KLYC radio
H & R Block McMinnville interview. The Path act, refund delay and other tax issues
28/01/2017 Duration: 13min -
city of McMinnville takes another step towards banning single use plastic bags
25/01/2017 Duration: 01min -
Chris Bledsoe organizer of McMinnville Women's march on reasons for march
21/01/2017 Duration: 16min -
ODOT would like to put a roundabout on Highway 99w south of Rickreal at Clow Corner
20/01/2017 Duration: 03min -
weather updates and advisories. Wind warning, freezing rain, and flood watch Jan 17-18th
17/01/2017 Duration: 02min -
Jan 16 2017 forecast including winter storm watch for Ice and flood watch
16/01/2017 Duration: 03min -
McMinnville Love Locks. Kick off Valentines day at Grain Station McMinnville
13/01/2017 Duration: 07min -