Co-hosts Dru Jeffries and David Babbitt explore the world of comic books on film, movie by movie and comic by comic.
Playing for Time - Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN (2021)...Kinda
12/03/2020 Duration: 59minWhat happens when a bunch of paying work, family illnesses, and overall lack of sleep make doing a regular episode of Films(trips) a dubious effort? Why, Andrew and Dave PLAY FOR TIME!In this instance, the podcasting duo talk about the Batman film franchise and the upcoming 2021 film, THE BATMAN. Somehow, this leads to endless tangents about American politics, what real life figure Rupert Thorn should be modeled after, Corey Feldman, and Daniel Radcliff's non-existent (or is it?) band.We're sorry for this one, folks.Next Episode: Really, seriously, the 100th (regular) episode of Films(trips)!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by David. Rot in jail, Harvey.
Episode 99: IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946)
05/03/2020 Duration: 01h50minIt's Christmas in March here on Films(trips)!That's right: bucking the trend of looking at a Christmas film during the Christmas season, Andrew and Dave take a look at director Frank Capra's 1946 film IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE in the lead up to Easter! After all, what season isn't the time to talk about mental health, wealth redistribution, and the dangers of unrestrained capitalism? Next Episode: Films(trips) hits 100 episodes with an episode looking at the GREATEST MARRIED COUPLE OF ALL TIME.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. And, as ever, to hell with HUAC.
Episode 98: VERBOTEN! (1959)
26/02/2020 Duration: 01h18minFolks, guess what? Andrew and Dave are back in post-WWII Germany! AND they're back in Sam Fuller country!That's right, the duo are taking a look at the 1959 Samuel Fuller... well, peculiarity, VERBOTEN! What do the duo make of this tale of forbidden love, national identity, and the threat of neo-Nazis? Will Andrew stumble upon what actor James Best is most known for? Will Dave fumble his sentences more than usual? Will either of them be prepared the film's climax that is questionable in its good taste? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: You will believe thirty-odd-year-old Jimmy Stewart is a teenager. Actually, you won't, but the filmmakers go through with it anyway.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Almost at 100, folks!
Episode 97: BLADE RUNNER (1982)
20/02/2020 Duration: 01h53minPeace reigns at last!Having bickered over Ridley Scott's 2017 film ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD, Andrew and Dave find a common love for one of Scott's masterworks, BLADE RUNNER! Yes, it is the film that exists in five distinct cuts (and unlike ALEXANDER, they are all worth watching), has left film geeks debating both plot points and themes, and which has dazzled generations with its gorgeous production design. But this episode seeks to answer the most important question of all:Is Andrew or Dave a Repilcant? Next Episode: You wouldn't necessarily think of Paul Anka and Germany immediately after WWII would go together, but you aren't Samuel Fuller, are you?Music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Stay tuned in ten years for the re-edit which inserts Andrew's lost dream sequence.
Episode 96: ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD (2017)
13/02/2020 Duration: 01h38minEnjoy Films(trips), but think the hosts don't bicker with each other nearly enough? Well good news! This episode is for you!This time, Andrew and Dave take a look at Ridley Scott's ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD, the 2017 true crime drama starring Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, and Mark Wahlberg. Before the episode is over, you will:-Hear Andrew and Dave debate what it means for a film to be "solid".-Thrill as Andrew is introduced to the existence of the DIE HARD knock off, CRACKERJACK!-Debate whether it is really even fair to compare ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD to the (far superior) THERE WILL BE BLOOD.-Listen to Dave get increasingly flustered at Andrew's surprisingly anger towards a film both generally agree is "fine".-And more!Next Episode: Eye engineers! Fake owls! Drunk Harrison Ford!All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 95: SE7EN (1995)
06/02/2020 Duration: 01h48minTime to get fatalistic!Yes, that's right folks: Films(trips) is back, and this time the podcasting duo of Andrew and Dave are taking a look at David Fincher's 1995 bit of nihilism, SE7EN! Does this twenty-five year old film hold up? Will Dave mistakenly attribute a certain music video to Fincher? Will Andrew remember the name of Burt Young when David fails to? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Did you know that Andrew and Dave were once kidnapped and held for ransom? Unfortunately, no one was willing to pay the seven dollars total to recover them. The Go Fund Me to pay to keep them away, however, was a smash success.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
29/01/2020 Duration: 52min(Note: there is some mild, MILD cursing towards the very end of the episode. You'll all survive, but if listen to this show with children for some reason, just know what's coming.)Needing to buy a week as they prep the next proper episode, Andrew and Dave instead spend this bonus episode talking about the recent Oscar nominations, despite both having seen less than half of the best picture nominees. Why doesn't David care about JOKER (or the Oscars at all)? How much does Andrew hate ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD? Do both agree that THE LIGHTHOUSE is freaking amazing?Tune in and find out!Next Episode: See above. Most music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Apologies to all.
