Nlp Highlights

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 80:57:29
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Discussing recent and interesting work related to natural language processing. Matt Gardner and Waleed Ammar, research scientists at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, give short discussions of papers, mostly in interviews with authors about their work.


  • 124 - Semantic Machines and Task-Oriented Dialog, with Jayant Krishnamurthy and Hao Fang

    14/04/2021 Duration: 45min

    We invited Jayant Krishnamurthy and Hao Fang, researchers at Microsoft Semantic Machines to discuss their platform for building task-oriented dialog systems, and their recent TACL paper on the topic. The paper introduces a new formalism for task-oriented dialog to effectively handle references and revisions in complex dialog, and a large realistic dataset that uses this formalism. Leaderboard associated with the dataset: Jayant's Twitter handle: Hao's Twitter handle:

  • 123 - Robust NLP, with Robin Jia

    05/04/2021 Duration: 47min

    In this episode, Robin Jia talks about how to build robust NLP systems. We discuss the different senses in which a system can be robust, reasons to care about system robustness, and the challenges involved in evaluating robustness of NLP models. We talk about how to build certifiably robust models through interval bound propagation and discrete encoding functions, as well as how to modify data collection procedures through active learning for more robust model development. Robin Jia is currently a visiting researcher at Facebook AI Research, and will be an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California starting Fall 2021.

  • 122 - Statutory Reasoning in Tax Law, with Nils Holzenberger

    12/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    We invited Nils Holzenberger, a PhD student at JHU to talk about a dataset involving statutory reasoning in tax law Holzenberger et al. released recently. This dataset includes difficult textual entailment and question answering problems that involve reasoning about how sections in tax law are applicable to specific cases. They also released a Prolog solver that fully solves the problems, and show that learned models using dense representations of text perform poorly. We discussed why this is the case, and how one can train models to solve these challenges. Project webpage:

  • 121 - Language and the Brain, with Alona Fyshe

    30/10/2020 Duration: 42min

    We invited Alona Fyshe to talk about the link between NLP and the human brain. We began by talking about what we currently know about the connection between representations used in NLP and representations recorded in the brain. We also discussed how different brain imaging techniques compare to each other. We then dove into experiments investigating how hidden states of LSTM language models correlate with EEG brain imaging data on three types of language inputs: well-formed grammatical sentences, pseudo-word sentences preserving syntax but not semantics, and word-lists preserving neither. We talk about the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from these correlations and conclude by discussing avenues for future work.

  • 120 - Evaluation of Text Generation, with Asli Celikyilmaz

    03/10/2020 Duration: 55min

    We invited Asli Celikyilmaz for this episode to talk about evaluation of text generation systems. We discussed the challenges in evaluating generated text, and covered human and automated metrics, with a discussion of recent developments in learning metrics. We also talked about some open research questions, including the difficulties in evaluating factual correctness of generated text. Asli Celikyilmaz is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research. Link to a survey co-authored by Asli on this topic:

  • 119 - Social NLP, with Diyi Yang

    03/09/2020 Duration: 53min

    In this episode, Diyi Yang gives us an overview of using NLP models for social applications, including understanding social relationships, processes, roles, and power. As NLP systems are getting used more and more in the real world, they additionally have increasing social impacts that must be studied. We talk about how to get started in this field, what datasets exist and are commonly used, and potential ethical issues. We additionally cover two of Diyi's recent papers, on neutralizing subjective bias in text, and on modeling persuasiveness in text. Diyi Yang is an assistant professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech.

  • 118 - Coreference Resolution, with Marta Recasens

    26/08/2020 Duration: 47min

    In this episode, we talked about Coreference Resolution with Marta Recasens, a Research Scientist at Google. We discussed the complexity involved in resolving references in language, the simplification of the problem that the NLP community has focused on by talking about specific datasets, and the complex coreference phenomena that are not yet captured in those datasets. We also briefly talked about how coreference is handled in languages other than English, and how some of the notions we have about modeling coreference phenomena in English do not necessarily transfer to other languages. We ended the discussion by talking about large language models, and to what extent they might be good at handling coreference.

