A show exploring the science and learning about the scientists of the Colorado Plateau from KZMU Moab's Community Radio Station
Understanding the tamarisk beetle
29/06/2018 Duration: 27minThe tamarisk beetle has reshaped riparian areas along the Colorado River. Here, we talk with Tim Graham about his work monitoring these biocontrols. We learn about the history of testing and releasing the tamarisk beetle, how the beetle has done with controlling tamarisk along the rivers, and why the dead tamarisk we now see serve important roles in riparian areas.
The seeds beneath the soil
08/06/2018 Duration: 25minA show about seeds waiting in the desert soil with Dr. Akasha Faist. We find out kind of seeds are there, what they need to germinate, and how scientists study the surprisingly mysterious world of soil seed banks.
Wildfire and moss: the unexpected role of moss in stabilizing soil after fires
01/06/2018 Duration: 25minAs both the fire season and the amount of fire continue to increase in the Southwest, researchers and managers are working to figure out the best ways to reduce the sometimes incredible amounts of erosion that happen after wildfire. We speak with Henry Grover who studies the native mosses that can colonize hill slopes after severe fires. His work explores both the ecology and application of these mosses as a way to restore burned areas.
How carbon moves through the desert
12/05/2018 Duration: 27minThe desert both breathes out and pulls in carbon to and from the atmosphere. Here we talk with Dr. Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi about that process by exploring a field called biogeochemistry. We hear about the different kinds of carbon that exists in ecosystems, and how it is transformed and moved through the fascinating and dynamic carbon cycle.
The shape and processes of rivers & streams
07/05/2018 Duration: 21minUnderstanding physical features of rivers and streams can give information about what is happening upstream and down. Here we talk about geomorphology with Christopher Ely. We explore Amazonian headwater streams in the Andes Mountains of southern Ecuador, and how the tools used to studying these high elevation streams can be applied to studying rivers and streams around the world and here on the Colorado Plateau.
Mammals during the time of the dinosaurs
27/04/2018 Duration: 29minWhat were mammals like when dinosaurs roamed the earth? We explore the fascinating world of mammals living at the time of dinosaurs with Dr. Brian Davis. We learn about what they ate, who ate them, and how these small creatures evolved to become the mammals we see today.
Using native seeds to restore the desert
20/04/2018 Duration: 26minThe Colorado Plateau holds an incredible amount of native plant diversity, however past and current land use practices and future climate change threaten the diversity and abundance of our native plant species. Here, with Dr. Daniel Winkler, we explore how land management programs and non-profit partners are using programs like Seeds of Success and the Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program to collect native seeds and make them available for research and restoration.
The incredible relationships between pollinators and plants
13/04/2018 Duration: 23minSoutheast Utah and the Colorado Plateau is home to a diverse number of pollinators. Here we get a fascinating look at the relationships between pollinators and plants. We explore how they evolved together, pollinator types on the Colorado Plateau, and what the future holds for pollinators with Molly McCormick.
Restoring the National Parks of Southeastern Utah
06/04/2018 Duration: 27minThere are many efforts going on within national park to restore degraded ecosystems. From using biological controls, to weeding and seeding, to anticipating the effects of climate change, the national parks of southeastern Utah are actively being managed to return or maintain ecological function. Here, we speak with NPS ecologist Liz Ballenger about what ecological restoration means for national parks within the Colorado Plateau.
The regional impacts of climate change
30/03/2018 Duration: 27minClimate change will result in lasting changes for the ecosystems of the Colorado Plateau. Here, we talk with Dr. Scott Ferrenberg about what the ecosystems of this region may look like in the future. We learn how scientists study climate change and how our ecological communities are expected to change as the planet warms.
Bark beetles and their sound
23/03/2018 Duration: 25minBark beetles evolved to live in western forests. But in recent decades the number of beetles has grown so large that they are killing millions of acres of forests. Here, we talk to Dr. Richard Hofstetter about these now infamous beetles. We learn about what these beetles do for forests, what happens when their numbers swell out of control, and the acoustic research that might help keep them in check.
How water shapes the earth
16/03/2018 Duration: 22minWater can be a formidable force in the desert. From carving canyons to cutting arroyos, water has the power to form the landscapes around us. Today on Science Moab, we learn how water shapes the earth with Dr. Taylor Joyal, a fluvial-geo-morphologist studying earth shaping processes.
Interactions between plants and fungi
09/03/2018 Duration: 23minWhen you’re walking over the desert soil, you’re walking over huge amounts of fungi. These fungi are connected to the roots of grasses and shrubs, gathering the nutrients these plants need to survive. Here, we speak with world renowned soil ecologist Dr. Nancy Johnson and hear about the evolutionary past and current roles of these understudied and truly fascinating organisms.
The geologic forces shaping the landscape
26/02/2018 Duration: 26minThe geology of the Colorado Plateau is amazingly exposed and incredibly dramatic. Here, we get to hear about the forces and slow passage of time that shaped the Plateau as we see it today. We hear from Drs. Scott Ritter and Tom Morris as they walk us through iconic and lesser known places, describing why our landscape looks like the way it does.
Restoring the skin of the desert
26/02/2018 Duration: 17minIn the deserts, the soil surface is alive. The soil is covered with lichens, mosses, cyanobacteria, algae, fungi and other microorganisms that together are called biological soil crusts. Here, we talk with Dr. Matthew Bowker who studies these cryptic communities and works to put them back into the landscape.
Interacting with the land: historic and current land uses in the Southwest
05/11/2017 Duration: 30minHumans have been using and modifying the ecosystems around on the Colorado Plateau for thousands of years. To understand human relationships with the land, we talk with Kate Magargal, who combines archaeology and ecology to ask how people who lived in the Southwest interacted with the landscape around them, specifically through gathering food, wood, and using fire as a tool. We explore what her findings can tell us about how to manage our landscapes into the future.
Invading grasses, Moab ecosystems, & large-scale change
05/11/2017 Duration: 30minCheatgrass is one of the most pervasive, non-native grasses in the American West, changing ecosystems almost everywhere it goes. Here, we talk with Dr. Jayne Belnap, a world renowned scientist from Moab, Utah, who has studied how this invasive grass has changed ecosystems around the Southwest. We talk about where cheatgrass came from, how it got here, and how it has and will likely continue to transform southwestern landscapes.
Privacy in the ancestral world: exploring social structure on the Plateau
05/10/2017 Duration: 31minThis show examines how people living in the desert southwest in the past may have differentiated between communal places where everyone was welcome, and private places like granaries and dwellings. Through studying these differentiations, Elizabeth Hora-Cook tries to understand what society may have been like for Fremont and Ancestral Puebloan people.
Plants and past humans
18/08/2017 Duration: 29minA show about Southwestern archaeology and paleoethnobotany, or the study of plants that past humans have used, with Dr. Timothy Riley. Rose Elgholff talks to Dr. Riley about ways to figure out what humans ate in the past, why we care about it, and work he has done with experimental archaeology today.
Thinking about landscapes at a large scale: new thoughts on species conservation
11/08/2017 Duration: 19minExploring strategies to protect plant and animal species by protecting diverse landscapes with Dr. Paul Beier.