Ielts Energy English Podcast | Ielts English Speaking Practice 7+ | Ielts Test Strategy | Ielts English Writing Tips

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 448:00:25
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Do you want to get a band 7 on the IELTS exam? IELTS English exam preparation doesnt have to be hard or boring! It can be fun! Lindsay and Jessica from All Ears English are back with a new way to help you achieve the IELTS score you need for the General or the Academic exam! Well give you IELTS strategies, practice, tips, tricks, and secrets using real English examples. Well show you how to take control of the IELTS Speaking Section by reducing anxiety, panic, and fear. Youll learn what to do when your mind goes blank, how to organize your thoughts and how to use intonation, English pronunciation and native English vocabulary such as phrasal verbs and idioms to impress the IELTS examiner. Youll find out which grammar points you should use in the IELTS Speaking Test and which ones you should avoid to get a band 7. Youll also get guidance on how to prepare for IELTS Writing Task 1 and IELTS Writing Task 2 with help on the opinion essay, graphs and charts, and the argument or discursive essay. Youll get tips on how to succeed with IELTS listening comprehension strategies and how to get the highest possible score on the IELTS reading test. Youll find out how to use IELTS practice tests to get the maximum score increase to go from a 5 or 6 to a 7 or higher.Well show you the common mistakes that most students make on IELTS test day, what to expect on the day of the exam, and how the exam is structured. Youll get the best possible IELTS resource recommendations from Jessica Beck who has taught IELTS for more than 10 years.IELTS Energy is perfect for you if you want to move from a band 5 or a 6 to a band 7 or higher. Prepare for IELTS with Lindsay and Jessica! We will answer your IELTS questions directly so please join us and send in your questions.Join us to get the score you need and have fun doing it!Get motivated for the IELTS exam with IELTS Energy!


  • IELTS Energy 40: Introvert? Extrovert? How to Use Your Style To Prepare Effectively

    30/04/2015 Duration: 17min

    Get our FREE IELTS VIDEO TRAINING NOW   Are you preparing for IELTS in a way that works with your personality? Do you assume that because you’re an introvert, you can’t succeed on the Speaking test? What’s the difference between an introvert and an extrovert: Introvert: You lose energy from being around people and stimulation Extrovert: You can get energy from outside stimulation like interaction with people, music, crowds, etc.   Come back to our site to get more advice for IELTS Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 39: Why The Test Is Recorded and Why It Matters to You

    28/04/2015 Duration: 17min

    We have a HOT new IELTS video training out! Get it here and learn how to get a 7 or higher on your IELS exam. This morning one of our listeners just took the Speaking test and we got a great question from her. She had two questions: 1- “Is it bad that the examiner asked me to speak louder?” 2- “Is it ok that I took a quick sip of water during the test?” Neither of these issues is a problem that will affect your grade. But you must speak loudly enough that the examiner can hear you of course.   Come back to our site for more tips and advice Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 38: The 4 Deadliest Language Crutches on the IELTS Speaking Test

    27/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Get our FREE IELTS VIDEO TRAINING HERE   Are you using crutches when it comes to the IELTS Speaking test? Today you’ll find out why crutches can be deadly on the IELTS exam. Language crutches in English are “like,” “um,” “uh” and words like those. When you use those on the IELTS Speaking test you lose points for both fluency and vocabulary. You lose fluency points because you are repeating yourself and you lose vocabulary points because it sounds like you don’t have the vocabulary words that you need. You have to stop using them on the exam even though you hear native speakers using them all of the time and they are natural.   Come back to our site to find out how to stop using these crutches Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IELTS Energy 37: The Two Steps to Follow if You Run Out of Ideas in Speaking Part 2

