Dialed In is a podcast where we explore obsession in all of its advantages and challenges... but especially about cars and garages
An AARP Card Showed Up In The Mail
08/01/2021 Duration: 01h26minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's celebrating his birthday today! Matt talks about polishing glass and matte paint. Matt also talks about the new OG ad and what's coming next in advertising. Matt rants about how alexa is white trash fancy and stupid. Chris and Matt go over the OG Vacuum search and what he's looking for. As always, Chris asks Matt questions from viewers.
Christmas Eve Eve
23/12/2020 Duration: 01h19minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast, We're doing a Christmas eve eve podcast just for you guys. The model 3 is here and we'll deep dive into very soon on the channel. Matt talks about all the different detailing products that just aren't up to par. Chris goes over updates for some important out of stock OG products and what's coming soon. As always Chris asks Matt questions from facebook, instagram, and the live stream. Happy Holidays from everyone here at OG!
We're Giving Away A Garage....Again!
18/12/2020 Duration: 01h34minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matts pumped up and ready to do another garage giveaway which has already started. Matt also goes over how the pressure washer wall mount solution came about way back in the day. Matt's mentally preparing to become a Tesla nerd and pimping it out to be less nerdy and rants about how dumb people try to sound smart by talking about panel gaps. Chris talks about Bourbon choices and as always Chris asks Matt questions from Facebook, Instagram, and the live chat.
Vtec's Back In The House Yo!
11/12/2020 Duration: 01h29minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! The civic is back and bringing with it a great JDM Space. Matt's got the backwards hat on so he's ready to go. Matt talks about ordering his Tesla and all the goodies that will come with it including some sick Vossen wheels. He also goes over why shipping internationally sucks so much. As always Chris asks Matt viewer submitted questions.
Civic Talk With Special Guest John From LHT Performance
04/12/2020 Duration: 01h22minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast, today we have a very special guest who's been working hard on swapping out the civic's motor, John from LHT Performance. John and Matt talk about how john got into working on Hondas and what he's ultimately passionate about. They also go over all the updates on the Civic build and what's next for John.
Gobble Gobble, It's Black Friday!
27/11/2020 Duration: 01h49minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! It's black friday here at OGHQ and we're better prepared than ever. Be sure to take advantage of the sales before they're over. Matt's inspired to collect every Porsche GT car and dial them in. Matt goes on a rant about pressure washers that are built to a price and why they all suck. He also goes on a rant about dude bro garages, hex lights, and chachkis. As always Chris asks Matt questions from the FB group, Instagram, and the live chat.
Unlimited Soup, Salad, & Breadsticks
20/11/2020 Duration: 01h32minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast, Sponsored by Olive Garden (but not at all). Matt's been grinding getting ready for Black Friday and getting new products lined up. Matt sold his house and bought a new one so he's getting ready to move. He also goes on a rant about pro level tools and pressure washers. As always Chris asks Matt questions from facebook, instagram, and chat.
Matt Built An Epic Garage
13/11/2020 Duration: 01h28minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's back from Virginia and getting back to work. The Nussbaum lift is now installed and Matt goes over the cost of the Giveaway Garage and what we're doing for the next one. Matt rants about Prius vs PT Losers. Matt also talks about getting a Hummer EV. As always Chris asks Matt questions from Facebook, Instagram, and the YouTube Chat.
Matty's Leaving For Virginia
29/10/2020 Duration: 01h17minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's getting ready to head off to Virginia to build the garage giveaway. Matt goes over some updates on the civic and the giveaway, along with some updated on the OG pressure washer. Matt also talks about how he's ordered about 10 pairs of shoes in a month without telling Michelle. As always Chris asks Matt viewer question from Facebook, Instagram, and the chat.
Old Man Yells About Tools!
16/10/2020 Duration: 01h31minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! The media team took Matt to lunch and he got himself a nice blue cream soda so he's fired up and ready to go. Matt rants about why he loves sonic tools over everything else especially snap on and harbor freight. Matt goes over his list of cars that he'd have in his new garage. As always they go over questions from facebook and instagram along with live viewers.
Obsessed Garage Is Finally Getting A Garage?!
