Airing the 3rd Friday of each month at noon, listen to Discovery Radio on 91.7 WMSE, or browse our Episode Archive. Hear interviews and information about what scientists across southeastern Wisconsin are discovering in their labs and clinics. Think of it as a look behind the curtain about what's happening to accelerate discoveries to improve the health of our community - sometimes years before you would ever hear about it anywhere else. Discovery Radio introduces you to new and novel discoveries and the researchers behind them. It will change the way you think about your health and well being in Wisconsin.
Episode #50 - Injury Prevention & Control Science: Treating Injury as Disease
15/06/2018 Duration: 30minWhen someone is injured, it puts that person at significant risk for disability or even death. In fact, each year, injury is among the leading causes of death in the U.S. So, what can be done to try to reduceinjuries and their potentially devastating results? On today’s show, we’ll learn about the importance of treating injury as disease. We’ll also introduce a new segment focusing on clinical trials and, later, we’ll hear get an update on the All of Us Wisconsin Research Program. That’s all coming up inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #49 - Blood Research: Diagnosing HIT
18/05/2018 Duration: 30minA commonly prescribed blood thinner can cause a serious, even fatal condition known as HIT. On today’s show, we’ll hear from a local researcher who’s working diligently on new treatments and tools for diagnosing HIT. And later, we’ll hear about a new public awareness campaign that can make you a hero in an emergency situation. We’re learning about a blood disorder, and how to Stop The Bleed, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #48 - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Social Isolation of Teens & Young Adults
20/04/2018 Duration: 30minAutism is a neurological disorder that can dramatically affect a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It’s a life-long condition, even though many associate it with young children. On today’s show, we’ll look at some of those challenges among teens and young adult with Autism, and their increased risk mental health conditions like anxiety and depression due to their social isolation And later, we’ll give you an update on The Periscope Project and their involvement in the upcoming national Maternal Mental Health Awareness week. That’s all coming up, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode 47 - Cancer Clinical Trial Breakthrough: Dual-Targeted CAR-T Cell Therapy
19/03/2018 Duration: 30minIt's a new cancer treatment that genetically alters a person's immune system, training healthy cells to target and kill deadly cancer cells. On today show, hear from the team of doctors who worked collaboratively in translating basic science research into successful clinical application. And later, hear from the Wisconsin man whose life has been extended after becoming the first person in the world to receive this groundbreaking treatment in a clinical trial. Learn about the success of Dual-Target CAR-T cell therapy, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode 46 - Past, Present & Future of Precision Medicine
19/02/2018 Duration: 30minHe calls it the last revolution in medicine, and he ought to know. He’s new to SE Wisconsin, but through his years of expertise, he’s leading researchers and clinicians in using the human genome to better understand disease, improve diagnoses and advance patient care in our community and beyond! Learn about Precision Medicine’s past, present and future from Dr. Raul Urrutia, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #45 - Postdoc Industry Consultants (PICO)
19/01/2018 Duration: 30minIn academic medicine, post-doctoral fellows are often at the forefront of scientific research. But not all post-docs stay in academics. On today’s show, we’ll discover an organization that’s helping post-docs gain experience from industry, while providing knowledge to industry. It’s known as PICO, or Postdoc Industry Consultants. Learn more, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #44 - 2017 Year In Review
15/12/2017 Duration: 30min2017 was another year packed full of interesting stories of research and discoveries through translational science…and every month, CTSI Discovery Radio them to you. We learned about a public health crisis that’s claiming lives in our community and a project helping bring new lives into the community. We heard about impactful outcomes, impactful innovations, and impactful research on…impacts. Join us for a special 2017 Year In Review…inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #43 - All Of Us Research Program
17/11/2017 Duration: 30minPerhaps by now you’ve already heard about Precision Medicine, the revolutionary new approach of improving healthcare to the meet specific needs of individuals. On today’s show, we’ll share insight into a bold, exciting nationwide research program, designed to accelerate progress toward a new age of Precision Medicine for all of us. Learn about the All of Us Research Program, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #42 - Love Your Liver
21/10/2017 Duration: 30minWhen was the last time you thought about your liver’s health? Do you ever? On today’s show, we will look at liver health, as well as a specific chronic liver disease, liver transplant, and later we’ll hear from someone who suffered from a chronic liver disease, requiring a liver transplant. It’s Liver Awareness Month, so we’re going to show some love for our liver, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio
Episode #41 - Technology Transfer: Advancing Patents to Patients®
16/09/2017 Duration: 30minThe Greek philosopher Plato said, “necessity is the mother of invention.” It’s true that challenges often inspire ingenious solutions. But sometimes, even after a solution is discovered, there are other challenges needing to be overcome. On today’s show, we’ll learn about the process of turning ideas into inventions, and then marketing them to the individual, creating commercial products or concepts that can benefit people worldwide. And later, we’ll hear about an upcoming annual, national conference on technology commercialization for inventors, entrepreneurs and industry alike that’ll be happening right here in our community. Learn about the management of inventions and other intellectual property assets and how they’re advanced from Patents to Patients®, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Discovery Radio - Episode 40 -Battling PTSD Through Research, Technology and Community
