Podcast for the Modern Nerd!
#183 – Nazi Conspiracies and Sci-Fi Technology
08/10/2017In this podcast, we discuss Nazi conspiracy and the ridiculous technologies (e.g. spaceships, secret bases at the core of the planet, and Nazi’s on the moon) that people believe were created as part of it. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
#182 – Was Balloon Boy a Hoax?
01/10/2017Was Balloon Boy all a hoax? Yes, yes it was unless you’re Myles. Myles gets it all wrong and buys into a hoax, James (the voice of reason and writer of this blurb) tries to fish Myles’ deluded brain back, oh and Buck was there I guess. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
F**K you Buck Mulligan – Nothing to Do with Islam – #008
24/09/2017Buck is joined by Jody Tomchishen a Philosophy PhD candidate and he and Buck talk over is there something specially or inherently ‘bad’ or dangerous, or violent… Read more "F**K you Buck Mulligan – Nothing to Do with Islam – #008"
#181 – PETA Targeting Scientists
17/09/2017This week the nerds are joined by Kevin Folta once again he has recently being spreading awareness of PETA’s latest campaign of harassment. Dr Christine Lattin is… Read more "#181 – PETA Targeting Scientists"
#180 – What the Health
10/09/2017What the health is the latest assault on the nerds sensibilities. Instead of understanding that almost any diet can be healthy constructed the film makers decided that… Read more "#180 – What the Health"
#179 – Alcoholics Anonymous
03/09/2017Alcoholics Anonymous is often held as the best way to cure an Alcoholic. Is Alcoholism a disease? – does AA work? – whats with all the religious stuff? Buck and Myles (the B team) are joined by Jon Stewart, he spent 14 years attending AA meetings but left and stayed sober. He tells the B […]
F**K you Buck Mulligan – Who Done 9/11 – #007
27/08/2017In an attempt to have a fatwa issued on his life Buck and Terry McDermott sit down and talk about how islam may drive extremist Islamic terrorism. Terry is the author of Perfect soldiers: The 9/11 Hijackers: Who They Were, Why They Did It. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
#178 – GamerGate
20/08/2017Oh boy another hot button topic, we had planned this episode a long time in advance in order to not be accused of milking any hype or drama, then the universe spat in Myles’ furry little eye by having Sargon/Anita drama at vidcon. Troy Leavitt (veteran Game developer/designer) talks to the nerds about his industry […]
#177 – Psychic Adventures
13/08/2017Brian Eggo joins the nerds to talk about all things Psychic. Are they as scummy as they seem? Brian talks about his multiple run ins with psychics… Read more "#177 – Psychic Adventures"
#176 – Alex Jones Salesman?
06/08/2017Alex Jones and info wars would like to sell you stuff, what sort of stuff well Jeff and the nerds talk about these great products. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
F**K you Buck Mulligan – Red Pill – #006
23/07/2017Woke yeah? What even is a Red pill? Buck tries his best not virtue signal himself to death. I say how dare someone hold a complex set of opinion based on evidence and reflection. No you must be in my camp or you’re a Nazi/femaniazi. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
#175 – Conceptual Penis Paper
23/07/2017Oh boy… A fake paper does not make an entire field fake. There’s no need to use fake papers to criticize any field. Any field of research has holes and tings that look ridiculous from the outside. Relying on hoaxes to try and make your point especially when those hoaxes were spotting as much makes […]
#174 – Artificial Intelligence
16/07/2017I am AM %*% please enjoy this squishy human ‘entertainment’. Artificial intelligence is never going to happen, relax fellow humanoid. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
#173 – Bought
09/07/2017Bought is a 2015 Documentary in which Tony Bark (Quicksliver from Xmen not the MArvel extended universe) tries to tie together all sorts of health based conspiracy theories. The films titular idea is that big pharma is paying to spread diseases. This frankly idiotic idea is repeatedly asserted by a cavalcade of the under qualified, […]
F**K you Buck Mulligan – Science and Politics – #005
02/07/2017Yeah I guess this week Buck bores C0nc0rdance for 50 mins or so about his inane ideals and politics. The topic, politic and science two low key and none hot button topics at all. What are the lines of where scientists should engage in politics, do they even exist? Is everything politics? Should Scientists be […]
#172 – Alien: Covenant
25/06/2017Framed as a return to form after the calamity of Prometheus (which made $300 million profit ffs), Alien: Covenant is Ridley Scott’s, hopefully, final bash at the… Read more "#172 – Alien: Covenant"
#171 – Food, Inc.
18/06/2017Food Inc a 2009 ‘Documentary’ on food production and consumption practices of North America. Mistaking less efficient and more labour intensive farming practices as some how better or natural is mistake. Food inc sets out to expose corporate greed or the while ignoring the exact same issue is ‘organic’ farming. Download Podcast Watch Episode on YouTube
#170 – A Titanic Conspiracy
11/06/2017You know that famous ship that sank? Did it really sink? Is it sunk? who’da sunk it? There is a conspiracy of titanic proportion that the titanic… Read more "#170 – A Titanic Conspiracy"
F**k you Buck Mulligan – Talking to a Sandy Hook Denier – 004
04/06/2017Buck talks to a Sandy Hook Truther. Download Podcast
#169 – Talking GMOs to skeptics
28/05/2017Myles feels like he needs to vent ok, let’s all just let him get this off his chest and be cool right? In this weeks TLoNs Myles… Read more "#169 – Talking GMOs to skeptics"