What Else With Laurie Laursen

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Is your life calling you to more? Do you sense that even though you have some things in your life that you desire, and despite being grateful for all that you have, you still wonder ‘What Else’??? Have you ever wondered why living isn’t way more fun? Laurie Laursen http://www.laurielaursen.com/


  • The Magic of Curiosity!


    Have you lost your sense of curiosity?  Does everything seem to be 'Just the way it is?' Come and play with me while I dive into the magic of curiosity and how much fun it can be in your life, and the magic of possibilities it can create for you! Sound fun?  Join me on the phone or in the chatroom and we play with curiosity for the hour!! www.laurielaursen.com ~ lovelylaurie17@gmail.com

  • What if the way you look at the world affects what you see?


    How often do you look at the world and think of the crazy you see?  You look around and wonder if it is possible for anything(your body, your relationships, your job, etc.) to change. What if I told you that if you changed the way you looked at things, the things you look at would change? Sounds a bit too good to be true? Or too simple?  Come play and find out as I share stories, tips and tools on how to change this to a possibility to you! www.laurielaursen.com ~ lovelylaurie17@gmail.com

  • Are You Trying To Think Your Way Through Life?


    Is thinking getting you what you desire out of life?  Have you ever even thought about this?  I know I sure had not before!  I was going to master my mind and figure everything out if it killed me!!  Damn and it just about friggen did! It may not have killed me in the literal sense, but it sure did kill my Joy, my Fun, my sense of other possibilities, and so often it killed my sleep.  I mean who can sleep when you have a million thoughts in your head, where you are trying to figure everything out or keep everything organized and together. On this show we will talk about another possibility rather than always thinking, a possibility that will create more ease in your life (and sleep! ha ha). www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • The Interesting Thing About Anger….


    Anger is an emotion that is given such a bad rap.  And I don't know about you, but I was so afraid of it before.  I could only see it as a bad thing. What is interesting is that there is so much more to anger what what we been taught or bought about it. I am so excited about this show, to share about anger and the different possibilities that are available to you with it, and what information anger is actually telling you. Clarity with anger!?  How would it get any better than that?! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Happiness & Unhappiness, are Just Choices!


    Happiness & unhappiness are a choice you say?  What about that co-worker that drives me nuts, or that sibling that won't leave me alone?  Or how about the crazy neighbor with the barking dog?  Oh yah, and what about the job that I do not like going to 5 days a week!?  You are telling me that it is a choice how I feel with regards to those situations??  Well you are just going to have to prove it to me Laurie because I do not believe you!!! Well, I invite you to my show on this topic where your world maybe rocked or tipped off kilter to a different possibility!  How much fun will we have?!? www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Magic is Not Just In the Movies or Storybooks!


    Magic! What is Magic?  Would you like it in your life?  Would you like to play with magic? I wonder if you have it going on in your life in little or big ways, are you noticing it?  Magic LOVES to be recognized. Lets talk about magic, what it is and having it show up in your life so much more! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Are Those Crazy Thoughts In Your Head Yours?


    She is so fat?  That was so unsafe?  I am so terrible?  I am a bad mother? Have you had thoughts like these, and many others pop into your head and you think... OMG I am such a terrible person for thinking that about someone else, or you are a bad person for being terrible & a bad mother, etc....? I have some cool stuff to share with you about this!  Crazy awesome stuff that could totally change your reality!  Come and play and you will hear more.  See you soon! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.

  • Are You Having Fun?


    Fun? WTF is fun?!  I don’t have time for it… I don’t have the money for it… I wish everyone would stop talking about fun and just let me live my life and do my work in peace. Can you relate?  Would you like to have more fun in your life?  How can you have fun when you have all of life to take care of, bills, work, kids, etc... It is possible!  So join me on this show where we will delve into the possibilities of fun and how you can add it to your life.  How much more fun can we have?! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Feeling Like You Are The Only One


    Do you feel like you are the only one?  The only one in the world who feels like you do?  You feel like you have not enough friends to play with, hang out with or call on the phone. Loser Alert! Am I being picked last for the team?! Argh! I hated that as a kid being one of the ones picked last or almost last for the team, which was one of the most excruciating things to be apart of.  It’s funny how those memories can haunt you long into adult hood.  I am so grateful for the tools I have now, to let go of those bad memories and move joyously into the future.  What I have since discovered is that I can now choose to no longer be a victim of circumstance and can create a future I desire that would and is fun for me. Join me on this show as we dive into different possibilities with tips, tools and stories to create a different future for you. www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Women, Choosing For You


    Have you ever desired to choose more for yourself?  Are you at a place in your life where you desire more and you are faced with this future that is not as appealing as it once was.  What you created in the past was good and now ‘What Else’? I have discovered 4 reasons why most women do not choose more so on this show I will talk about them and invite you to a new possibility with tools and tips to choose for you! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • What To Do When Others Are Judging You


    Doesn't it just make you crazy when others judge you?  You can even hear it in their heads some times.  Your doing this!? Your doing that?! Your not doing this or that?! OMG!! Don't you just wish they would disappear and go away?! What if there is a gift in this judgment?  A gift that will free you from what others think, say or do EVER AGAIN!?!? Join me as we dive into this topic, along with sharing stories of how this has changed for me and tips and tools to create a new possibility for you! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Is there such thing as a Wrong Choice?