    24/04/2015 Duration: 13min

    Get our free 3-part IELTS video training course now!   Do you ever run out of things to say on the IELTS Speaking test? What should you do in this situation? This happens a lot in Part 2 of the Speaking test.   Follow two steps if your mind goes blank and you run out of ideas: Be honest. Say something like “That’s all I can think of to say on that topic.” “I can’t believe it’s not two minutes yet.” This will also help with your anxiety. If you say what you are experiencing, you will feel much more relaxed. Next, think of something else to say. Think of anything in your personal experience that connects to the topic in any way. Follow these two steps the next time you run out of ideas on the Speaking test and let us know how it goes. Share your thoughts in the comments below. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IELTS Energy 36: The BIGGEST Myth About Academic Writing and Speaking on the IELTS

    23/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Get our FREE IELTS Video Training Course Now   Do you know what the biggest myth about writing and speaking on the IELTS is? What should you do if the questions that you get on the speaking test are too broad? You should talk about examples from your personal life. Tell your own stories. Think about your most recent experiences from the topic. For example: Q: Do you enjoy exercise? A: Yeah just yesterday I was going on a bike ride and I saw cherry blossoms. Don’t be afraid to “boast” about yourself. Also use linking phrases to get a higher fluency and coherence score. Examiners listen for them. Use linking words like: “In fact…” “Indeed” “Actually”   What questions do you have about the IELTS exam? Let us know in the comments below. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IELTS Energy 35: Why You Should Throw Away Your Grammar Book If You Want to Do Well on the Exam

    22/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Get our FREE IELTS VIDEO TRAINING COURSE NOW!   Did you know that you should spend LESS time on grammar when you prepare for the IELTS exam? Does that sound strange to you? If it does then you should listen to today’s episode. Why shouldn’t you focus on grammar?   It’s not worth the time and it’s almost impossible to improve your grammar score for the speaking section quickly. Don’t waste your time on grammar textbooks. Instead of doing grammar exercises, you should try reading a newspaper to improve your reading score.     In speaking, you are graded on 4 things: fluency and coherence- keep talking and don’t use “ums” and “uhs’ vocab- use exaggerated language, slangs, and idioms to get a 7 pronunciation- get a 7 by using intonation and emotions grammar- this will be much harder to improve   Remember, your speaking score is an average. You can still get a speaking score of 7 without focusing on grammar.   What do you think? Are you focusing a lot on grammar? Are you going to change your strategy after to

  • IELTS Energy 34: The Most Important Listening Skill that You Need for the IELTS Exam

    20/04/2015 Duration: 16min

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  • IE 33: Should YOU Take the IELTS? Find Out Why or Why Not

    14/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Get your FREE IELTS CHEAT SHEET NOW   What is the IELTS? Who takes it, and why? Today, Lindsay and Jessica discuss all the basics of the IELTS exam!   The IELTS is an exam that’s usually taken by non-native English speakers. The academic version of the exam is for students who want to study in a English-language university. A more general IELTS exam is taken by job candidates who want to work in English-speaking countries. The two versions are very similar – the only difference is that the academic test has more difficult reading and writing sections.   IELTS is completed with pencil and paper, and by speaking with a real person. This is very different from something like TOEFL, which is computerized. However, the IELTS does have very specific rules. This means that knowing what to expect can help you get a better score.   If you’re at intermediate level and you’re planning to take the exam, you should begin preparing for it least 3-6 months ahead. Also, be aware that the IELTS is very popular, so seats fill

  • IE 32: How to Amp Up Your Personality and Get a 7 on the IELTS Speaking Test

    13/04/2015 Duration: 14min

    Get your FREE IELTS CHEAT SHEET   Do you want to impress the examiner in the IELTS speaking section? Today, find out why exaggerating will give you a better score!   If you want to stand out in the IELTS speaking section, you need to energize the English you’re using. You can’t just say something boring like “I’m hungry” when you can get more attention by saying “I’m starving – if I don’t eat now, I’m gonna die!” Of course, you don’t need to exaggerate all the time when you speak English, but doing it during your speaking exam will definitely impress your teacher. Use adverbs to magnify your adjectives, and use idioms and metaphors to add color to what you’re saying. Also, use excited and dramatic intonation to show emotion. Doing these will make you a more interesting and natural-sounding speaker, and get you a better score.   Here are some examples: “I totally love my bedroom. It’s by far the best room in my house!” “The couch is so soft it’s like sitting on a cloud.” “I like days when the sun’s beating

  • IE 31: Does It Matter If You Prepare for IELTS with British or American English?

