Inspired Choices Network Do you know how Simple it can be to just BE? Yet instead we often go into our heads and make it complicated. We develop the bad habit of over thinking. Going into conclusions about what things mean instead of asking questions. Rioha Fortner
Heathy Body Healthy Being with Steve Peisner
23/09/2014When your body is in good health does it become easier to Simply Be? How does our physical health effect how we be in the world? What kind of things can we do to get, be and stay healthy in our bodies? What effect does our emotional, mental and spiritual healthy have on our physical health and vice versa. Join Rioha as she discusses these questions and many more with Dr,.Steve Peisner. Dr. Steve Peisner is a board certified traditional Naturopath and Registered Psychotherapist offering education and client care services in natural health and wellness. Over the past 17 years Dr. Peisner, has helped and educated hundreds of people in private practice and as a full time faculty member at three different Universities. To learn more about Dr. Steve Peisner go to
WTF!?! or I’m Angry and I Know It.
09/09/2014Are there things you see, behaviors and other stuff that just makes you go What the Fuck? Those things that just piss you off? Do you ever feel bad later, because after all as a seeker, as kind person, as someone searching for more and better, you aren't supposed to get angry or have those negative emotions. Well, guess what Rioha is a seeker, kind and she gets angry and sometimes What the Fuck is her favorite expletives. Join Rioha this Monday as She discuss anger and other base emotions. She may just piss you off in the process or maybe you will laugh along with her. . Right now Rioha is angry and she knows it. Want to know what makes pisses Rioha off, join her Monday and find out. You can send questions to You can find Rioha, Simply Being on Facebook or
Business in Blue Jeans with Susan Baroncini-Moe
02/09/2014Can you really have a successful thriving business working from home in your blue jeans? Can you make money Simply Being You and doing what you Love? What is business is what you imagine it was? What does it take? Join Rioha as she interviews Susan Baroncini-Moe of the bestselling, Business in Blue Jeans: How to Have a Successful Business on Your Own Terms, in Your Own Style. To contact Rioha visit or email her at To find out more about Susan or contact her: Social Media Links:,,,
Unleash Your Desires with Joanna Kennedy
25/08/2014How to Create Chemistry and Attraction and Keep it Hot? What can you do create passion and keep things sizzling? Couples: How do you reignite that WOW sex life? Singles: Would you like to attract a great partner and start out on the right foot? What does it take to create more consciousness in the bedroom? Would you like to overcome blocks to great love and sex? Join me as I explore these questions and many more with Joanna Kennedy, Founder of the Center for Happiness, Love & Pleasure, on Simply Being Radio show. Email question to and check out her website She can also be found on Facebook at Rioha, Simply Being. To contact Joanna or find out more: Email: Website: Social Media Links:
Stepping into Royalty or Being a Royal Pain with Julia Sotas
18/08/2014What if we all were willing to step into our Royalty? Area you a princess or prince? Have you ever been accused of being one and it wasn't a compliment? Do you ever wish you were? What if you are truly a Queen, King, Princess, Prince: Royalty? How much joy and fun could that bring into your life? Are you willing to be the a Royal pain and what does that mean anyway? Join Rioha and Julia as we talk about Being Royal. You can find more information about Rioha at Email her your questions at
BEing it all and a Super Hero Too with Guest Megan Hill
11/08/2014What if you really are the Super Hero of your own story? What if you can Be it all? What if you didn't have any limitations to what you could create? How different could every day be if you acknowledge your Super Hero status? How much more fun and joyful could creating your life and living be as you, the Super Hero? Join Megan Hill and I as we discuss BEing it all!
Rioha, What’s a Rioha?
04/08/2014Ever wonder how Rioha got her name? Have questions about how she got of Medication? Wonder how a small town girl from Oregon ended up in Denver, after living in eight different states and visiting all but the east coast and a few southern states? This show will be answer all those questions and more. Call in live, enter the chat room or email to ask your own questions.
Surprise Surprise Surprise! with Rioha Fortner
28/07/2014Do you like surprises? Join me Monday for a special magical mystery show? Don't like surprises...Ask yourself, is there something magical awaiting me on Monday morning on Simply Being Radio Show with Rioha?
Navigating Simultaneous Experiences with Jennifer Weston
21/07/2014Have you ever been confused when you know that everything is okay and yet, you are stressed, frustrated and generally just "feeling" bad? Would you like to be able to navigate those times when everything going "right" and yet don't feel it? What if you could both be grieving a loss and feeling joyful too? What if it's possible to have simultaneous experiences at the same time? Would you like some tips on how to be all of it with ease? Join Jennifer Weston and me for our conversation on navigating simultaneous experiences.
Exploring Intimacy with Tamara Younker
14/07/2014What is intimacy? Is it possible to create intimacy with others before you have it with you? Join Tamara Younker and Simply Being Host Rioha as they explore the 5 key elements of Intimacy. What if it isn't what you think it is? What if it is even better? Tamara Younker is a Certified Mediator, Coach Practitioner, Facilitator and Speaker who travels the globe inviting people to be the source of a different possibility in their lives, and in the world. She teaches people to discover their innate awareness that has always, already been available so they can trust themselves to know whats true for them and create their lives from that knowing. It's been Tamaras lifelong desire to contribute to the emergence of a new paradigm for interpersonal relating, one that arises from kindness and choice rather than judgment and control. She began relationship coaching more than 10 years ago, and has developed an expertise in guiding clients to cultivate more intimacy with themselves. A powerful and aware presence arises f
Grace and Humor with Rioha!
07/07/2014Ever wonder how some people just seem to have an ease in their lives and no matter what gets thrown their way, they seem to handle each situation with grace and humor? Join Rioha as she introduces herself and her new show "Simply Being". She will tell you about her path to learning to be herself with ease and joy.