Black Autonomy Federation Radio is advocacy for building Black Liberation
Building A Radical Mass Movement To Stop Prison Slavery Prt. 1
15/06/2014Download PodcastBlack and other people of color now fill the prisons and jails of America in record high rates. Yet, there is no grassroots, community-based movement to fight slavery on the 21st century plantation: prison. Join us for Part One of a discussion about building a radical mass prisoner support movement.Black Autonomy Federation Radio is an extension of the Memphis, Tennessee based Black Autonomy Federation. BAF Radio advocates building Black Liberation from below centered within the Black poor & unemployed and working-class. This assessment is based on the present social/political in the 21st Century.Contact Black Autonomy Federation: P.O. Box 16382, Memphis, TN 38186-0382 or
The Peace Police and the Sabotage of Militant Black Protest Movements
08/06/2014Download PodcastThe peace police, better known as pacifists, dominate today's social change movement in the United States. Join us for a discussion about how the peace police are used to protect the government from militant black protests and help to ensure that white people contain radical social protest movements within a left-liberal framework.We'll also be talking tonight about two important milestones for BAF: The 2nd anniversary of BAF's founding (June 9, 2012), and the 1st anniversary of the radio show, which started June 1, 2013.
The rise of the new American Police State and how to combat fascism
01/06/2014Download PodcastWe look at the present period with mass imprisonment, spying on the population of the USA and the world, destruction of labor unions, imperialist war, torture of prisoners, and the national security state.
America's new system of racism and organizing against it
25/05/2014Download Podcast More than half a century after historic court rulings and legislation that outlawed school segregation and extended voting and civil rights to black and other people of color, there is a new system of institutional racism in America. The right-wing dominated U.S. Supreme Court in recent years has gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act and upheld various state laws and ballot initiatives that effectively deny people of color of the right to equal access to a college education. Meanwhile, super-rich white supremacists use their wealth to help racist white politicians get elected to Congress and state legislatures. Join us for a discussion about the new system of institutional racism in America and what must be done to organize against it.
Campaign to Stop Police Murders and Prosecute The Cops In Memphis, Tennessee
18/05/2014Download PodcastPolice officers killed at least twenty-three people in Memphis, Tennessee, between February, 2012, and October, 2013–the largest number killed by cops anywhere in America during this 18-month time period.Join us for a discussion about the campaign to get Memphis cops prosecuted for their crimes and why the victims of police terror in Memphis, a majority black city and the poorest big city in America, are not receiving the national attention that they deserve.Black Autonomy Federation Radio is an extension of the Memphis, Tennessee based Black Autonomy Federation. BAF Radio advocates building Black Liberation from below centered within the Black poor & unemployed and working-class. This assessment is based on the present social/political in the 21st Century. Contact Black Autonomy Federation: P.O. Box 16382, Memphis, TN 38186-0382 or