Co-hosts Dru Jeffries and David Babbitt explore the world of comic books on film, movie by movie and comic by comic.
Episode 26: SUSPICION
11/09/2018 Duration: 01h32minAndrew and Dave are back! Having driven through Corman country, the duo turn their attention to Alfred Hitchcock's 1941 thriller SUSPICION, starring Joan Fontaine and Cary Grant!Next Episode: War, booze, and romance.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
03/09/2018 Duration: 01h28minAfter the heavy subject matter of the last film discussed on the show, Andrew and Dave follow Dick Miller to something much lighter: Roger Corman's THE PREMATURE BURIAL. What do the duo make of the original Edgar Allan Poe short story? What do they think of the Corman adaptation? Will either of the pair remember James H. Nicholson's name? Listen in and find out!Next Episode: Duck noises and terrible marriages.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 24: WHITE DOG
27/08/2018 Duration: 01h43minAndrew and Dave return this week with a discussion of what is arguably the most controversial film they have watched thus far, Samuel Fuller's 1982 social drama WHITE DOG. Listen in as the pair try and contextualize the film historically and within the body of Fuller's work, while also grappling with the limits of the perspectives they can bring to the film. Next Episode: A move into A.I.P. territory.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 23: EATING RAOUL
21/08/2018 Duration: 01h39minAndrew and Dave managed to change the tire, and, after a quick drive past HIGHLANDER II: THE QUICKENING, have ended up at EATING RAOUL, the 1982 dark comedy from co-writer, director, and star Paul Bartel (DEATH RACE 2000). What do the pair make of Bartel's cult film? Tune in and find out!Next episode: A cold, hard look at racism that has no interest in comforting you or providing easy answers.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 22: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to HIGHLANDER II: THE QUICKENING...
13/08/2018 Duration: 21minIn this episode, Andrew and David are joined by a special guest to discuss- huh? What's that? Blow tire?Um, sooooo in this episode, Andrew and David touch upon HIGHLANDER II: THE QUICKENING, explain why this isn't like a regular episode of the show, give listeners a glace at how the show is produced, and explain the connection between HIGHLANDER II and the film to be discussed on the next episode of Films(trips)!Next Episode: Cheap? You call this podcast cheap? I think you mean inexpensive, right?All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
06/08/2018 Duration: 01h50minAndrew and Dave head back into the Cold War with THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, John McTiernan's 1990 adaptation of the book that made Tom Clancy a bestselling author. Does it hold up? What do the pair make of the film's politics? Is Richard Jordan awesome in the film? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: Insert obligatory "there should have been only one" joke.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 20: LOGAN'S RUN
31/07/2018 Duration: 01h43minAndrew and Dave celebrate having made twenty episodes of Films(trips) by looking at the one, the only...LOGAN'S RUN? Well, it might not be an obvious film to cover in a milestone episode, but the pair dive deep in their discussion of the sci-fi cult classic.Next Episode: Jack, next time you get a bright idea, put it in a podcast.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 19: 54 (1998)
24/07/2018 Duration: 01h47minIn this episode, Andrew and Dave talk about the theatrical cut AND director's cut of director Mark Christopher's 54, the notorious 1998 drama set during the heyday of the even more notorious Studio 54 dance club. What do the duo make of the film in its two forms? Will the poor Breckin Meyer finally get his due? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Cat poems and killer robots.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
16/07/2018 Duration: 01h39minIn this episode, Andrew and Dave stay in DC Comics land to take a look at Richard Donner's legendary SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE from 1978! Can the duo find anything new to say about the film? Is the three hour cut the best version of the film, or too much of a good thing? Are the podcasting duo transforming into old men? Tune in to find out!Oh, and sorry for the knocks on the Zack Snyder DC films.Next Episode: Compromised visions and disco hits!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
09/07/2018 Duration: 01h28minAndrew and Dave pick up a hitchhiker by the name of Dr. Dru Jeffries on this episode of Films(trips). Will it turn out like the cool 1986 film THE HITCHER, or will it turn out like the terrible 2007 remake of THE HITCHER? Neither, actually. Andrew, Dave, and Dru mostly just talk about THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING from 1989 for eighty or so minutes instead of being stalked by Rutger Hauer or Sean Bean.Next Episode: Still no Hauer or Bean, but plenty of Ned Beatty!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 16: The V.I.P.s
02/07/2018 Duration: 01h24minIn this episode of the show, Andrew and Dave look at the reprehensible Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton vehicle THE V.I.P.s, a supposedly romantic melodrama which disturbingly romanticizes abusive relationships. Can Andrew and Dave find anything to like about this 1963 disaster?Next episode: Greenpeace's favorite superhero. No, not Captain Planet.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
25/06/2018 Duration: 01h38minIn this episode of the show, Andrew and Dave discuss Orson Welles' 1966 film CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT, a somewhat unconventional adaptation of several plays by William Shakespeare. Or, to be more accurate, Andrew and Dave discuss CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT when they are not busy discussing how critics and academics have evaluated the film over the years.Next episode: Taylor! Burton! Airports!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 14: THE THIRD MAN
19/06/2018 Duration: 01h30minAndrew and Dave hit the mean streets of post war Vienna to examine Carol Reed's THE THIRD MAN. Is it a mystery? Is it a thriller? Is it one of the best damn films you will ever watch? Listen to find out!Next episode: Francoist Spain stands in for medieval England.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
11/06/2018 Duration: 01h39minWhat is THE LAST UNICORN? Is it a family film? A film for more adult audiences? A film for anyone? Andrew and Dave discuss these questions and possibly arrive at some answers in this episode of Films(trips)!Next Episode: We trade the guitar based music of Jimmy Webb and America for something played on a zither.
Episode 12: THE WICKER MAN (1973)
04/06/2018 Duration: 01h42minIn this episode, Andrew and Dave discuss Robin Hardy's cult classic THE WICKER MAN and try to decide which of them is the bigger fool (David. The answer is David).Next episode: Gotta find my Daisy Unicorn.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
22/05/2018 Duration: 01h20minWhat's that? You've never heard of MACHINE GUN McCAIN before? Well, there is a good reason for that, as Andrew and Dave explain in this episode of Films(trips)!Next episode: An exploration of alternative farming methods.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 10: DEEP RED
14/05/2018 Duration: 01h31minAndrew and Dave return to 1975 with Dario Argento's DEEP RED, a giallo film starring David Hemmings and Daria Nicoldoi. Is the film worthy of its spot in the horror canon? Or is the film a beautiful looking misfire? Next episode: cars, casinos, and Columbo.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser
08/05/2018 Duration: 01h27minWhat film ended the career of Sean Connery, drove Stephen Norrington out of the film business, AND managed to tick off The Original Author? Why, it is none other than THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, the 2003 film Andrew and Dave have the misfortune of talking about!Next episode: beautiful images and nonsensical storytelling.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.
Episode 8: ANGEL HEART (1987)
29/04/2018 Duration: 01h33minIn this episode, Andrew and Dave take a look at Alan Parker's 1987 horror-noir ANGEL HEART.Next Episode: 1899 by way of 2003.
11/04/2018 Duration: 01h19minAndrew and Dave are feeling as tired as a fifty-seven year old Robert Mitchum looks in the 1975 neo-noir FAREWELL, MY LOVELY, but that doesn't stop the duo from giving Dick Richard's adaptation of Raymond Chandler's classic novel its full day in court.Next time: How much darker can noir get? So, SO much darker.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser.