Histology related podcasts brought to you by the National Society for Histotechnology
Women in Histology 2021 - Faith Rice Falloposcope
03/08/2021 Duration: 18minIn this episode Michelle Bell interviews Faith Rice, Senior Research Specialist from the University of Arizona to discuss Falloposcope, a project that will potentially save lives but providing early detection for ovarian cancer. They also discuss working in research. To learn more about this project, click here. Published: Kelli C. Kiekens, Gabriella Romano, Dominique Galvez, Ricky Cordova, John Heusinkveld, Kenneth Hatch, William Drake, Zaynah Kmeid, Jennifer K. Barton"Re-engineering a Falloposcope Imaging System for Clinical Use", Translational biophotonics, Volume2, Issue4, November 2020, e202000011.
Women in Histology 2021 - Dr. Elisa Balducci DYRK1A
27/07/2021 Duration: 30minIn this episode Dr. Elisa Balducci and Andrea Transou discuss Dr. Balducci's research journey with DYRK1A, her transition from research to industry, and her STEM outreach work.
AwardsCast: Automation, Standardization, and Validation
26/04/2021 Duration: 46minIn this episode of NSH’s podcast series AwardsCast, Nadia Gale, Region IX Director and member of the IHC Committee, talks to Jeremy Johnston, who happens to be Region VIII Director, and the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Standardization of IHC scholarship. They talk all things IHC; everything from how automation has impacted standardization, to the definition of companion diagnostics, to which antibodies are giving them grief during the validation process. Applications for the 2021 Excellence in Standardization of IHC Scholarship, sponsored by Agilent Dako, are open through June 4th. Apply today!
AwardsCast: Visualizing Inflammasome Structure
26/04/2021 Duration: 21minIn this episode of AwardsCast, the 2020 recipient of the Newcomer Helping Hand Award, Dr. Regina Vontell, sits down with Konnie Zeitner, NSH Speaker of the House and fellow past award recipient, to discuss Dr. Vontell’s work with visualizing inflammasome structure in the brain. Applications for the 2021 Newcomer Helping Hand Award, sponsored by Newcomer Supply, are open until June 4th. Apply today!
AwardsCast: Histotech of the Year
26/04/2021 Duration: 18minIn this episode of AwardsCast, LaVinia Ray, the 2020 recipient of the Histotech of the Year Award, talks about how she has grown in her career at Southern Research, where she is currently working on COVID-19 studies. She describes the benefits of NSH volunteerism, working 20 years for one institution, and how she feels about being one of the great histotechs honored with this most prestigious NSH award. Applications are now open for the 2021 Histotech of the Year Award, sponsored by Epredia. Nominate today!
AwardsCast: The Philippines
26/04/2021 Duration: 13minIn this episode of AwardsCast, Evelyn Diaz, the 2020 recipient of the Lee Luna Foreign Travel Scholarship, and Jomar Klee Custodio, the President of the Philippine Society for Histotechnology, discuss Evelyn’s plans to use her scholarship to return to her country of origin, the Philippines, to assist the PSH in their mission of raising the bar for histotechnology. Applications for the 2021 Lee Luna Foreign Travel Scholarship, sponsored by Sakura Fintek, USA, are open through June 4th. Apply today!
AwardsCast: Reproducibility in Scientific Research
26/04/2021 Duration: 09minIn this episode of AwardsCast, Gayle Callis, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Histotechnology, meets with Luis Chiriboga, Region I Director, and the 2020 recipient of the Editor’s Award, a unique NSH award given by the Journal Editor for outstanding accomplishments in the realm of publications. They talk about the importance of reproducibility in scientific research and the steps JOH has taken to improve its standing in the scientific research community.
