We talk mostly about Bigfoot encounters and research.Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter /
The Art Of Audio Analysis With David Ellis And Monongahela!
06/07/2018 Duration: 01h04minMonster X hosts Julie Rench and Gunnar Monson welcome David Ellis and Monongahela to the show to discuss the technique of audio analysis and its importance in investigative practices. While analysing audio they not only hear it but can also "see" it thru a spectogram, which is a basic tool in audio spectral analysis and other applications. Why is it so important, what can the results tell you, and what have they discovered by using this technique to analyze audio from investigators in the field of Sasquatch research? Tune in to find out! Monongahela is a defense industry business executive with an MS in Systems Engineering. Formerly a crypto-linguist? in the U.S. military, in 2008 he began to apply his experience and knowledge to the collection and study of Sasquatch vocals and communication patterns. He assists the BFRO and The Olympic Project with their field audio analysis. David Ellis has been with the Olympic Project since 2010 and performs track casting analysis and replication, field audio record
Monster X Radio with Donna, part 3!
01/07/2018 Duration: 01h18minShane and Julie sit down with eyewitness Donna for the final episode of a thrilling three-part show! Donna has had a lot of unusual events happen on her property in the Pacific Northwest and is finally ready to sit down and share them with you, our audience. Joining Donna is The Olympic Project’s David Ellis, who has investigated and analyzed audio recorded on the property. We will be playing more of that audio on tonight’s show, and it is absolutely mind blowing! This investigation is not over by any means, so join us for this extremely unique story, you do not want to miss this! Thank you for your support! Get full access to everything Monster X by becoming a “X” today! $9.97/mo. (first two weeks free) -OR_ Just $49 for a full year (save 59%) at: Join the discussion Check out our website www.MonsterXRadio.comJoin Monster X Radio on Facebook ( us on Twitter to our You
The Haunted Sea with Scott Mardis - "The Quest for the Champlain Monsters"!
27/06/2018 Duration: 02h00s"THE QUEST FOR THE CHAMPLAIN MONSTERS!"- Join Scott Mardis and co-host Julie Rench as they welcome Scott's long time friend and collaborator William Dranginis to discuss their work at Lake Champlain over the last 9 years and their plans for the future. What evidence is there that there just may be a prehistoric creature living in Lake Champlain? Find out on this episode of "The Haunted Sea"! Scott Mardis has been an active field investigator of the Lake Champlain “Monster” since 1992. He is a former sustaining member of the defunct International Society of Cryptozoology and a former volunteer worker in the Vertebrate Paleontology Dept. of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences (1990-1992). He co-authored a scientific abstract about the Lake Champlain hydrophone sounds for the Acoustical Society of America in 2010. He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida. For a quarter of a century, William Dranginis has been at the forefront of inventing and testing surveillance equipment to find Bigfoot in Vir
Monster X Radio with Donna Part 2
24/06/2018 Duration: 43minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Shane Corson and Julie Rench as they talk with Donna, who has had an eyewitness encounter and has witnessed a lot of unusual events on her property in Washington State. We continue her story in this part two of a three part show wtih Donna and David Ellis of The Olympic Project. David has been investigating the ongoing activity on Donna's property and we will be playing some incredible clips analyzed by David that were also recorded on her property! You do not want to miss this amazing show! Get full access to everything Monster X by becoming an 'X' today! $9.97/mo. (first 2 weeks free) -or- Or just $49 for a full year (save 59%) Join the discussion Check out our website www.MonsterXRadio.comJoin Monster X Radio on Facebook ( us on Twitter to out YouTube channel
Monster X Radio with Donna, part 1
17/06/2018 Duration: 01h05minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Shane Corson and Julie Rench as they talk with Donna, who has had an eyewitness encounter and has witnessed a lot of unusual events on her property in Washington State. She'll be sharing a lot of them in this first of a three part interview. Also joining the show will be David Ellis of The Olympic Project. David has been investigating the ongoing activity on Donna's property and we will be playing some incredible clips analyzed by David that were also recorded on her property! You do not want to miss this amazing show! Get full access to everything Monster X by becoming an 'X' today! $9.97/mo. (first 2 weeks free) -or- Or just $49 for a full year (save 59%) Join the discussion Check out our website www.MonsterXRadio.comJoin Monster X Radio on Facebook ( us on Twitter to out YouTube ch
Live Q&A with the Hosts of Monster X Radio
