Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Were on a mission to see, summarise and size-up all 800+ episodes of Power Rangers. Its a crazy goal, but its a crazy show and were crazy people. If you are too, subscribe to join us on our journey. Find us at rangerdangerpodcast.com, @rangerdcast on Twitter, or Ranger Danger Podcast on Facebook and YouTube.


  • MMPR 27: Wheel of Misfortune


    It's our sixth month anniversary, and we celebrate with Billy by watching the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE! And we are subjected an appropriate amount of misfortune! Here's some of what happens this week on the podcast: You can win stuff by doing our survey! Power Rangers stuff! Which science has proven is the objectively best kind of stuff! Mat gets his extreme need to talk about TitanFall out of his system by talking about how it might work as a template for a Power Rangers video game. STAND BY FOR DRAGONZORDFALL! We almost get to see a 90s slang version of Rumpelstiltskin! The tantalising glimpses we do get makes us hunger for a full Broadway production. This week the Power Rangers must fight a spinning wheel. Seriously. Listen to what we're saying. That wasn't a typo. A SPINNING WHEEL. A YE OLDE SPINNING WHEEL!! This show is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane!! "She's been waiting for a thematically relevant wheel to get involved in the Power Rangers' lives…" We dis

  • MMPR 26: Gung Ho!


    Lots of exclamation marks this week as we go Gung Ho! with brand new guest host Billy! Gung Ho! This week on Ranger Danger: We get a little over the top with yelling Gung Ho!. Sorry about that, guys. What is Team Ninja? To be honest, we're not even sure. The return of the Super Putty, and the best claymation you'll ever see on Power Rangers! (Spoilers: that's not a high bar.) A joke that makes us laugh. It's an April miracle. It's not just a quest: it's a teamwork quest. That's the same as a regular quest but the map is cut in half. "He's millennia old. Is it possible he's just got Alzheimers?" AND MUCH MORE!

  • MMPR 25: Life’s a Masquerade


    Sarah and guest Michael return to the podcast as we confront the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode Life's A Masquerade! We watch a Sesame Street parody of Power Rangers. Surprising no-one, it's much more charming than Power Rangers. Plus better at teaching things. "HIYA! HIYA! HIYA! HIYA! DON'T BE A RACIST!!" We discuss ambitious plans to try our hand at adapting Sentai footage. We'll see what comes of that. Guest Michael has illustrated another Breaking Bad/Power Rangers cross-over: Jessie Pinkranger. "That's what this show has done to me!" - You won't believe what causes Michael to say this (you all like Upworthy style teases, right?) "You don't know who's in that suit, you shouldn't be fondling him." AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 24: The Spit Flower


    There's two Michaels on the podcast this episode, and Sarah's back, as we go up against the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episode The Spit Flower! Here's some of what goes down: We talk about Sherman and Mr Peabody, and segue that into a memory of Michael crying about Power Rangers. That's the sort of magic you can expect from us. The Thomas the Tank Engine Megazord arrives at the Ranger Danger headquarters, and there was much rejoicing. Kimberley tries to sway people who aren't 100% sold on World Peace with a giant maybe tiger thing on a bed of flowers. Power Rangers, everybody! We learn the thrilling origin of potpourri! "You just have to take the [weaponised laser beams that shoot from the head] for granted on this show. Everyone's got one." Bulk and Skull get eaten alive by monster flowers! Their flesh is ripped and torn by demonic, gnashing teeth! Haha! Get it? Because comedy! AND SO MUCH MORE!