09/10/2020 Duration: 01h21minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Chris will attempt to ask questions in-between discussion of the arrival of 1,800+ Sonic Tools, tire lettering and NOT decorating your car for Halloween. Matt discussed his favorite and least favorite candy from Halloween, he hates caramel popcorn balls! GET THAT JUNK OUT OF HERE! Matt is in love with full-sized candy bars. The quest of building a big garage at his house has started, he can actually be "Obsessed Garage" now and not "Obsessed Wash Bay". The garage giveaway build is almost ready, we've been slowed down by supply chain problems. Listen to the rest of the podcast for all the topics we talked about!
The New M3 is "Vomit Face Poop Emoji"
02/10/2020 Duration: 01h19minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matts been wrenching on the Civic and he's feeling great. Matt goes over his full opinion on the new M3 and why he hates it so much. Chris is getting ready to design his new office and Matt's got some strong opinions on how to design an office and garage. As always they take questions from viewers.
The GT4 Is Getting Dialed In
11/09/2020 Duration: 01h30minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's been busy working on dialing in the GT4 and hanging out with the Steeda guys working on Jeffs mustang. Chris and Matt talk about where they were on this day 19 years ago. Matt also talks about the Civic being back and what the first song played in the car was. Matt also goes over a short list of everything he hates. As always Matt and Chris answer questions from viewers.
The GT4 Is Here!
04/09/2020 Duration: 01h29minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! The GT4 is here in the garage and Matt's a happy man. Matt's feeling spicy today and ready to roll, The Civic is done and it's ready to make its way back down to Florida. Matt gets extra worked up talking about CrossFit and how weak bro's should stay out! He also covers the upcoming OG cheapo pressure washer and where it'll fit in and what specs it will be built to. As always Chris asks Matt viewer questions.
Matt Does A Little Debbie Bracket
28/08/2020 Duration: 01h30minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! It's finally time for the little debbie bracket, Will the zebra cake come out on top? Will there be a new winner be crowned? Will Matt throw up!!!??? Find out at the end but before that Matt and Chris answer viewer questions about the GT4, Detailing, and the OG Sale.
Dialed In Podcast: Special Guest - Vossen Wheels
23/08/2020 Duration: 01h16minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! The guys from Vossen came up to deliver an extra special set of wheels for Kyle to put on his Golf R and talk about the ins and outs of creating and producing different wheel designs along with how they develop wheels to fit properly. We also talk about proper wheel care and maintenance.
Get To Know The OG Crew - Jefferson Demenzes
15/08/2020 Duration: 01h37minToday I'm interviewing Jeff who works on the tech support team and handles all the emails you guys send in. We go over what it was like growing up in South Florida and how he came to love OG and eventually work here. I was originally going to have this interview be Inside the Hex only, but when I interviewed Jeff, we hit a lot of key points I thought would be really important for those that feel stuck in their lives and are willing to take risks to succeed.
Kyle Hosts A Podcast!
14/08/2020 Duration: 01h43minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast, Now with 100% more kyle for a limited time only. Kyle is hosting this week because Chris is out but he's ready to shoulder the responsibility. We're working our way through the Little Debbie bracket and should have the results next week. Matt talks about socks and how can't rock flip flops with the toe holder because he has webbed feet (the more you know!). Matt questions Kyle about what he does after work since he doesn't work out and contemplates what kind of freedom that provides. As always Matt answers questions from Facebook, Instagram, & the chat.
Obsessed With Canada....Eh?
07/08/2020 Duration: 01h35minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! Matt's getting through round 2 of heartland and has Canada on the mind, dare we say he's obsessed with Canada. Milwaukee is on a roll and we're finally done with it, sort of, Matt's ready to start building out the full kits. Matt starts ranting about white trash fancy grills. As always Chris asks Matt viewer questions.
GT500 comes to OG
31/07/2020 Duration: 01h34minWelcome to the Dialed In Podcast! There's a GT500 sitting in OGHQ right now, Is it Matts? Matt talks about his dreams of canadian distribution with a horse ranch. Matt teaches everyone about graphene coatings and why it's just a hot marketing term and what it actually is. As always Chris & Matt takes questions from viewers.