Episode 94: FULL METAL JACKET (1987)
23/01/2020 Duration: 01h41minEric Jones once again joins Andrew and Dave in the Films(trips)-mobile, and this time he finally gets to talk about his beloved Stanley Kubrick!That's right! Having left Paul W.S. Anderson territory behind, the trio take a look at the 1987 war drama FULL METAL JACKET! What will they make of one of Kubrick's most divisive films? What perspective does Kubrick have about Vietnam? And most importantly, is Adam Baldwin part of the famous Baldwin family? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Worst episode of "Let's Make a Deal" ever.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Follow Eric's work at
Episode 93: MORTAL KOMBAT (1995)
15/01/2020 Duration: 01h37minIn this episode of Films(trips) the podcasting duo of Andrew and Dave turn their attention to Paul Thomas Anderson's PHANTOM THREAD-Wait, that's not right.No, it turns out the duo are turning their attention to Paul W.S. Anderson's 1995 film MORTAL KOMBAT, starring Robin Shou! Can the podcasting duo find something intelligent to say about one of the better video game films ever game? Not really, but the film does lead to oddball jokes, shocking revelations about the pasts of both Andrew and Dave, and mutal admiration of Cary-Hiroyuki-Tagawa's hair.Next Episode: A return to both Kubrick and intelligent conversation.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by David. And apparently Raiden belongs to the Shinto religion. Research: it is always important!
Episode 92: STREETS OF FIRE (1984)
09/01/2020 Duration: 01h57minThe year is 2020, and Andrew and Dave are back! And to kick things off, the duo are looking at a film they have sought to do for a great deal of time: STREETS OF FIRE, the rock and roll themed action film from writer/director Walter Hill!Just how much do the duo love this film? Is STREETS A FIRE a film one can even properly articulate their experience of in words? Is listening to this episode of Films(trips) less likely to provoke anxiety than listening to news? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: Alright, let's dance.Most music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 91: THE ONE (2001)
31/12/2019 Duration: 01h40minWith 2020 upon us, Andrew and Dave close out 2019 in style with... THE ONE?Yes, that's right! What do the duo make of the James Wong directed and Jet Li starring sci-fi action from from 2001? How much will Dave gush over the late, great television series "Millennium"? Will Andrew get down with the sickness or let the bodies hit the floor? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: There's nothing wrong with going nowhere baby, but we should be going nowhere fast.Music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. See you all in folks!
29/12/2019 Duration: 58minHappy Holidays, everyone!With the end of 2019 quickly approaching, Andrew and Dave reflect back on the year that was. What lessons did they learn? What goals have they set for 2020? Can the duo stay positive for an entire hour? Tune in and find out!Next Regular Episode: Andrew and Dave close out 2019 with Jet Li and Jason Statham.Special thank you to Ross May, James Hrivnak, Chris Martin, Eric Jones, Dr. Brandon Arroyo, Jesse Balzer, and Dr. Matthew Asprey Gear.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
24/12/2019 Duration: 01h51minOn the surface, an episode about Paul Schrader's 2005 horror film DOMINION: PREQUEL TO THE EXORCIST might seem odd to release on Christmas Eve. However, the episode contains all the Christmas time traditions you would expect, including:-The hosts (Andrew and Dave) getting into heated arguments in front of the guests (in this instance, James Hrivnak)-Political conversations (just what are the politics of this film?)-Music! And not just at the beginning and end of the episode as usual-Conversation which becomes increasingly incoherent because the participants have stayed up way too lateSo join the gang this episode! If you can't spend the holidays with your family, this will be just as miserable an experience!Next Episode: Jet Li v. Jet Li or, Why You Don't Give Exposition to Jason StathamAll music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Sorry to everyone.
17/12/2019 Duration: 01h40min(Trigger Warning: The following episode includes discussions of sexual assault and child abuse. Please be advised)With three regular episodes left in 2019, Andrew and Dave decide to take things easy this week by looking at a film about fascist Italy just before the start of World War II!Yes, that's right folks: Andrew and Dave are taking a look at Bernardo Bertalucci's breakthrough 1970 film THE CONFORMIST! What do the duo make of this beloved international film? What important things do Andrew and Dave learn about caster oil? And how many Italian names will Dave mispronounce before the episode is finished? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Lankester Merrin is too busy digging to bless the rains down in Africa.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Shout out to Arthur!