  • MMPR 23: Itsy Bitsy Spider


    International guest Josh joins us again on the podcast to tackle the Itsy Bitsy Spider! The episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers by that title, that is. …no tiny spiders were harmed in the making of this podcast. We discuss what would constitute our ideal Power Rangers video game. And then we start talking about Starfox. I don't know, man, we try to stay on topic, but sometimes Starfox just happens. We watch the new trailer for Power Rangers Super Megaforce! It looks incredibly fun, and piratey and shiny! And instead of watching that show, we go back to watching some stupid, low resolution shit with a guy in a gross-ass spider suit. "You don't want cockroaches thrown at you, no matter who you are." It turns out putties are old school stage magicians! They should be working the Vegas strip, not working for Rita. Does Finnster confuse spiders with snakes? If not, Rita's plan doesn't make any sense. If so… well, Rita's plan still doesn't make any sense. We get to talking about a rat wearing a ti

  • MMPR 22: The Trouble With Shellshock


    We're joined by Josh - our first ever International Guest! - this week for the first episode of a new era! Tommy's here, and he is literally never going away. And what exactly is the trouble with Shellshock? Find out this week, along with: Meet Shellshock! He's like Blastoise crossed with a traffic safety device! And he was nearly named Pitoosh! Learn about the rotation of the moon, as we briefly become an astronomy podcast! Space is cool, you guys. We might go on a Ranger Danger excursion to Canada! We only need... a lot more money! Tommy's on the team now! Watch as he disappears right before all the fight scenes! "She's not attractive on the inside, she's a horrible moon witch!" The power of the Sabretooth Tiger is used for an absolutely inexplicable reason. We're still confused. We accidentally say a very horrible thing, and we are legitimately sorry. It's a downer ending this week. AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 21: Green with Evil Part V


    This is it!! The podcast finale of our roundtable discussion of the Green With Evil miniseries!! Let's see what Tommy the Green Ranger has in store for us in this dramatic resolution We discuss the career of the actor, Jason David Frank! Spoiler warning: he beats dudes up for real now! VR Troopers gets mentioned for the first and hopefully last time! We discover that Jason David Frank was in a movie with Ally Sheedy that went unreleased for over a decade! The Dragonzord is a robot Godzilla that shoots rockets from its fingers. Show redeemed. The dramatic cliff hanger from the last episode is hand waved away in the least fulfilling way possible, but that's okay, because it leads to a legitimately exciting and enjoyable Megazord and Power Ranger on Power Ranger battle. Tommy officially joins the team! The era of all the other Power Rangers being forever overshadowed begins! Yaaay…? Stick around to the very end of the episode for the worst possible 'reward' for sticking with us through all of this

  • MMPR 20: Green with Evil Part IV


    On the podcast this week we hit the penultimate episode of the Green with Evil mini-series, which means our time discussing how Tommy is such an evil badass is running out! Our seven person roundtable team discusses some stuff like: We discuss what the Green Ranger was like on the Japanese version of the show. It's so much more awesome and dramatic than what we get to watch, intense sadface. We discuss future episodes briefly, in which the show gets a bit richer and deeper. We need to get there real soon, you guys, or we're going to die. THINGS GET SO REAL IN THIS EPISODE. From the first second, to the traumatising final moments. Despite this being an incredibly action packed episode, they somehow manage to still squeeze in a sexually suggestive moment. We spend an uncomfortable time discussing Mat's love life. And then a new podcast is pitched: "How Not To Talk To Girls: The Michael Busuttil Podcast." This show still manages to shock us, as we get a legitimately brutal fight and an ending akin t

  • MMPR 19: Green with Evil Part III


    It's part 3 (or the hump, if you will) of Green with Evil on the podcast this week, as our six person round table grows to seven - with new guest Paisley - to break down the episode! Here's a taste of what goes down: Before we even watch the episode, we plugged in a Sega Mega Drive and played some of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers on there. Rita is oddly tender to her minions in it, and Mat was able to demonstrate his prowess in controlling Megazords. Because Paisley joins us midway through a mini-series which is midway through the series, we quiz her on how she's handling diving into Power Rangers in this way. Spoiler warning: she's a little traumatised by these insanity. Scorpina appears, and for the first time we actually, legitimately figure out what the crumpet is going on. Bulk and Skull are defeated by their homophobia again. Hooray! Paisley: "One minute we're in a weird f--k dungeon and then we're on the moon and then we're in a high school…" Us: "This is our life." We discuss who on o

