Interviews on trends in high performance building and retrofits, from perspectives of HVAC, architecture, testing & verification, sales, marketing, and money. Hosted by Corbett Lunsford.
#53 A/C CAN BE SEXY: Kristof Irwin on the Magic of Variable Refrigerant Capacity
23/04/2014 Duration: 17minToday we talk with Kristof "Handsome" Irwin, founder of Positive Energy in Austin Texas, about why your air conditioner is probably an idiot (bless its heart) and HVAC heaven that you might not have heard about.
#52 NOT YOUR GRAMMA'S BUILDING SCIENTIST: Iain Walker on air tightness, testing, and the origin of stinkiness
02/04/2014 Duration: 41minToday we talk with Dr. Iain Walker of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory about the frontier of air tightness, fresh air ventilation, and why we're arguing about it in the first place.
#51 WHAT GREEN'S REALLY WORTH: Appraisal Expert Sandra Adomatis on The Bottom Line
07/03/2014 Duration: 32minToday we talk with Sandra Adomatis, Appraisal Institute's green valuation expert and author of Residential Green Valuation Tools, about greening the MLS, swimming pool ROI, and the future of appraiser apprenticeship (which, yikes).
#50 WEST SIDE, BABY! A Bunch of Californian Rockstars Show Us What's Behind the Curtain
31/12/2013 Duration: 19minIT'S A PARTY! Today we talk about the universe of home performance in California with: Dan Perunko & Gavin Healy of Balance Point Home Performance Mike MacFarland & Brian Tyrrell of Energy Docs Natalie Freidberg & Scott Nyborg of Home-ology Caroline Veerman of Loisos Design and Judy Rachel of Green Achers Sustainable Solutions (that spells GASS, but she doesn't care- she's Judy Rachel!)
#49 THIS HOUSE SUCKS, BUT NOT VERY HARD: Brett Singer, scientist, shows us where depressurization testing has led us astray
18/12/2013 Duration: 39minToday we talk with Brett Singer, air quality scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, about the red herring of worst-case depressurization on combustion testing, and the actual hidden enemy in every home.
#48 PRODUCTS WILL SAVE US: Keith Aldridge on Future Solutions in Stuff
23/11/2013 Duration: 32minToday we talk with Keith Aldridge, VP of Business Development for Advanced Energy, on what the programs get wrong, why human QA will disappear, and what your clients really want. Recorded at the ACI Regional Home Performance Conference in San Diego, CA.
#47 BIG SEXY MORTGAGES: Kerry Langley on How to Borrow More, Lend More, and Keep More with Energy Efficient Mortgages
07/11/2013 Duration: 21minToday we talk with Kerry Langley of Synovus Mortgage about how his company collaborated with Southeastern builders, HERS raters, and homebuyers to make an absolute killing for everyone involved. Corbett: "Why hassn't everyone been lending money this way?" Kerry: "I have absolutely no idea." YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS.
#46 PASSIVE HOUSE IS SEXY: Dan Whitmore and Adam Cohen, Builders Who Want You To Do It
23/10/2013 Duration: 43minToday we talk with Dan Whitmore of Hammer and Hand and Adam Cohen of Structures Design Build about why and how to build like a badass. You got this.
#45 SUPERMODEL OF ENERGY: Brian Christensen of REM/Rate on What Matters in Modeled Life
11/10/2013 Duration: 20minToday we talk with Brian Christensen, senior engineer for REM at Architectural Energy Corporation, about how energy models work, why they work, and how not to drive yourself insane.
#44 HOW TO WIN THEM OVER: interview with Gord Cooke of Construction Instruction about recognizing opportunities with clients
17/09/2013 Duration: 29minToday we talk with Gord Cooke of Construction Instruction about his beginnings as a home performance expert, and ways to win homeowners and contractors to your side.
#43 DEANS OF HOME PERFORMANCE: Roundtable of top-flight U.S. home performance trainers on what rocks and what sucks
05/09/2013 Duration: 21minToday we talk with our first panel of experts, all top trainers in the U.S. home performance industry. Scott Suddreth of Building Performance Engineering, Anthony Cox of the New River Center for Energy Research and Training, Brett Dillon of IBS Advisors, and Allison Bailes of Energy Vanguard all pitch into a spirited discussion on classrooms, mentorship, props, and real life.
R&D IN REAL LIFE: interview with Joe Nagan, the Voice of Reality in the Home Performance Industry
19/08/2013 Duration: 26minToday we talk with Joe Nagan of Home Building Technology Services, the unofficial Research and Development department of the home performance industry. Joe is one of my personal heroes, and is a true Building Scientist, not just a practitioner, and he has special insight into practical applications.
LIPSTICK ON A PIG: the Legendary Neil Moyer takes issue with the state of the industry
16/07/2013 Duration: 16minToday we talk with Neil Moyer, researcher and trainer for the Florida Solar Energy Center, about what the Performance Path REALLY means, and what building performance was like over thirty years ago.
BREATHING FREELY: interview with Paul Raymer, author of the Residential Ventilation Handbook and Master Moustache-Wearer
22/06/2013 Duration: 34minToday we talk with Paul Raymer, chief investigator for Heyoka Solutions and Ventilation Guru, about his book, his facial hair, and the reasons for all the fuss over fresh air in homes.
PERFORMANCE EMPIRE: interview with C.R. Herro, Meritage Homes's Secret Weapon for High Performance Domination
24/05/2013 Duration: 18minToday Corbett bounces off the walls with C.R. Herro of Meritage Homes as they discuss homebuyers, how to woo them, and why Meritage rocking the boat in homebuilding markets across the U.S.
SHOW ME THE MONEY: interview with Teresa Lopez, CEO of Green Energy Money and green valuation expert
25/04/2013 Duration: 26minToday we talk with Teresa Lopez of Green Energy Money about the future revolution of high performance home mortgages and the current problems that plague the financial system.
HANK ON HVAC! Interview with Hank Rutkowski, author of ACCA Manuals J, D, S, T, etc, etc, and very colorful guy.
08/04/2013 Duration: 39minToday we talk with the larger-than-life Hank Rutkowski of technical HVAC fame, about the right and wrong way to condition our homes and the who, how, and why of the ACCA Manuals.
CHALLENGE HOME: Sam Rashkin invites you to Build Better with the Dept. of Energy's Challenge Home Certification.
15/03/2013 Duration: 25minToday we talk with Sam Rashkin, Chief Architect for the Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office, about the government's top certification for high performance new homes.
Ventilation 2013: interview with Don Stevens of Panasonic and ASHRAE about 62.2 ventilation spec upcoming in summer of 2013.
01/03/2013 Duration: 15minToday we talk again with Don Stevens, National Research & Development Manager at Panasonic Eco-Solutions, about the history of ASHRAE 62.2 residential ventilation standard, and the upcoming changes in 62.2-2013.
Mini-Split Heat Pump MAGIC! Interview with Mark Kuntz of Mitsubishi Heating & Cooling
06/11/2012 Duration: 31minToday we talk with Mark Kuntz of Mitsubishi Heating & Cooling about the latest and greatest in heat pump technology (that you can use in Montana) and the many applications of ductless mini-split HVAC systems.