HistoHelp Podcast: AI in the Lab - Part 2
17/03/2021 Duration: 21minWelcome to HistoHelp, the podcast series filled with tips and tricks for the lab. The great advice in this series is provided by NSH members who are here to help you with your common...and not so common problems! In Part 2 of this episode NSH member David Krull and Adam Smith, Indica Labs continue their discussion about AI in the lab and dive deeper into multiplexing and challenges with implementation. ,
HistoHelp Podcast: AI in the Lab - Part 1
17/03/2021 Duration: 24minWelcome to HistoHelp, the podcast series filled with tips and tricks for the lab. The great advice in this series is provided by NSH members who are here to help you with your common...and not so common problems! In Part 1 of this episode NSH member David Krull invites Adam Smith, Indica Labs to talk about AI in the lab, discuss validation, understanding data, and ways you can implement AI/digital in the lab.
HistoHelp Podcast: Bielschowsky Stain
17/03/2021 Duration: 06minWelcome to HistoHelp, the podcast series filled with tips and tricks for the lab. The great advice in this series is provided by NSH members who are here to help you with your common...and not so common problems! In this episode, NSH member Eric Peterson really does come across a not so common problem involving polar bear tissue.
HistoHelp Podcast: Carrots for Decal End Point Training
17/03/2021 Duration: 09minWelcome to HistoHelp, the podcast series filled with tips and tricks for the lab. The great advice in this series is provided by NSH members who are here to help you with your common...and not so common problems! In this episode NSH member Linda Culpepper shares a great training strategy using carrots.
Histology Abroad: The Netherlands
08/02/2021 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Luc Nelemans, Senior Application Specialist with Sakura Finetek Europe, shares his experiences visiting labs across Europe, Russia, India, and the Middle East, providing training on histology equipment, and how COVID has forced them to innovate, providing digital opportunities for virtual equipment training.
Histology Abroad: Qatar
08/02/2021 Duration: 15minIn this episode, Arfilson Mars Tansio discusses his previous work in the Philippines, as well as the rise of automation at his current lab, one of the largest histology providers in Qatar. He shares the similarities between Qatar’s continuing education requirements, and those of the United States, as well as how being an NSH member has helped him in his career.
Histology Abroad: Italy
08/02/2021 Duration: 17minIn this episode, Clara Pecorella and Cristina D’Amico, Product Specialists from Diapath, compare and contrast their experiences working in Italy vs the UK, and share their vision for a safer histology laboratory.
Histology Abroad: Liberia
08/02/2021 Duration: 20minIn this special two-part episode, we hear from both Ruth Kerkula, one of only 4 histotechs in the country of Liberia, and Dave Davis, one of the NSH members who helped open JFK Memorial Hospital’s first histology lab, where Ruth works.
Histology Abroad: Canada
08/02/2021 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Heidi Maxwell, Medical Laboratory Technologist and Pathology Assistant at Grey Bruce Health Services in Ontario, Canada, shares how she came to be an MLT specializing in histology and grossing, the requirements for Canadian recertification, and how she is working towards her accreditation to be an inspector for the Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare, the Canadian equivalent of a CAP inspector accreditation.
Histology Abroad: Rwanda and Nigeria
08/02/2021 Duration: 23minIn this episode, Emmanuel Hakizimana from Rwanda, and Daniel Osiagwu from Nigeria, compare their experiences working in different countries within Africa, and share some of the challenges they have experienced, including difficulty obtaining reagents and equipment.
Histology Abroad: United Kingdom
08/02/2021 Duration: 35minIn this episode, Dr. Guy Orchard from St. John's Institute of Dermatology in the United Kingdom, talks about the process to become a biomedical scientist in England, opportunities for specialization through diplomas of expert practice, and the unique challenges presented by Victorian era hospital architecture.
2020 Poster Podcast Interviews: P10- High-resolution histological preparation of Araneomorphae and Mygalomorphae chelicerae using a modified petrographic technique
21/12/2020 Duration: 15minThis podcast is part of the 2020 NSH Symposium/Convention Poster Podcast Series. Authors: Damien Laudier, Laudier Histology
2020 Poster Podcast Interviews: P09- A Modified Procedure For The Preparation of Rodent Heart Sections Using HistoGel Infusion
21/12/2020 Duration: 08minThis podcast is part of the 2020 NSH Symposium/Convention Poster Podcast Series. Authors: Jean Lanzanas, BS and Mandy Blankenship, BS; Experimental Pathology Laboratories (EPL), Inc Sterling, VA 20166 USA