da Silva, H. R., de Britto-Pereira, M. C., & Caramaschi, U. (1989). Frugivory and seed dispersal by Hyla truncata, a neotropical treefrog. Copeia, 1989: 781-783.
105 Creative crab eating snakes
12/04/2022 Duration: 24minSnakes eat crabs, and they eat them in some pretty unusual ways. Become a Patreon: FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: Main Paper References: Jayne, B. C., Voris, H. K., & Ng, P. K. L. (2018). How big is too big? Using crustacean-eating snakes (Homalopsidae) to test how anatomy and behaviour affect prey size and feeding performance. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 123(3), 636–650. Other Links: Feeding videos of crustacean eating snakes: Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney Other Music – The Passion HiFi,
104 Unrequited sea snake love
07/04/2022 Duration: 27minThis episode focuses on some confused sea snakes and their amorous intentions, with a wild Species of the Bi-Week. Become a Patreon: FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: Main Paper References: Lynch, T. P., Alford, R. A., & Shine, R. (2021). Mistaken identity may explain why male sea snakes (Aipysurus laevis, Elapidae, Hydrophiinae) “attack” scuba divers. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–8. Species of the Bi-Week: Lalronunga, S., Lalhmangaiha, K., Zosangliana, I., Lalhmingliani, E., Gower, D. J., Das, A., & Deepak, V. (2021). A new species of Stoliczkia Jerdon, 1870 (Serpentes: Xenodermidae) from Mizoram, India. Zootaxa, 4996(3), 569–580. Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney Other Music – The Passion HiFi,
103 Endangered Giants
30/03/2022 Duration: 51minWhat can we learn about Endangered Giant herpetofauna from observing their movements? We take a look at some monster tortoises and gargantuan salamanders from opposite sides of the world. Later on hear the calls of our very red Species of the Bi-week. Become a Patreon: FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: Main Paper References: Pike KN, Blake S, Cabrera F, Gordon IJ, Schwarzkopf L. 2021. Body size, sex and high philopatry influence the use of agricultural land by Galapagos giant tortoises. Oryx:1–10. DOI: 10.1017/S0030605320001167. Zhang L, Zhao H, Willard S, Wang Q, Jiang W, Zhang H-X, Kouba A. 2019. Spatial distribution and seasonal movement patterns of reintroduced Chinese giant salamanders. BMC Zoology 4:7. DOI: 10.1186/s40850-019-0046-9. Species of the Bi-Week: Baptista NL, Pinto PV, Keates C, Edwards S, Rödel M-O, Conradie W. 2021. A new species of red toad, Schismaderma Smith, 1849 (Anura: Bufonidae), from central Angola. Zootaxa 5081:301–