All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.
The building blocks of wellbeing
02/10/2021 Duration: 28minWellbeing' has become a bit of a buzz word recently, but what does it really mean? It's not the same as simply being happy, or experiencing pleasure - it's something deeper and broader than that. It has to do with how we connect with others, how we feel about ourselves, and much more. So what do we need in order to achieve wellbeing?
Hey you! Tell us about your pandemic life
29/09/2021 Duration: 03minWe're working on an episode about how Australians have been coping through the pandemic, and we want your stories. We want to know what’s been getting you through the tough times, and what you’re most looking forward to when this is all behind us. How can you tell us? You just need to use your smartphone to record yourself telling a story. It can be sad, happy, funny, weird -- like maybe you got a new hobby, or re-discovered an old one, or made an unexpected friend, and that helped get you through. Maybe you’re looking forward to travelling the world, seeing your children again … or just a cold beer at the pub. Whatever it is, put it into a voice recording, and we’ll share it in a special episode of All in the Mind. To record: Find a quiet room and open up the voice memo app on your smartphone. If you don't have one installed, search for a voice memo app in your app store. Hold the phone's microphone (located at the base of the phone) about 15-20cm from your mouth. Press the red 'record' button and
Whispers, taps and tingles — what is ASMR?
26/09/2021 Duration: 30minHave you heard of ASMR? Whispery, clicky, crinkly videos are massive on YouTube - racking up millions of views. The idea is that these sounds elicit a certain tingly, calming sensation in some people. So what is ASMR and what does the science tell us about it? Is it real … or pseudoscience? And why do some people get the opposite reaction – irritation rather than these pleasant tingles?
Machiavellianism, and the 'dark triad' of personality
18/09/2021 Duration: 29minDo you consider yourself a shrewd manipulator? Are you cynical about the nature of human beings? If so, you might rank highly in Machiavellianism - a personality trait that's based on the writing and views of Niccolo Machiavelli, the 16th-century Italian political philosopher. We look at what makes a Machiavellian personality, and how it fits into the so called ‘dark triad’ of traits.
Forget dad bod ... what about dad brain?
11/09/2021 Duration: 29minDuring pregnancy and then in childbirth, new mums experience some dramatic hormonal changes. But while these changes in women are relatively well studied … there’s a growing body of evidence finding that biological changes - shifts in hormones and brain activity - happen in men, too. And these shifts are just one part of the picture. Men can also experience mental health issues when they become a new dad, like postnatal depression. On All in the Mind this week, the psychological and biological changes that happen during the transition to fatherhood.
COVID and the brain
04/09/2021 Duration: 29minAs the pandemic continues, the long-term effects of COVID-19 are a growing concern. Much is still unknown, but one major study suggests up to a third of people who get COVID-19 will go on to develop a psychiatric or neurological condition. Then there's the anxiety, depression and stigma that come with a diagnosis of the disease. On All in the Mind this week, how COVID can affect the brain.
Electroconvulsive therapy — they still do that?
28/08/2021 Duration: 29minECT has a chequered history, but its modern iteration is nothing like the scenes depicted in films like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Used to treat severe depression and psychosis, ECT's side effects include some degree of memory loss. We delve into the discussion around benefits vs side effects, and speak to three patients about their varying degrees of success with the treatment.
Neuromarketing — how brands target your brain
21/08/2021 Duration: 28minWould you be able to tell the difference between a bargain bin red and a top drop? Or how about what separates a duck paté … from one made of dog food? Perception is everything when it comes to marketing, and decades of neuroscience and psychology research have given businesses ever greater insights into how we can make decisions and how they can subtly shape our expectations so that yes – even dog food paté can become appealing. But the ramifications of this power may be pushing companies into unethical territory.
The 'benevolent' brand of sexism
14/08/2021 Duration: 28minYou’re no doubt familiar with 'hostile sexism' – blatantly negative or restrictive attitudes towards women. But there's another type of sexism it co-exists with - ‘benevolent sexism’ - which is sometimes harder to detect. Benevolent sexism can be well-meaning and positive – describing women as natural nurturers or brilliant carers. It's linked to notions of chivalry and romance - research suggests some women even find benevolent sexism attractive. But these attitudes can still cause major harm to women in the workplace and the home.
