Professor and Chair of Emergency MedicineEM Physician and Toxicologist ...with a little Aerospace Medicine for fun
Cardinal Presentation # 1 Abdominal Pain
21/04/2016 Duration: 48minFirst in a series of PodCasts for Med Students and Interns on cardinal presentations in EM
Managing Abscesses: Lancing The Myths
14/04/2016 Duration: 36minJournal Club articles Podcast! Abscesses: Lancing the myths
3 Min Med Stud
12/04/2016 Duration: 20minIf you are a med student getting ready for the start of fourth year and EM Clerkships and Sub Internships - this podcast is for you!
Review of Trimethoprim Sulfa for Abscess in NEJM and ECMO in J Tox
03/03/2016 Duration: 11minIn this podcast I review "Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole versus Placebo for Uncomplicated Skin Abscess" Talan et al NEJM 2016;374:823-32 and see what the clinical advantage to adding TM-SMX to simple I&D. Then we take a quick turn to some Tox and look at "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the treatment of poisoned patients" deLange et al in Clinical Toxicology 2013;51:385-393.
Ernie Leber MD Program Director Interview
11/02/2016 Duration: 15minIn this interview I am excited to introduce Ernie as the new Program Director for our incoming class of interns. I talk with Ernie about his new position, what motivates him to teach, and we have deep thoughts on autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Shout out to all our fantastic EM Program Candidates and I hope you enjoy the podcast. Get in touch for any questions you might have for Ernie (or anyone) and good luck in the Match! See you in June!
February Journal Club Podcast with Ed Ramoska
08/02/2016 Duration: 35minJournal Club PodCast: Flipped classroom! Assignment is to read the articles, listen to the podcast, and be prepared to apply your knowledge to clinical scenarios when you come to Journal Club. Articles are: Acute stroke intervention: A systematic review JAMA April 14, 2015 Endovascular Therapy after IV TPA versus TPA alone for stroke NEJM March 7 2013 Comparative efficacy of different acute reperfusion therapies for acute ischemic stroke: a comprehensive benefit-risk analysis of clinical trials Brain and Behavior 2014 A review of decision support, risk communication and patient information tools for thrombolytic treatment in acute stroke: lessons for tools developers BMC Health Services Research 2013 Opinions are of course are own...! Music is "Heartbeats" by Cat Hamilton created exclusively for this podcast - how cool is that!
Reversing Anticoags In Intracranial Bleed
25/01/2016 Duration: 03minNeurocritical Care Society and Society for Critical Care Medicine recommendations for reversal of antithrombotic agents in patients with intracranial hemorrhage Guideline for Reversal of Antithrombotics in Intracranial Hemorrhage : A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society... - PubMed - NCBI Antithrombotic: Timing, Antidote, Factor Replacement, antifibrinolytics Vitamin K antagonists (warfarin) If INR > 1.3 then Vitamin K 10 mg IV, plus 3 or 4 factor PCC IV (dosing based on weight, INR and PCC type) OR FFP 10–15 ml/kg IV if PCC not available Direct factor Xa inhibitors: activated charcoal (50 g) within 2 h of ingestion, activated PCC (FEIBA) 50 units/kg IV OR 4 factor PCC 50 units/kg IV Direct thrombin inhibitors (dabigatran): Activated charcoal (50 g) within 2 h of ingestion, AND Activated PCC (FEIBA) 50 units/kg IV OR 4 factor PCC 50 units/kg IV Idarucizumab 5 g IV (
Tony Mazzeo And Rich Hamilton Talk About Getting Efficient In The ED
06/01/2016 Duration: 18minI am joined by Tony Mazzeo MD Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Mercy Catholic Medical Center and Vice Chairman of Mercy Operations for Department of EM at Drexel University College of Medicine. In this podcast we talk about getting efficient in the ED: Hot Stove Tips 1) empty the beds 2) Start with the dispo in mind (leave the room with a plan) and identify blockers 3) measure and track your throughput 4) anticipate problems 5)process in parallel and not serially Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you agree!!!
ABCs Of Pregnancy Labeling Rules
04/01/2016 Duration: 12minWhat's ahead for pregnancy labeling categories - say goodbye to ABCDX! Useful links
Reversing Anticoagulant Induced Bleeding PODCAST #2
01/12/2015 Duration: 12minMy heuristic to try manage this difficult clinical challenge!
Hand Held Metal Detector
19/11/2015 Duration: 04minFirst Pod Cast - describing the use of Hand Held Metal Detectors for pediatric swallowed coins