10/06/2018 Duration: 01h14minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson, Shane Corson, Julie Rench and Thomas Sewid as they take your questions live. Got a question related to Bigfoot or Bigfoot research? Take this opportunity to ask them today at 4pm Pacific. The number to call is (347)326-9859 *Note: We will be screening calls, so keep your questions on topic. Want more Monster X? Become an 'X' today. Monthly and annual options choose your link below. Try 'X'-clusive-Try it for 2 weeks for FREE then become a full on 'X' Monthly (no access to the private Facebook during 2 week trial) Click here Ready to get your 'X' on? For a limited time, get a full year of 'X'-clusive for just $49 (save 59%) Click here Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube
Monster X Radio: Summer is Squatchin' Season
02/06/2018 Duration: 01h06minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they discuss their favorite subject: Bigfoot. We talk about everything from spring foilage to the effects of forest fires of Bigfoot sightings. Become an 'X'-Join Monster 'X'-clusive and get access to everything Monster X has to all of our BONUS content. Get 2 weeks to try test drive 'X'-clusive -or- Join 'X'-clusive for a full year for just $49 (save 59%) We look forward to seeing you on the inside! Check out our sponsors The Sasquatch Coffee Company ( The Bigfoot Store ( Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Interesting Experiences From Out Bigfooting-Part II
24/05/2018 Duration: 01h04minJoin Monster X hosts Gunnar Monson, Shane Corson and Julie Rench as they continue their discussion of strange experiences from their time out doing Bigfoot field research. From strange howls, percussive incidents and footprints, to tree knocks, rock throwing and unidentified hairs found, to a definitive visual encounter, these researchers have had many strange experiences during their times out looking for evidence of the elusive Bigfoot. Become an 'X' today! Gain access to everything Monster X has to offer. For a limited time an annual membership is just $49 (save 59%). Go here and come along with the Monster X team. Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Experiences While Conducting Sasquatch Research
20/05/2018 Duration: 01h06minJoin Monster X Hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they discuss some of the more interesting events that they have experienced while conducting bigfoot research in the field. Get total access to the very latest research and encounters with Monster X's X-clusive. Join now Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Bigfoot Photographs and Investigation in Washington State
11/05/2018 Duration: 01h05minJoin Monster X host Gunnar Monson as he talks with Kyle Gibson, Montra Freitas, Todd Neiss and Diane Stocking-Neiss about recent pictures taken in the woods of Washington State that appear to show a Bigfoot peeking from behind a tree. We discuss what lead Kyle as well as Montra to dedicate their time and effort in searching for evidence of Bigfoot and how this lead to capturing some pretty interesting pictures in Washington State. Also joining us will be Todd and Diane Neiss of the American primate Conservancy Get total access to the very latest research and encounters with Monster X's X-clusive. Join now Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Finding Bigfoot-What Needs to Happen to Solve the Mystery of Bigfoot?
05/05/2018 Duration: 01h03minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Julie Rench as they discuss the end of Finding Bigfoot and what it will take to prove the existence of Bigfoot. With the popular Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot scheduled to air its final episode in May without providing conclusive prrof, what can the Bigfoot community do to prove the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch once and for all. Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Who's That Knocking?
29/04/2018 Duration: 54minWho's that knocking? Join Monster X Radio hosts Shane Corson and Julie Rench as they discuss tree knocks, rock clanking, and the many percussive sounds and noises associated with sasquatch. Does sasquatch bang on trees? Do they smack rocks together, and if so is it a form of communication? The hosts discuss all of this as well as sharing some of thier personal experiences. This show also includes many field recordings of interesting and suspicious field recordings. Join Xclusive- Links-
Monster X Radio: The 'Eyes' Have It-The Mystery Behind Bigfoot and Eyeshine
22/04/2018 Duration: 52minGiant glowing eyes in the woods? There are a number of reports associated with Bigfoot that include what is described as "eyeshine". Join Monster X Radio hosts Shane Corson, Julie Rench and Gunnar Monson as they discuss reports of Bigfoot having eyes and what could be behind this phenomenon. Get more Monster X with X-clusive. Eyewitness Interviews, Field Reports, Biometrics, Sasquatch Island with Thomas Sewid and much more. Become an 'X' today. Go here to join the X-clusive community. Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Occam's Razor, what is it and why is it important?