  • 117 - Interpreting NLP Model Predictions, with Sameer Singh

    13/08/2020 Duration: 56min

    We interviewed Sameer Singh for this episode, and discussed an overview of recent work in interpreting NLP model predictions, particularly instance-level interpretations. We started out by talking about why it is important to interpret model outputs and why it is a hard problem. We then dove into the details of three kinds of interpretation techniques: attribution based methods, interpretation using influence functions, and generating explanations. Towards the end, we spent some time discussing how explanations of model behavior can be evaluated, and some limitations and potential concerns in evaluation methods. Sameer Singh is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. Some of the techniques discussed in this episode have been implemented in the AllenNLP Interpret framework (details and demo here:

  • 116 - Grounded Language Understanding, with Yonatan Bisk

    03/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    We invited Yonatan Bisk to talk about grounded language understanding. We started off by discussing an overview of the topic, its research goals, and the the challenges involved. In the latter half of the conversation, we talked about ALFRED (Shridhar et al., 2019), a grounded instruction following benchmark that simulates training a robot butler. The current best models built for this benchmark perform very poorly compared to humans. We discussed why that might be, and what could be done to improve their performance. Yonatan Bisk is currently an assistant professor at Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. The data and the leaderboard for ALFRED can be accessed here:

  • 115 - AllenNLP, interviewing Matt Gardner

    17/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    In this special episode, Carissa Schoenick, a program manager and communications director at AI2 interviewed Matt Gardner about AllenNLP. We chatted about the origins of AllenNLP, the early challenges in building it, and the design decisions behind the library. Given the release of AllenNLP 1.0 this week, we asked Matt what users can expect from the new release, what improvements the AllenNLP team is working on for the future versions.

  • 114 - Behavioral Testing of NLP Models, with Marco Tulio Ribeiro

    26/05/2020 Duration: 43min

    We invited Marco Tulio Ribeiro, a Senior Researcher at Microsoft, to talk about evaluating NLP models using behavioral testing, a framework borrowed from Software Engineering. Marco describes three kinds of black-box tests the check whether NLP models satisfy certain necessary conditions. While breaking the standard IID assumption, this framework presents a way to evaluate whether NLP systems are ready for real-world use. We also discuss what capabilities can be tested using this framework, how one can come up with good tests, and the need for an evolving set of behavioral tests for NLP systems. Marco’s homepage:

  • 113 - Managing Industry Research Teams, with Fernando Pereira

    22/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    We invited Fernando Pereira, a VP and Distinguished Engineer at Google, where he leads NLU and ML research, to talk about managing NLP research teams in industry. Topics we discussed include prioritizing research against product development and effective collaboration with product teams, dealing with potential research interest mismatch between individuals and the company, managing publications, hiring new researchers, and diversity and inclusion.

  • 112 - Alignment of Multilingual Contextual Representations, with Steven Cao

    13/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    We invited Steven Cao to talk about his paper on multilingual alignment of contextual word embeddings. We started by discussing how multilingual transformers work in general, and then focus on Steven’s work on aligning word representations. The core idea is to start from a list of words automatically aligned from parallel corpora and to ensure the representations of the aligned words are similar to each other while not moving too far away from their original representations. We discussed the experiments on the XNLI dataset in the paper, analysis, and the decision to do the alignment at word level and compare it to other possibilities such as aligning word pieces or higher level encoded representations in transformers. Paper: Steven Cao’s webpage:

  • 111 - Typologically diverse, multi-lingual, information-seeking questions, with Jon Clark

    27/04/2020 Duration: 38min

    We invited Jon Clark from Google to talk about TyDi QA, a new question answering dataset, for this episode. The dataset contains information seeking questions in 11 languages that are typologically diverse, i.e., they differ from each other in terms of key structural and functional features. The questions in TyDiQA are information-seeking, like those in Natural Questions, which we discussed in the previous episode. In addition, TyDiQA also has questions collected in multiple languages using independent crowdsourcing pipelines, as opposed to some other multilingual QA datasets like XQuAD and MLQA where English data is translated into other languages. The dataset and the leaderboard can be accessed at

