Co-hosts Dru Jeffries and David Babbitt explore the world of comic books on film, movie by movie and comic by comic.
Episode 206: Episode 183: THE LONG GOODBYE (1973)
10/02/2022 Duration: 02h17minJames Hrivnak joins Andrew and Dave as they make a return trip to Marlowe country! This time, the trio are taking a look at Robert Altman's 1973 adaptation of The Long Goodbye, the neo-noir adapted from Raymond Chandler's 1953 novel of the same name. How does the film differ from other adaptations of Chandler's work? Which poster, if any, best captures the tone and style of the film? And just how many Friends references will be made before all is said and done? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: A film in which university classrooms are populated by men in their mid-forties.All mjusic by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 205: Episode 182: HOOK (1991)
02/02/2022 Duration: 02h15minOnce upon a time, Andrew and Dave were taking a look at the 1999 film Tarzan, following which they decided to follow Phil Collins and Glenn Close to the 1991 film Hook, directed by Steven Spielberg. The duo would soon learn the error of their ways, but not before getting into a discussion of the film's confused themes, hotly debate just what constitutes kidnapping when it comes to fairy creatures, and once again praise the work of Bob Hoskins.Next Episode: Can you trick a cat into eating a different brand of cat food?All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 204: Episode 181: TARZAN (1999)
27/01/2022 Duration: 01h53minGet ready to swing... to the sweet, sweet sound of Phil Collins!That's right! On this episode of Films(trips), Eric Jones once again joins Andrew and Dave to take a look at the 1999 animated adaptation of Tarzan, starring Tony Goldwin, Minnie Driver, Glenn Close, Brian Blessed, and the great Lance Henriksen! Just how does this late (and maybe final) entry of the Disney Renascence hold up? Just where does the film conform and break from the Disney formula? And just how many Phil Collins jokes can Dave drop in one episode? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: 1991 gave the world many cinematic classics. This is not one of them.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 203: Episode 180: DOG DAY AFTERNOON (1975)
19/01/2022 Duration: 01h44minHaving survived Ishtar - barely - Andrew and Dave return to New York to take a look at director Sidney Lumet's famous 1975 drama DOG DAY AFTERNOON, starring Al Pacino and John Cazale! How well does the famed film hold up after nearly fifty years? Why is a film that isn't a comedy have more laughs than a film that supposedly is? How much will Dave go to bat for Lance Henriksen? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: The soundtrack surprisingly not inspired by one of Phil Collins' divorces! All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 202: Episode 179: ISHTAR (1987)
11/01/2022 Duration: 01h42minHaving rocked out in the past with 1983's EDDIE AND THE CRUSIERS, Andrew and Dave jump ahead to 1987 to take a look at ISHTAR, the infamous critical and commercial disaster written and directed by Elaine May, produced by Warren Beatty, and starring Beatty and Dustin Hoffman! Is the film as bad as its legendary reputation? If so, who is the blame? And way is Charles Grodin so damn good? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Lance Henriksen! Oh, also, Sidney Lumet, Al Pacino, and John Cazale. But Lance Henriksen!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 201: Episode 178: EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS (1983)
05/01/2022 Duration: 01h49minIt's 2022, and Films(trips) is feeling nostalgic! Join Andrew and Dave as they feel nostalgia for the 1980s while watching a film that is nostalgic for the 1960s, EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS! Is the film any good? What does it misunderstand about CITIZEN KANE? How freaking great is that (period inappropriate) soundtrack? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Look, you don't HAVE to update the comedies of your youth. Some things need to be left in the past.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Happy New Year, everyone!