11/04/2018 Duration: 55minThe Monster X Team sits down for a round table discussion - Occam's Razor, what is it and why is it important while investigating the enigma of Sasquatch? Find out how a lot of wild claims and assumptions could be eliminated all of these centuries later by using a problem-solving principle attributed to William Of Ockham, who was born in 1287! Monster Xclusive is now open! Join the discussion on our favorite topic...Bigfoot! Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
The Art of Observation and Surveillance (Military Style)
07/04/2018 Duration: 01h01minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Julie Rench as they sit down with Retired Sgt. Major and former Army Ranger, Jeff Stapleton to discuss how he utilizes his military training in the search for Bigfoot. Jeff is Julie's life-partner as well as her research partner. They live in North Carolina and research the Uwharrie National Forest. Monster Xclusive is now open! Join the discussion on our favorite topic...Bigfoot! Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Bigfoot, Research, Science, and Nests with the Olympic Project's Derek Randles
18/03/2018 Duration: 01h09minJoin Monster X as we discuss Bigfoot, Research, Science, and Nests with the Olympic Project's Derek Randles. Derek Randles has been involved in Bigfoot research for 29 years. His first encounter with Bigfoot was in 1985 in the Olympic National Park in Washington State. Since then, Derek has worked with many researchers, scientists and wild life biologists along the way. In 1997 Derek was invited to join the North American Ape project with Jeff Meldrum and Ron Brown. In September of 2000 he was invited to join the BFRO and attend their first Bigfoot expedition in Skookum Meadows near Mt. Saint Helens. During that expedition, Derek was one of the three people who found and cast the Skookum impression. Derek owns and operates a wilderness guide service in Washington state.The Olympic Project is an association of dedicated researchers, investigators, biologists and trackers committed to documenting the existence of Sasquatch through science and education. Through comprehensive habitat study, DNA analysis and
MonsterX Radio: Introducing Monster Xclusive
08/03/2018 Duration: 01h24minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson, Shane Corson, Julie Rench and our newest host: Thomas Sewid of Sasquatch Island as we introduce our new membership-Monster Xclusive! We'll be sharing what Monster Xclusive is and what members will receive. Monster Xclusive will open on April 1st (no foolin') and will provide a much more extensive, multi-media experience than simply a podcast. Of course the main focus will continue to be the search for scientific evidence of the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot. Join the discussion Check out our website Join Monster X Radio on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to out YouTube channel
Monster X brings you...In The Shadow Of Big Red Eye with guest Mike Familant
05/03/2018 Duration: 01h00sJoin Monster X Radio as we talk with New Jersey Bigfoot Researcher Mike Familant about his experiences, research, and his film project-In The Shadow Of Big Red Eye. Mike began his bigfooting quest in 2011, what at his first expedition heard knocks and had rocks thrown at his camp. From there, the journey was on. With a background in video production and editing, he decided to make the show, In the Shadow of Big Red Eye. Looking for a new bigfoot show but without all the edits, production and camera crews but still get the amazing witnesses and true investigations? Ever get frustrated when the current shows play music over supposed vocalizations, and find, but not find something every episode? In the Shadow of Big Red Eye is the NEW show to watch about the TRUE investigations that go into Bigfooting. All of the episodes are made to show what bigfooting really is. All of our episodes can be found on our YouTube Channel, Sussex County Bigfoot. Join the discussion Register on our website for information on
Monster X with author David George Gordon
28/02/2018 Duration: 53minJoin Monster X Radio hosts Gunnar Monson and Shane Corson as they talk with author David George Gordon. David George Gordon is the author of The Sasquatch Seeker’s Field Manual:Using Citizen Science to Uncover North America's Most Elusive Creature. An accomplished science communicator, he has spoken at the American Museum of Natural History, The Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Yale University, the Smithsonian Institution and Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museums in Hollywood and Times Square. He lives in Seattle, not far from the heart of Sasquatch country.
Squatch Talk: Bigfoot Bolt & Brews Tour with Cindy Caddell
23/02/2018 Duration: 14minJoin Squatch Talk host Gunnar Monson as he talkswith Cindy Caddell about her a brand new event, Bigfoot Bolt and Brews Tour, coming to Bend , Oregon this summer. The event is scheduled for August 11th and will involve several Bigfoot speakers (including Cliff Barackman and Monster X's own Shane Corson) and beer! There will be a 5k run tied to the event held on Sunday August 12th as well. You can find out more inormation on the event Facebook page