The CMPAs Prime Time in Ottawa conference is a national networking event for some 600 of Canadas most prominent business leaders from the feature film, television, interactive media, broadcasting and telecommunications industries.
In conversation with the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage
08/02/2016 Duration: 22minMinister Joly ‘In Conversation’ with Reynolds Mastin, President and CEO of the CMPA.
Canadian Media Leaders – A Look Ahead
08/02/2016 Duration: 01h02minCanada’s broadcast leaders explore recent changes in Canada’s broadcasting industry and the impact they have had, or are anticipated to have, on their businesses. Hear what’s next in programming strategies for their multiple broadcast and digital platforms. How are they responding to shifting trends in advertising, and to competition for both content and audiences from international, unregulated platforms? And of course, we will explore opportunities for producers in this rapidly changing environment. Moderator: Kaan Yigit, Solutions Research Group Consultants Speakers: • Heather Conway, CBC • Steven Denure, DHX Media • Tracey Pearce, Bell Media • Barbara Williams, Shaw Media Recorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Opening Remarks, with CMPA President & CEO, Reynolds Mastin
08/02/2016 Duration: 20minRecorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Breakout – Discoverability: Leveraging Partnerships to Win
08/02/2016 Duration: 50min11:00 am - 12:00 pm Governor General’s Ballroom III As Canadian broadcasters and producers focus more on discoverability, particularly at early stages in production, how can they work together to create success? Who owns the audience, who pays, and can the risk, the labour and the rewards be shared? Are the efforts best tied to the IP, the talent, the broadcaster or all of the above? We’ll explore what a collaboration between the two parties could look like, and discuss best practices to leverage the strengths of each in order to build a critical mass of successful Canadian brands. Moderator: Moyra Rodger, Magnify Digital Speakers: • Mark Bishop, marblemedia • Janet Brown, Filmbuff • Glenn O’Farrel, Groupe Média TFO • Christine Shipton, Shaw Media Recorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Breakout: Financing Case Study: International co-production & co-venture
07/02/2016 Duration: 59minThis session explores the nuts and bolts of one of 2016’s most anticipated new television series, the official treaty co-production, Houdini & Doyle, as well as a US/ Canadian co-venture. In both cases, the conversation will focus on the creators’ innovative approaches to the financing and packaging, and the impact these decisions had on creative outcomes and IP exploitation. We’ll candidly discuss how these shows originated, and the development and implementation of the strategies that lead to the project’s success on an international stage. Moderator: John Hadity, EP Financial Solutions Speakers: • Daniel Bekerman, Scythia Films • Lisa Godfrey, Shaw Media • Christina Jennings, Shaftesbury Recorded: February 5, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Breakout – The Art and Practice of Strategic Packaging
07/02/2016 Duration: 52minPackaging is often the secret sauce to a project’s success, but what makes someone a packaging genius? Further to that, how do producers successfully package within Canadian content parameters while appealing to international digital, television and feature film markets? We’ll explore successful Canadian projects and best practices internationally to reveal elements to consider when packaging for a competitive global marketplace. Moderator: Noreen Halpern, Halfire-CORE Entertainment Speakers: • Tassie Cameron, Tassie Pictures • Lorenzo de Maio, William Morris Endeavor • Rob Kenneally, Creative Artists Agency • Miranda de Penicer, Northwood Entertainemnt Recorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Breakout: Opportunities when Brand Meets Story
07/02/2016 Duration: 01h03minAs consumers find more ways to bypass traditional television advertising, branded entertainment has become more crucial for advertisers. What does branded entertainment look like now? How are creative objectives affected? And as the business models evolve, how do partnerships between brands, producers, media agencies and broadcasters come to be? How are these deals financed and structured? What hurdles have the partners overcome as these relationships evolve, and what are the best-in-class models for achieving sustainable success? Moderator: Vibika Bianchi, Force Four Entertainment Speakers: • Jay Bennett, Smokebomb/Shaftesbury • Jim Kiriakakis, Buck Productions • Justin Stockman, Bell Media • Lindsay Wilson, MediaCom Beyond Advertising Recorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
Breakout: Exploring Innovations in Storytelling
07/02/2016 Duration: 01h03minTechnology is creating new ways for stories to be told, and mined audience data is a huge advantage as early as the pitching stage. From long form content developed iteratively with the audience, to rapid prototyping, to stories told and monetized on multiple platforms, this panel will look at new forms of storytelling and how added IP value can be created by building the audience as the story is being developed. Moderator: Amy Davies, CFC Media Lab Speakers: • Jay Bushman, The Horizon Factory • Mackenzie Donaldson, Aberrant Pictures • James Milward, Secret Location • Sandra Rodriguez, Filmmaker and Scholar, Fellow – MIT Open Documentary Lab Recorded: February 4, 2016, Ottawa. Find out more at
How creator-friendly Vimeo offers multiple paths to audiences and revenue
24/01/2016 Duration: 34minIn this far-ranging interview with Sam Toles, Vimeo’s VP of Content Strategy and Business Development, we explore the many ways Vimeo helps creators advance content discovery and monetization. Sam Toles, in conversation with CMPA’s Marguerite Pigott, discusses everything from self-created channels to the journey of High Maintenance from web series to HBO, along with Vimeo’s many points of access for creators.