  • MMPR 18: Green with Evil Part II


    Our Green with Evil event continues on the podcast, as our six person round table discuss Part 2: Jason's Battle, as Tommy the Green Ranger continues to absolutely dominate the Power Rangers and we continue to look on in awe. Here's some of what goes down: Michael feels like Zack at the Backdoor Party. We debate the ethics of Alpha 5, relating to the ability to feel pain. An iPhone autocorrect fail leads us to consider Rita's second-in-command Jewish monster Goldstein. The porn basically writes itself as Goldar takes Jason to his dungeon to play with (and subsequently dominate) him. The Rangers break the Power Ranger rules! But it's okay because Zordon's away. Phew. We learn that Jason is totally unnecessary as the other Rangers successfully summon the Megazord without him. And they're a much more compelling team without him anyway. It only took six people sitting around a table discussing for an hour for Mat to finally gain some sort of respect for Jason as a character. And so much more!!

  • MMPR 17: Green with Evil Part I


    A MEGA EVENT begins on our podcast this week, as we begin Green with Evil, the mini-series that introduces the most popular Power Ranger ever: Tommy, the Green Ranger. And to celebrate, it's a roundtable podcast with your two regular hosts, Mat and Michael, and FOUR returning guests - Amanda, Ashley, Tim and Lauren. Here's some of what goes down: We first meet Tommy as he's doing three flying roundhouse kicks in the air. Tone set. The ladies discuss Tommy's attractiveness. He gets mixed reviews despite having glorious, long 90s hair. There's some actual legitimate, creepy ass witch shit going on at Rita's palace this week, which is extremely surprising considering Rita is normally about as intimidating as a toothless Ewok. We discuss the corporate culture at Rita's evil empire. "Does anyone know where the Power Sword lives…?" Tommy caps the episode by doing the most awesome thing ever, marking him as the ultimate bad arse, and then he does a Street Fighter style hadoken. Not even kidding. AND SO

  • MMPR 16: Dark Warrior


    On the podcast this week, we tackle the Dark Warrior, once again with Sarah's help! We discuss what Walter Emanuel Jones (that would be Black Power Ranger Zack) has been up to since leaving the show! Spoiler warning: being in officially the worst movie ever and getting done for DUI. We describe the Rad Bug to someone who doesn't know about it, unsurprisingly we sound like crazy people. We meet the Dark Warrior, who is wearing an incredibly intimidating teal cravat. "Finnster is the Alexander McQueen of the Monster World." Sarah finally gets to see some Zords! Thank God, she probably thought we were making them up. We tease the major event coming next episode. DUN DUN DUUUUN!! And much more!!

  • MMPR 15: Peace Love and Woe


    This week on the podcast, Sarah returns to help us tackle the Power Rangers episode 'Peace, Love and Woe'! Billy meets a lady (bow chicka wow wow) and then has to save said lady from a pocket dimension inside a crystal attached to the forehead of an intergalactic geisha lady who laughs, like, all of the time. Also: We talk Train Megazords! That's trains! Plus megazords! God damn it you guys if you aren't interested in that I don't know what we can do for you. "We could move on to bodily gyrations." We then talk about nerdy lady pick up techniques. Apparently 'dropping' necklaces is the way to get guys. Billy assumes the powers of all the other Power Rangers! Do you know what that means?! …pretty much nothing, actually We discuss the personal life of contract killer Madame Woe (who we decides is named Alicia Woenstein). Alicia's a family woman trying to provide for her family before Billy straight up murders her. The only part of that we didn't make up is the murder. And much more!