The 'hidden histories' of autistic adults
07/08/2021 Duration: 29minOver the past two decades, our cultural understanding of autism and what it means to be autistic has grown - though we have a long way to go. But there are entire generations of people who grew up when the popular conception of autism was a far cry from how it’s now understood. It meant a whole host of people who grew up feeling like they didn’t fit in, but never quite knowing why. They were autistic, but undiagnosed. And when a diagnosis did come as an adult – it was often revelatory and life-changing. On All in the Mind this week, 'hidden histories’ of late-diagnosed autistic adults.
Hacking humans: social engineering and the power of influence
31/07/2021 Duration: 29minChris Hadnagy’s job involves breaking into banks. But he’s not after money, gold or jewels. He’s searching for weaknesses – in systems, in security, and in people. And he doesn’t use weapons or threats of violence to get past guards and into vaults. He uses a smile - and a few tricks from his toolbox of psychology and social engineering techniques. Chris is the founder and CEO of Social Engineer LLC and lectures about social engineering around the globe. On All in the Mind this week, the psychology of influence and what makes some people more vulnerable to being ‘hacked’ than others.
Delirium in the ICU
24/07/2021 Duration: 29minIt’s a condition which affects some patients who end up in intensive care … and can continue after they’re released from hospital. People often experience paranoia and fear, sometimes believing doctors are trying to kill them or that ghostly figures have visited during the night. Disrupted sleep, bright lights, the endless beeping of alarms — all are thought to play a role in bringing on the condition. On All in the Mind this week, delirium in the ICU – and how our hospital system might be redesigned to reduce it.
Why being a beginner is good for you
17/07/2021 Duration: 29minTom Vanderbilt didn’t know how to play chess. That fact had never bothered him – until his four-year-old daughter decided she wanted to have a go. Within a couple of months, they’d recruited a teacher and both Tom and his daughter combo were battling it out over 64 squares. Tom found the experience of being an adult beginner so challenging and interesting he thought he'd give it a proper go - with a range of different skills and hobbies. Over the next year he embarked on learning multiple new skills, from surfing to singing. On All in the Mind this week, we hear what Tom learnt from his journey, the benefits of lifelong learning, and how kids and adults learn differently.
On becoming a mother in a pandemic
10/07/2021 Duration: 30minMore than a year after the novel coronavirus pushed much of the world into lockdown, a generation of new mothers are still coming to terms with having been pregnant - and giving birth - in a pandemic. And if you consider the uncertainty of the past year, the stress, the isolation - there are lots of reasons to be concerned about the impact that might have had on new mums, as well as their babies. On All in the Mind this week, we delve into new research on the impact of the pandemic on new mothers, and hear from mums about the trials, and occasional triumphs, of life in a lockdown limbo.
Antidepressants and young people
03/07/2021 Duration: 29minFrom 2008 to 2018, the prescription of antidepressants in young people grew by 66 per cent. There’s data to suggest that last year, among the lockdowns and anxiety of the pandemic, that figure ticked even higher. In last week’s episode we looked at how the mental health of teenagers fared through the first year of the coronavirus pandemic. This week, another big issue among teenagers and young people - antidepressant medications. We hear from young people themselves about their mental health journeys, what it’s like to be on anti-depressants and their hopes for the future. And we cover the findings from a major review into antidepressant use in young people.
Are the teens alright?
26/06/2021 Duration: 29minYour teenage years can be tumultuous, but did you know that half of all mental conditions in adulthood emerge by the age of 14? And on top of regular stressors like school and relationships, teens today have social media to contend with – and a little something called the global coronavirus pandemic. On All in the Mind this week, we speak to experts – and teens – about how young people fared last year.
When your eyeballs become audible
19/06/2021 Duration: 27minThere's a condition so bizarre and rare that most doctors haven't even heard of it. It causes people to hear their own blood moving, bones creaking, lungs breathing - even eyeballs moving. Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome can have a profound impact on a person's life and mental health... so can it be fixed? We go into a hospital operating room to learn about this little-known condition. Warning: this episode contains a description of a surgical operation. This episode first aired on 29 March 2020.
Does self-help ... help? The problem with pop psychology
12/06/2021 Duration: 29minHave you ever tried a self-help book? Did it… well, help? On All in the Mind this week, why self-help sometimes falls short ... and the problem with pop psychology more generally.
The guru playbook
05/06/2021 Duration: 29minOn All in the Mind this week, the guru playbook and why we should get smart to their tactics.
The making of a magnificent memory
29/05/2021 Duration: 29minAnastasia Woolmer explains the techniques memory athletes use to recall names, facts and figures, and how you can apply them to everyday life.