    09/04/2015 Duration: 10min

    Get your FREE IELTS CHEAT SHEET: Let's talk about it- leave us a question at   Should you speak American English or British English on the IELTS? Today, Jessica and Lindsay talk about accents, and what you can expect on the exam!   The IELTS was developed in Cambridge, United Kingdom. So does that mean you should speak English with a British accent when you take the exam? The answer is no. English is now a global language, and the IELTS is a global exam. On the listening section, you are likely to hear American, British, Indian and other kinds of English accents. And it doesn’t matter which you use when you speak – as long as your pronunciation is clear! It’s a good idea to get used to different accents so you don’t have trouble understanding them on test day. Consider listening to podcasts from the different places, and don’t be afraid to work with a teacher from anywhere.   Which English accents are you us

  • IE 30: What Does It Mean if the Examiner Says "Stop" on the IELTS Speaking Test?

    07/04/2015 Duration: 11min

    Get your FREE IELTS CHEAT SHEET:   Come back to and leave a comment Why does the IELTS examiner stop you in the speaking test? Today, Jessica and Lindsay talk about why this happens, and why you shouldn’t worry about it!   It can be frustrating if the IELTS examiner asks you a question, and you begin answering it, and then they stop you while you’re speaking. You might think that you made an English mistake, or the examiner doesn’t like your answer. But that’s not what’s happening. Timing is the issue. The examiner has only a certain amount of time to ask you about specific things. As part of their job, they must stop you – and it has nothing to do with the quality of your English, or your answer. Don’t let an abrupt interruption like this cause you extra anxiety! Expect it to happen, and don’t take it personally. All tests have to follow their timing.   Do you think being interrupted while you’re English

  • IE 29: What to Do If You Need Time to Think on the Speaking Test

    02/04/2015 Duration: 14min

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  • IE 28: How to Increase your IELTS Score by Dressing Smart

    01/04/2015 Duration: 11min

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  • IE 27: Why Connection Matters More Than Perfection on the IELTS Exam

    31/03/2015 Duration: 12min

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  • IE 26: Why You Should Stop Worrying About Speaking Fast on the IELTS Exam

    30/03/2015 Duration: 12min

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  • IE 25: What If I Don't Know the Answer to a Speaking Question?

    27/03/2015 Duration: 11min

    Get our free IELTS Cheat Sheet: Get a summary of today's episode: What's your target score on the Speaking test? Come back to our site and let us know! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 24: Secrets for Success on Writing Task 2

    26/03/2015 Duration: 16min

    Nervous about the IELTS Speaking test? Get our free IELTS Cheat Sheet and learn what the Examiner wants: Get a summary of today's episode here: Tell us what your target score is and when your next exam date is. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 23: Anti-anxiety Hints for the IELTS Exam

    25/03/2015 Duration: 16min

    Get our free IELTS Cheat Sheet:   Get a summary of today's episode:   Come back to our site and leave a comment. Let's have a conversation about the IELTS! Let us know your next test date. We are here to support you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 22: HOT Resources for the IELTS Exam

    24/03/2015 Duration: 17min

    Find out what the Examiner wants on the Speaking test: Here is the summary of today's show:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • IE 21: How to Beat Writing Task 1 on the IELTS

    23/03/2015 Duration: 11min

    Get our free IELTS Cheat Sheet! Find out what the examiner wants on the speaking test: Get a summary of this episode here: Come back to our site and ask us your IELTS question! We want to have a conversation with you.       Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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