  • MMPR 14: Power Ranger Punks


    The profoundly lovely Sarah joins us on the show for the first time, as we watch the episode Power Ranger Punks. It might be the most groan inducing episode yet. Some things that come up on this episode: The flying penny farthing returns! Thank the heavens! Are you infected with the Punk? That's okay, we learn the secret to curing Punkishness! Spoiler warning: It involves a shrieking vegetable. We get deep into Zordon's back story in this episode. Turns out it involves him being a kick arse ninja wizard thing! With a body! Who knew! FEAR THE TERROR TOAD! Or burst out laughing as soon as you see him, as Sarah does. Your choice, I guess. "Sometimes it was laser, sometimes it wasn't." - That's Sarah discussing a tongue. AW SHIT IT'S A VOLLEYBALL-OFF EVERYBODY!! And much more!

  • MMPR 13: No Clowning Around


    Happy new episode of Ranger Danger! Lauren returns to be traumatised by clowns. Additionally: We answer more listener questions, including what we think the Power Rangers will do When They Grow Up. There's an actual vaguely decent fight sequence. I know. I KNOW. The villain of the episode is actually legitimately terrifying and probably the best actor the show has had so far. Look, we're not saying it's a high bar to clear. We discuss Rita's accounting pains. The property market in Angel Grove is probably tanking. Michael discusses how long we'll be doing the show if we intend on catching up with the broadcast. It's the most depressing thing you'll hear in quite awhile. And so much more!!

  • MMPR 12: Happy Birthday, Zack


    TRIPLE BIRTHDAY EPISODE! Lauren returns to help celebrate the birthdays of Zack, Jesus and Mat. Also: Mat gets a birthday present on the show. Lauren and Mat divulge that they call Michael the wizard. The team answers a question from Power Listener John Adams - who would we cast in a Power Ranger reboot movie? WHAT IS IT WITH THE 90s AND GOO?! Michael: "I don't pretend to be a syphilis expert." Mat is team Billy/Trini and Lauren is team Zack/Trini. Conflict ensues. So much more!!

  • MMPR 11: For Whom the Bell Trolls


    More Tim, because we know you love him. This episode absolutely destroys our will to live. Plus: We briefly touch on Amy Jo Johnson's music career. It's an OHS disaster at Angel Grove High School this week! The show's fascination with having large amounts of liquid gushing onto characters hits traumatising new highs. Mat totally predicted an event that happened in this episode. We discuss Rita's shag pad. And the episode ends in a legitimately depressing way. Aw. And some other stuff…

  • MMPR 10: Foul Play in the Sky


    Tim returns to the show, as we watch an episode of Power Rangers that has an EMMY AWARD WINNING GUEST STAR!! Other things in this episode: We discuss Bulk's life prospects. It's, uh, a little depressing, to be honest. Michael is a little racist. Accidentally. We discuss Squat's life prospects. Spoiler alert: they're a lot more promising than Bulk's, but also profoundly bleak as well. "Didn't we all have rainbow sleeves? No? You guys? Just me?" Snizard needs to see a Doctor about his projectile tonsil snakes. There's listener participation! AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 9: I, Eye Guy


    Ash returns to run through I, Eye Guy with us. On this episode: We dive into the listener mail bag! We meet Willy the Mini-Billy! Is Angel Grove a breeding ground of super geniuses? Did Billy invent a machine that makes cool noises when he performs secret handshakes? Mat talks about some stuff from last episode because he's a maverick who doesn't play by your rules. Ashlee calls Alpha 5 'a pretty rubbish robot'. No-one really defends him. …poor Alpha 5. AND SO MUCH MORE!!

  • MMPR 8: Switching Places


    Ash joins us for the first time of the show, and she picked a good time to join us, as there's lots to love in this episode: Find out what elaborate machine Billy cooked up to get some hand-holding action. Discover our theories on why Billy's computer has a self-destruct button. There's some hot lamp smuggling action in this one. Mmmmmm. You know the Power Rangers? Screw those guys. This episode is the Alpha 5 show. Find out what listener e-mail makes Mat say "WOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!" And so much more!!

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