    Choice.  Is there such a thing as a wrong choice?  Or is it possible to just choose again? Can it really be that simple?  Yes it can! Join me as I share stories, tips and tools to create more with choice in your life.    What are the Infinite Possibilities!? www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • Kids are Gone! HELP!


    The kids are at camp.  The kids have left home.  NOW WHAT DO I DO!? How many of you have made your kids your life that when they are gone you are lost?  What else is possible here?  Is it possible to not lose you with your kids?  What would it be like to create a life that has you and your kids in it AND the gift and contribution your kids and you can be to each other? Join me as we play with this! www.laurielaursen.com ~ laurie@laurielaursen.com

  • What I learned From a Microwave


    I laughed when this title popped into my awareness!!   What could a microwave actually teach me that I could share with you? What if everything we thought we knew was not?  What if we make decisions, judgments and conclusions about things that actually limits us?  What if there was not a RIGHT or WRONG way? What the heck am I talking about, are you even MORE confused now?! ha ha  Well tune into the show and I will tell you more!  Come play!

  • Work: Is it given a bad rap?


    Most of us grumble and complain about work.  I wonder if it is given a bad rap?  Is it possible to have ease with work, this thing we commit so much of our time too? Join me as I look at this, and ask questions around it.  Along with sharing tips and tools for a greater possibility with this crazy thing called work

  • Kindness of Sex; Guest Christel Crawford


    The Play & Kindness of Sex -  Somewhere along the way we as a society decided that sex was super meaningful and significant and judgable.  So, when we're not making ourselves wrong for it, or not having it because we're judging ourselves or we've eliminated it from our worlds, we have it and wake up the next morning feeling terrible.  What if there was another possibility? Join Laurie and Christel as laugh and carry on about the kindness, not the un--,  of sex. Christel Crawford is an author and transformation creator.  She travels all over the world and facilitates online programs &  classes on life-change, different possibilities for money flows, body change and business expansion. She has been featured on radio shows & podcasts, and is the author of several upcoming books. In 2013, after two marriages, an epic low, and a fight back, the universe gifted her Access Consciousness.  Access gave her the tools to transform her emotional landscape and empowered her to start her own life transformation business wh

  • Being of Service: Is it Always Kind?


    We are encouraged to serve others or be in service to others.  Could it be a superior point of view?  What if being of service means you see yourself or them as less than? What if allowing someone to create their own way out of a problem is the kindest thing? What if contribution is different than service and you could be aware of what works and what is the kindest for you and others?  Join me as I talk about this with tips and tools to discover what works best for you.

  • Friends, Friends, Friends


    Things taken personally, expectations crushed, and laughter and wonderful conversations.... all in the same day!! Adore them or they can make you crazy all at the same time. I am so incredibly grateful for the tools of Access Consciousness as they have given me such a different perspective and possibility with friends.  Kindness, gratitude and ALLOWANCE for them and who they be and what they choose.  And what I love is with awareness and asking questions I can allow a different possibility without judgment. Join me as I share tools and stories about what is working for me, and what could be possible for you.

  • Judgment; Is it about You or Them?!?


    Judgment.... What do you know about it?  That no one should do it?  That it is bad?  What about good judgments? Are they ok, and the bad ones are not ok? Is judgment something you take seriously and personally?  Or is there something else?  What?? What else could there be with judgment?? Join me as I dive into judgment, what it is, who it is really about when there is judgment around, and how you can change your reaction to it.  Tips, tools, stories are coming your way on this show that will be sure to rock your world!!!  How much fun can we have with subject of judgment??

  • 365 Days of Gratitude


    Last week I began a year long challenge to post something on Facebook that I am grateful for.  I am calling it #365 Days of Gratitude. Last year I choose to post '100 days of happy' posts. It was an interesting challenge as not everyday did I feel like I had something happy to post about. And it was a great way to stretch me out of my comfort zone and look for even the smallest thing to be happy about. It also kept me out of the autopilot that can occur so easily, and forget to be happy or grateful for the smallest of things in my life.  This year I am choosing to post something I am grateful for,  for 365 days in order to grow my gratitude and my awareness of how much more I can be grateful for!! I have also opened a Facebook group for anyone who desire to join me at any point along the journey!  #365daysofgratitude Join me on my show as I talk about the gift of gratitude and how you can have more of it in your life! www.laurielaursen.com

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