Episode 88: LITTLE BUDDHA (1993)
10/12/2019 Duration: 01h50minThis episode is dedicated to the memory of Evan. Poor, poor Evan.Films(trips) is back! This time out, Andrew and Dave are joined by special guest Ross May to discuss Bernardo Bertolucci's 1993 drama, LITTLE BUDDHA! What will the trio make of this often overlooked film? Will Dave pass the test when Andrew questions his knowledge of Chris Isaak? And why would Keanu Reeves want us to forget that LITTLE BUDDHA exists? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Conform this!Don't forget to subscribe to Ross May's podcast, REITMAN FOR THE JOB!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
04/12/2019 Duration: 01h48minBehold! With the second year of Films(trips) soon to come to a close, the podcasting duo of Andrew and Dave are completely broken by the second Taylor Hackford film they've encountered, THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE!Just how broken are the duo? Why, this episode features Andrew racing against the side effects of Robaxacet taken to deal with neck pain, Dave desperately trying to understand the metaphysics behind the film's presentation of the ant-Christ, extended discussions of both the Bill Clinton impeachment hearings as well as the O.J. Simpson trial, dueling Al Pacino impressions, AND Andrew's baffling interpretation of how Keanu Reeves' sounds in this film.So for all of that AND Don King, tune in now!Next Episode: Buddhism and Bridget Fonda.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by David.
Episode 86: THAT THING YOU DO! (1996)
26/11/2019 Duration: 01h53minHaving survived a less-than-stellar trip to Berlin 1989 in the last episode of Films(trips), Andrew and Dave head to 1964 by way of 1996 with THAT THING YOU DO! What do the podcasting duo make of Tom Hanks' feature film directorial debut? Where does the film fit within the overall context of Hanks' career? Is Tom Everett Scott a clone of Tom Hanks, or some sort of life-like android programmed with the knowledge of Tom Hanks' comedy performances from the 1980s? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: "Hey Bob, it's Al! I'm playin' the devil for Taylor Hackford! Any tips?"All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 85: ATOMIC BLONDE (2017)
20/11/2019 Duration: 01h47minAndrew and Dave return to a fragmented Berlin this week with ATOMIC BLONDE, the David Leitch directed spy-action film starring Charlize Theron, James Macovy, Sofia Boutella, and (current) Films(trips) champion John Goodman!What do the duo make of the spy film? Are they enraptured by its slick, '80s infused style, or are they left feeling pandered to? Is the film fresh and surprising, or little more than a collection of spy tropes? And more to the point, can the pair actually figure out what the hell ATOMIC BLONDE means? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Okay, they can't say it directly, but at least Tom Hanks is aware that John Lennon was a jerk.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Special thanks to Anders Bergstrom (whom we forgot to name check in the episode proper) for the point about what years most of the soundtrack selections in the film were from.
Episode 84: SEA OF LOVE (1989)
12/11/2019 Duration: 01h45minFilms(trips) is back! And on time this week!Can't get Disney+ to work properly? Andrew and Dave have you covered! This time out, the duo talk about a film most certainly NOT on the Mouse House's new streaming service: Harold Becker's 1989 erotic thriller SEA OF LOVE, starring Al Pachino and Ellen Barkin! This the film a tacky, misogynistic work like many other entries in the so-called "erotic thriller" genre? Has Pachino reached his final form, or is his still mid-transformation? And just how many times will John Goodman pop up on this show? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: All style. No substance. Pandering soundtrack.Don't forget to check out the work of Dr. Philippa Gates, including her books "Detecting Men" and "Detecting Women."All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 83: CRUISING (1980)
08/11/2019 Duration: 01h58min(NOTE: Unlike most episodes of the show, this one is NSFW [not safe for work], as the subject matter required a more frank conversation than normal. Nothing gratuitous, but please keep in mind).Andrew and Dave return in this episode of Films(trips) to take a look at what might just be the most controversial film the pair have tackled yet! Yes, that's right: the duo are taking a look at the 1980 mystery-thriller CRUISING, starring Al Pachino!However, Andrew and Dave know what they don't know, and enlist the help of Dr. Brandon Arroyo to help contextualize CRUISING's place in queer cinema! What do the trio make of the William Freidkin film? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: I can only interpret the absence of The Honeydippers' cover of the song from the soundtrack as a snub.All music by Andrew Kannegeisser. Audio wrangling and technology fighting by Dave Babbitt