Episode 200: Bonus Episode: GODZILLA - THE SHOWA ERA WITH ROSS MAY AND DAVE! (Reitman For the Job / Films(trips) Crossover)
27/12/2021 Duration: 02h06minLast time, it was Zatoichi! This year, it was the King of the Monsters!That's right! REITMAN FOR THE JOB host Ross May and FILMS(TRIPS) own Dave Babbitt spent the year working through the Showa era of Godzilla, which is comprised of the first fifteen films in the series! What were the highs and lows of the franchise? What surprises did the films have in store for the hosts? And just what plans do the pair have in store for 2022? Tune in and find out!Editing by Ross May. Music by Andrew Kannegiesser. See you in 2022, folks!
24/12/2021 Duration: 01h46minIt is that time of year again when Andrew and Dave look back over the year that was! Joined by James "The 'H' Is Silent" Hrivnak, a year of episodes is broken down. Which decade was most covered this year? How far did the podcast go back? Why is HEART CONDITION easily the worst film covered this year? What trivia challenge will James subject Andrew and Dave to this time? And what celebrities have to be concerned about being covered on the show in 2022? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Ross and Dave's bonus crossover episode! This time, the pair discuss the Showa era of Godzilla!Next Regular Episode: 2022 kicks off... ON THE DARK SIDE! (No, not STAR WARS).All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Happy Holidays, folks!
Episode 198: Episode 177: SOUR GRAPES (1998)
14/12/2021 Duration: 01h46minAndrew and Dave final regular discussion of 2021 brings them to the infamous Larry David film Sour Grapes, starring Steven Webber and Craig Bierko! Is the film as bad as its reputation? Is it worth watching for fans of David's other work? And who steals the film in one scene? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: The Holiday Bonus episode!Next Regular Episode: 2022 kicks off with Michael Pare! All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 197: Episode 176: BILLY LYNN'S LONG HALFTIME WALK (2016)
08/12/2021 Duration: 01h55minAndrew and Dave are back! Moving on from Friday, the duo turn their sights onto the somewhat forgotten 2016 drama Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk from director Ang Lee! Enjoy the conversation in which the hosts offer their thoughts on the stages of Lee's career, how the film was ahead of the curve thematically, and whether or not a gun can be fired in a stadium full of people and not result in a ton of paperwork.Next Episode: What's the deal with one time directors?All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 196: Episode 175: FRIDAY (1995)
30/11/2021 Duration: 01h39minHaving survived the mediocrity of XXX: STATE OF THE UNION, Andrew and Dave are joined by returning guest Eric Jones to take a look at writer and star Ice Cube's breakthrough film FRIDAY, the 1995 comedy directed by F. Gary Gray (SET IT OFF, A MAN APART) and co-starring Chris Tucker! How well does the film hold up twenty-six years on? How many members of the cast have popped up previously on the show? How annoying are particular home video release strategies in this day and age? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Know what will make for a fun time? Satirical takes on contemporary American discourse with regards to soldiers!Catch Eric's writing on film at: All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 195: Episode 174: XXX: STATE OF THE UNION (2005)
24/11/2021 Duration: 01h47minHaving survived a serial killing mastermind (but not THE Mastermind) in ALONG CAME A SPIDER, Andrew and Dave turn their attention to Lee Tamahori's XXX: STATE OF THE UNION, the Ice Cube starring sequel to XXX. Just what do the duo make of the effort to pivot the series away from being defined by former (and eventually returning) star Vin Diesel? Just how much of the metatext of the film is intentional? And just why did it cost so damn much, any way? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: TGIF!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 194: Episode 173: ALONG CAME A SPIDER (2001)
16/11/2021 Duration: 01h55minJames once again joins Andrew and Dave as they jump back twenty years ago to take a look at the mostly forgotten ALONG CAME A SPIDER! Just what do the trio make of the adaptation of James Patterson's first Alex Cross novel? How many awful CGI effects are in the film? And just who the hell is the screenwriter behind this movie, anyway? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: The new Films(trips) cohost needs to be more dangerous, more deadly, more attitude. All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 193: Episode 172: L.A. CONFIDENTIAL (1997)
10/11/2021 Duration: 02h51sWE LOVE IT! WE LOVE IT! WE LOVE L.A.!Actually, Daven's never been and Randy Newman is preventing Andrew from ever returning, but the duo DO turn their attention to Curtis Hanson's 1997 period crime-drama L.A. CONFIDENTIAL in this episode of Films(trips)! Just how much does Andrew love the film? What joke will Dave run into the ground? How many up and coming Australians does it take to make a smash American crime drama? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: A film which asks you to believe nobody noticed someone disguising themselves for two years with obvious latex prosthetics.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Financial support provided by Rollo Tomasi.