  • 110 - Natural Questions, with Tom Kwiatkowski and Michael Collins

    06/04/2020 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, Tom Kwiatkowski and Michael Collins talk about Natural Questions, a benchmark for question answering research. We discuss how the dataset was collected to reflect naturally-occurring questions, the criteria used for identifying short and long answers, how this dataset differs from other QA datasets, and how easy it might be to game the benchmark with superficial processing of the text. We also contrast the holistic design in Natural Questions to deliberately targeting specific linguistic phenomena of interest when building a QA dataset. Dataset: Paper:

  • 109 - What Does Your Model Know About Language, with Ellie Pavlick

    30/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    How do we know, in a concrete quantitative sense, what a deep learning model knows about language? In this episode, Ellie Pavlick talks about two broad directions to address this question: structural and behavioral analysis of models. In structural analysis, we often train a linear classifier for some linguistic phenomenon we'd like to probe (e.g., syntactic dependencies) while using the (frozen) weights of a model pre-trained on some tasks (e.g., masked language models). What can we conclude from the results of probing experiments? What does probing tell us about the linguistic abstractions encoded in each layer of an end-to-end pre-trained model? How well does it match classical NLP pipelines? How important is it to freeze the pre-trained weights in probing experiments? In contrast, behavioral analysis evaluates a model's ability to distinguish between inputs which respect vs. violate a linguistic phenomenon using acceptability or entailment tasks, e.g., can the model predict which is more likely: "dog bite

  • 108 - Data-To-Text Generation, with Verena Rieser and Ondřej Dušek

    23/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    In this episode we invite Verena Rieser and Ondřej Dušek on to talk to us about the complexities of generating natural language when you have some kind of structured meaning representation as input. We talk about when you might want to do this, which is often is some kind of a dialog system, but also generating game summaries, and even some language modeling work. We then talk about why this is hard, which in large part is due to the difficulty of collecting data, and how to evaluate the output of these systems. We then move on to discussing the details of a major challenge that Verena and Ondřej put on, called the end-to-end natural language generation challenge (E2E NLG). This was a dataset of task-based dialog generation focused on the restaurant domain, with some very innovative data collection techniques. They held a shared task with 16 participating teams in 2017, and the data has been further used since. We talk about the methods that people used for the task, and what we can learn today from wh

  • 107 - Multi-Modal Transformers, with Hao Tan and Mohit Bansal

    24/02/2020 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, we invite Hao Tan and Mohit Bansal to talk about multi-modal training of transformers, focusing in particular on their EMNLP 2019 paper that introduced LXMERT, a vision+language transformer. We spend the first third of the episode talking about why you might want to have multi-modal representations. We then move to the specifics of LXMERT, including the model structure, the losses that are used to encourage cross-modal representations, and the data that is used. Along the way, we mention latent alignments between images and captions, the granularity of captions, and machine translation even comes up a few times. We conclude with some speculation on the future of multi-modal representations. Hao's website: Mohit's website: LXMERT paper:

  • 106 - Ethical Considerations In NLP Research, with Emily Bender

    17/02/2020 Duration: 39min

    In this episode, we talked to Emily Bender about the ethical considerations in developing NLP models and putting them in production. Emily cited specific examples of ethical issues, and talked about the kinds of potential concerns to keep in mind, both when releasing NLP models that will be used by real people, and also while conducting NLP research. We concluded by discussing a set of open-ended questions about designing tasks, collecting data, and publishing results, that Emily has put together towards addressing these concerns. Emily M. Bender is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. She’s active on Twitter at @emilymbender.

  • 105 - Question Generation, with Sudha Rao

    10/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    In this episode we invite Sudha Rao to talk about question generation. We talk about different settings where you might want to generate questions: for human testing scenarios (rare), for data augmentation (has been done a bunch for SQuAD-like tasks), for detecting missing information / asking clarification questions, for dialog uses, and others. After giving an overview of the general area, we talk about the specifics of some of Sudha's work, including her ACL 2018 best paper on ranking clarification questions using EVPI. We conclude with a discussion of evaluating question generation, which is a hard problem, and what the exciting open questions there are in this research area. Sudha's website:

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