Join Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Zan Rowe and their scientific guests, with a bunch of curious triplej listeners for a weekly injection of science, myth-bashing and answers! Thursdays from 11am EST.
5G, MSG and solar panels
22/08/2019 Duration: 33minWhy are storm clouds black? How does the burning of the Amazon effect the world? Why are some people more likely to get static shocks than others?
Decomposition, rigor mortis and coffins
15/08/2019 Duration: 33minWhy do some people get hungry when around a dead body? Is your brain still active after you die? How long does it take for a body to decompose in a coffin?
Bubbles, bushfires and back burning
08/08/2019 Duration: 27minWhy do fires burn faster uphill rather than down? Can you cook a chicken by slapping it? What are the affects of bushfires on trees?
Life on another planet, dusk masks and solar sailing
01/08/2019 Duration: 32minHow do we better our memories? What do people who were born blind dream about? How much material is used to make one screw?
Exploding stars, dark matter and meteor's
25/07/2019 Duration: 37minCan cats land on their feet in space? Why are planets round? What would happen to the earth if the sun moved closer?
Swallowing flem, blue light glasses and fruit flies
18/07/2019 Duration: 33minWhy does your dog rub itself in dirt right after you bath it? Do reverse cycle air conditioners have an impact on global warming? Why do you need to pee when it gets cold?
Terraforming, moon wind and getting lost in space
11/07/2019 Duration: 37minAre we terraforming the earth? Why was the American Flag flapping in Apollo 11 footage and what would happen if you were lost in space?
Dry hands, nervous weeing and resetting your sense of smell
04/07/2019 Duration: 34minDo you have a fear of belly buttons? Why does your tummy grumble when you're hungry? If human's didn't interact with each other, would we walk like monkeys?
Jealously, falling off escalators and wobbly pens
27/06/2019 Duration: 36minDoes fruit taste sweeter in the fridge? Are seagulls telepathic? Can indoor plants help with our air quality?
Hungry sneezing, remarkable redheads and the Tay Tay debate
20/06/2019 Duration: 36minWhat would happen if the whole world farted at once? Why do we hear our own voice differently to how others hear us? Can you scare someone better?
Period syncing, lip fillers and magic mushrooms
13/06/2019 Duration: 34minWhy does coffee change taste as it cools down? Why do we get goosebumps? Do women's periods really sync up?
Car napping, stinging pineapple and your IQ
06/06/2019 Duration: 34minCan you change your own genetics? Does cold weather cause you to catch a cold? Why does my head throb when jumping on a trampoline?
Generic faces, slushie beers and 5G
30/05/2019Does spraying deodorant in your pits effect your health? Why don't I dream? How can I tell if I'm a loud chewer?
Sympathy spews, chubby rain and full-moon craziness
23/05/2019Could you make off milk drinkable by boiling it? Are you heavier after taking a shower? Can computer viruses become real life viruses?
Beard hairballs, purring pussies and green boogers
16/05/2019 Duration: 38minDo bees know they'll die if they sting someone? Why do I feel hungry after eating fruit? What material makes the best reusable coffee cup?
Muscle memory, buttery sweat and our robot overlords
09/05/2019 Duration: 34minWhere does the wind come from? Can we affect other peoples dreams? Why do some people smell like butter when they sweat?
Asapargus wee, sweating underwater and an infinite cycle of yawning
02/05/2019 Duration: 41minCan we outgrow our allergies? Is it possible to tell if we're sweating underwater? Why does our stomach look much smaller when we wake up in the morning?
Hot and cold breath, tilting dog heads and an infuriating itch
17/04/2019 Duration: 38minWhy shouldn't we eat our own poo? Why do bruises change colour? And the lady who literally picked her brain
A whole lotta black holes, rubbish eating volcanoes and weeing in the ocean
10/04/2019 Duration: 39minIt's a big black hole celebration! Could one create a new universe? How can we take a photo of one? What would happen to your body if you entered one?
Headphone earwax, poisonous spiders and sticky things
03/04/2019 Duration: 41minCan different bird species communicate with each other? Why am I so sweaty? Why do animals have an even number of limbs?