Episode 192: Episode 171: THE POSTMAN (1997)
02/11/2021 Duration: 01h50minHaving survived a rock in space, Andrew and Dave turn their attention to the infamous bomb THE POSTMAN! Yes, that's right: the 1997 post-apocalyptic epic directed by and starring Kevin Costner! So get read for a discussion about the career of Costner, good intentions gone wrong, baffling editing choices and... Tom Petty?!Next Episode: Someone once cut Dave to look like a movie star, but they only succeeded in giving him the face of Murray Langston.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 191: Episode 170: ARMAGEDDON (1998)
25/10/2021 Duration: 01h42minFilms(trips) is back! This time, Andrew and Dave head into space for the infamous 1998 blockbuster ARMAGEDDON! Just what do the duo make of the infamous 1998 blockbuster? Is the inclusion of Aerosmith on the soundtrack insufferable, or just plain disturbing? And why is the behind the scenes production tales of the film more interesting than the final product? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor bullets, nor Armageddon will stop that mail!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 190: Episode 169: AEON FLUX (2005)
19/10/2021 Duration: 01h40minEric Jones once again joins Andrew and Dave as they journey into THE FUTURE! At least the future by way of the 1990s. Well, make that the future by way of the 1990s as interpreted by 2005.Anyways, the trio this time are taking a look at AEON FLUX, Karyn Kusama's adaptation the Peter Chung animated series which went through production hell and back. What do Andrew and Eric - fans of the original series - make of the adaptation? What does non-fan Dave think of the whole thing? Can Jonny Lee Miller be held responsible for DEXTER season five? And just how many future DOCTOR WHO guest stars turn up in this film? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: God help us, the return of Steven Tyler. Also, Bruce Willis.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 189: Episode 168: SHE'S SO LOVELY (1997)
12/10/2021 Duration: 01h40minThings get heated on the latest Films(trips) as hosts Andrew and Dave turn their attention to director Nick Cassavettes' tribute to his late father John, SHE'S SO LOVELY, starring Robin Wright, Sean Penn, and John Travolta! What do the podcasting duo struggle with in regards to the film? Just how great is Harry Dean Stanton? And why is there a ROCKY reunion for one scene in this movie? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: What if we adapt a hip adult animated series that isn't narrative driven into a mainstream summer blockbuster? It's bound to be critical and box office gold!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 188: Episode 167: HEART CONDITION (1990)
04/10/2021 Duration: 01h59minAndrew and Dave are back! And this time, the podcasting duo need all the help they can get from James "The 'H' Is Silent" Hrivnak as they confront what may just be the most confounding film yet covered on the show: HEART CONDITION, a (supposed) supernatural comedy starring Denzel Washington and Bob Hoskins. Just how can one film go so, SO far wrong? How could this film have been that much worse? And how does the film manage to hit a moment of brilliance by the end in its own deraigned way? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: On the plus side, Harry Dean Stanton is in the film!Music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 187: Episode 166: INSIDE MAN (2006)
28/09/2021 Duration: 01h40minAndrew and Dave return to Spike Lee in this episode of Films(trips), taking a look at what may just be the most commercial film of Lee's career: Inside Man, the 2006 thriller starring Denzel Washington and Clive Owen! Where does the film fit in Lee's overall body of work? How much does the film tackle the reality of New York after 9/11? Just how stylish does Washington get to dress in this film? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Washington. Hoskins. Bomb.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.