21/08/2017 Duration: 30minThe mental health of our U.S. military veterans is an issue of increasing concern, with estimates today suggesting that Post Traumatic Stress from active military service affects and impacts somewhere between 15 and 20 percent of our veteran population. The challenge is, how can accurate information about high-risk behaviors be obtained from veterans in order to provide timely and effective early interventions for mental health crises? On today’s show, we’ll hear from one researcher who’s taking on this challenge, and he’s working with a team to develop an innovative mobile health support system utilizing smartphone technology in hopes of helping U.S. military veterans detect and reduce high-risk behaviors associated with PTSD. It’s a look at an innovative solution toward helping military veterans battling PTSD through research, technology and community, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #39 - The Periscope Project
22/07/2017 Duration: 30minManaging medications for treatment of behavioral health issues or addiction disorders can be challenging. But, imagine the added challenge of managing medications for women with these conditions who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. On today’s show, we’ll learn about a new initiative aimed at providing critical perinatal psychiatric expertise and resources for care providers of expecting and new mothers, and the high hopes for its success and growth. It’s a look at treating the behavioral health and addiction disorder needs of pregnant and postpartum patients through The Periscope Project, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #38 - Crash Lab: Impact on Safety
17/06/2017 Duration: 29minWe know that wearing a safety belt as part of the restraint system in vehicles can reduce our risk for injury in the event of an accident, but how do we know, and who tests them? On today’s show, we’ll hear from an expert at a crash lab in our community whose research has an important impact on the safety of people everywhere. We’re going to the crash lab to find out how dummies make us smarter and safer, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #37 - Pediatric Acute Pain Management
16/05/2017 Duration: 30minParents will do anything to protect their children. But at some point it’s almost inevitable that a child will get hurt, whether from an accident or from recreational play, resulting in acute pain that needs to be treated. On today’s show, we’ll learn about how acute pediatric pain is most effectively assessed, treated and managed by healthcare professionals and, perhaps more importantly, by parents at home. It’s a look at best practices in handling acute pain in our children, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #36 - Kidney Disease + Transplant
24/04/2017 Duration: 30minFor such small organs, our kidneys perform some disproportionately large functions in our body. Unfortunately, the rate of kidney disease in the U.S is higher than you might think, requiring treatments ranging from medications to dialysis and, in severe cases, kidney replacement. On today’s show, we’ll learn about our kidneys from a couple of leading researchers in kidney disease. And later, we’ll hear from a man in our community who needed a kidney transplant, and the woman who donated her kidney to him. It’s a look at kidney function, health, disease and treatment through transplant, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #35 - Studies on Eating: You are What and WHEN you eat
14/03/2017 Duration: 30minEpisode #35 - Studies on Eating: You are What and WHEN you eat by CTSI of Southeast Wisconsin
Episode #34 - Public Health Crisis: The Epidemic of Heroin & Prescription Opioid Abuse
20/02/2017 Duration: 30minIt’s one of the largest, most wide-spread public health crises our country and our community has ever faced. The incidence rate of heroin and prescription opioid abuse and related deaths has reached epidemic proportions. On today’s show, we’ll explore how this concerning problem is affecting members of our community, and how it’s impacting medical education and practice. It’s a special report on collaboration to battle our community’s opioid abuse crisis, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio
Episode #33 - Organ Regrowth
26/01/2017 Duration: 30minA team of doctors need to fix a critically ill patient’s badly damaged esophagus, only to find that it’s beyond repair by standard practice. What they did instead, you’ll have to hear to believe! On today’s show, we’ll get the story straight from the doctor in our community who lead an extraordinary team effort in successfully re-growing an esophagus inside the patient. And later, we’ll learn how this could lead to future breakthroughs in patient care. It’s an amazing story of a landmark organ regeneration done out of life-saving necessity, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio
Episode #32 - Special Edition: 2016 Year In Review
05/01/2017 Duration: 30minThis year was a year filled with interesting news and stories of research and discoveries through translational science and throughout 2016, CTSI Discovery Radio brought you lots of them! On today’s show we’ll revisit some of the important stories we shared with you…like how our medical industry hopes to revolutionize healthcare and treat diseases in our country, an emerging disease that made international headlines, and some amazing, alternative therapies for providing treatment to our U.S. military service veterans. And later, we’ll take a look back at some of the things our ‘CTS-Eye on the Community’ focused on during 2016. It’s our special year-in-review show as we reflect on what we learned during 2016, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!
Episode #31 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis): Cope to Hope
30/11/2016 Duration: 30minImagine if your body’s immune system developed an abnormality, and instead of helping to fight off infection, it began mistaking good bacteria and other matter in the intestinal or digestive tract as invading substances. For over one-and-a half-million people in the U.S. suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, it’s all too real. On today’s show, we’ll learn about two primary Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. What’s known about them? What can be done to treat them? And what more can we learn about them through research? And later, we’ll hear from one community member who participated in a national clinical trial for a medication to treat Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, and learn about his outcome and outlook. It’s an important look at a sensitive topic as we discuss Inflammatory Bowel Disease, inside this edition of CTSI Discovery Radio!