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Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 7
16/03/2018 Duration: 07minEpisode 7: Legacy of the Movement Discover why the path towards communism was taken and which early reforms were enacted. This episode will also touch upon some of Cuba’s later achievements. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 6
16/03/2018 Duration: 06minEpisode 6: Birth of a New State With Batista ousted, Castro and his followers were victorious. The revolutionaries could now develop a state that served the needs of the common people, however, their ideas often differed. Learn about Castro’s response to dissident figures. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 5
16/03/2018 Duration: 04minEpisode 5: Castro’s Offensive In this episode the military campaigns of the 26th of July Movement will be discussed. Although Batista’s forces were better armed and trained, they could not defeat the guerillas. Tune in to find out why. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 4
16/03/2018 Duration: 07minEpisode 4: Castro’s Early Years This episode will highlight the early years of Fidel Castro. How did a youngster from Biran become a revolutionary activist? Tune in to find out. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 3
16/03/2018 Duration: 04minEpisode 3: New Dictator Successive governments failed to address the problems faced by many Cubans. The ambitious Fulgencio Batista took it upon himself to force change on the island. Discover the measures he took to gradually become the country’s new dictator. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 2
16/03/2018 Duration: 06minEpisode 2: Setting After Independence After 1902 a republic was declared. Yet the situation did not improve for many Cubans. In this episode, the various social, economic and political factors will be discussed. Sources
Authoritarian States: Fidel Castro Episode 1
16/03/2018 Duration: 08minEpisode 1: Cuba the Colony In this episode Cuba’s colonial past will be explored. Learn about the island’s transition from Spain’s crown jewel to become America’s protectorate. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 8
16/11/2017 Duration: 01h20minMedia During Revolution Guest episode featuring Dr. Katya Rogatchevskaia from the British Library. Here we discuss the role of propaganda, coverage from foreign media and one of Russia’s many émigré writers. Disclaimer: Research has been compiled and all opinions are her own.
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 7
05/10/2017 Duration: 06minEstablishment of the USSR By 1922, the opponents of the Bolsheviks could no longer mount a serious challenge. In this episode we introduce the creation of the new soviet republic and some of the country’s early moves to stabilise following the civil war. Only events and policies up to 1924 are discussed. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 6
05/10/2017 Duration: 07minCivil War When the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin dissolved the constituent assembly, the soviets were in power. However, in order to consolidate their position, the Bolsheviks engaged in a long, gruesome civil war. Learn about the different sides and how the Reds ultimately came out victorious. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 5
05/10/2017 Duration: 07minRevolutions of 1917 Following the tsar’s abdication, a provisional government was set up to run affairs before a constituent assembly could be elected. Why did this government fail to live up to its promises and how did a fringe party, the Bolsheviks, rise to power? Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 4
05/10/2017 Duration: 06minRoad to 1917 The First World War proved to be the tipping point for Nicholas II. In this episode we highlight some of the key problems Russia faced during this conflict and the events that led to the tsar’s abdication. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 3
05/10/2017 Duration: 05minRusso-Japanese War and 1905 Revolution It was evident that Nicholas II was not prepared to become tsar of Russia. Learn about the events that nearly ended his rule and how he managed to stay in power. The basic outline of these events will be discussed as well as the role played by Peter Stolypin. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 2
05/10/2017 Duration: 06minAlexander III and Nicholas II The quasi-liberal reforms implemented by Alexander II would be scaled back by his son, Alexander III. Discover why Alexander III took a conservative turn and the role played by Sergei Witte. We end the episode with an introduction on his successor, Nicholas II. Sources
Europe HL: Imperial Russia & USSR Episode 1
05/10/2017 Duration: 09minSetting and Alexander II In this episode we outline some background information on the imperial Russian state. Learn about the different roles played by various Russian rulers and how they shaped the society that Alexander II inherited. His key policies, such as the emancipation of the serfs, will be discussed in this episode. Sources
Europe HL: Unification of Italy & Germany Episode 8
03/07/2017 Duration: 06minForeign Policy and Review The balance of power had greatly shifted and Bismarck needed to maneuver carefully in order to safeguard Germany’s future. This episode will cover key foreign policies and review the role played by the Chancellor. Sources
Europe HL: Unification of Italy & Germany Episode 7
03/07/2017 Duration: 06minKulturkampf and Anti-Socialist Campaigns Some of Bismarck’s biggest domestic rivals included the Catholics and Socialists. Discover why he didn’t get along with them and whether or not his campaigns were successful. Sources
Europe HL: Unification of Italy & Germany Episode 6
03/07/2017 Duration: 06minNew Germany Domestic Policies Learn about the policies that helped propel Germany to become a European powerhouse. It wasn’t easy, as Bismarck faced stiff opposition from the parliamentary legislature. Sources
Europe HL: Unification of Italy & Germany Episode 5
03/07/2017 Duration: 11minBismarck and Unification Otto von Bismarck was the chief architect of the unification of Germany. Learn about the steps he took, including his defeat of France, to realise the new nation. Sources
Europe HL: Unification of Italy & Germany Episode 4
03/07/2017 Duration: 10minGenesis of Germany This episode will look into the background of the German states following the 1815 Congress of Vienna. Why was Prussia in a better position than Austria? Find out here. Sources