El músic català que més en sap de música de ball es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. Dissabtes i diumenges, de 20.00 a 22.00
Chicago 1866, "Pista de fusta" 2024
01/05/2024 Duration: 01h15sAvui, Dia del Treball, fem festa grossa amb dotze perles dels baguls de casa. Remixes, edits i molt bombo a negres per a la tarda d'un festiu molt nostre. Puny enlaire. 01 Teddy Pendergrass - "You can't hide from yourself (Frankie Knuckles' director's cut classic club mix)" 02 Loleatta Holloway - "Dreamin' (12" disco version)" 03 A Certain Ratio - "Brazilia (extended mix)" 04 Chin Chin - "Appetite (Chicken Lips extended vocal mix)" 05 Wookie - "Live on f. Lain (Mark Grants Blackstone remix)" 06 Toney Lee - "Reach up" 07 Barrio Debajo - "Gotta let yourself go" 08 Turntable Orchestra - "You're gonna miss me (Soul Avengerz remix)" 09 Minimal Funk - "Definition of house (Rocky edit)" 10 Malcolm McLaren & The Bootzilla Orchestra - "Deep in Vogue (12" video version)" 11 DBX - "Live wire" 12 Modern Bass - "Fantasy girl"
Ports de muntanya
30/04/2024 Duration: 01h36sEl ciclisme també inspira música de ball. I pujar els ports amb la pista de banda sonora és més fàcil. Ball i pedalades. Tot junt. Mallots arrapats i cames depilades. 01 Spellling - "My other voice" 02 Robert Palmer - "I dream of wires" 03 Bullion - "Affection" 04 Man Man - "Iguana" 05 Of What Remains - "Descend" 06 Anbau - "Mortirolo '94" 07 Negative - "Cannibal sluts" 08 Machinedrum - "ILIKEU (feat. Duckwrt)" 09 Dua Lipa - "Training season (Chloé Caillet mix)" 10 Rules - "Not giving you up" 11 Inner City - "Need your love feat. Steffanie Christi'an (Eran Hersh & Anorre remix)" 12 Peggy Gou - "1+1=11 (extended mix)" 13 HEW - "Where I go" 14 Bypass Music - "Falling (Deeper)"
Cavalls, llops, gossos
29/04/2024 Duration: 01h17sCorren lliures mentre nosaltres ballem. El cavall de Beyoncé imposa, però més ho fa ella. Cuitats imaginàries i escenes de pel·lícules que encara no ho són. Les cançons, totes. 01 Karate Boogaloo - "Eyes on the prize" 02 Project Gemini - "Entre chien et loup" 03 MRCY - "R.L.M." 04 Aciz - "Black vibes (feat. Tomy Roots)" 05 Juniore - "Le silence" 06 Rikas - "Strangers" 07 Lessus - "All I wanna do" 08 LORD$ - "Make it alright (feat. Sôra)" 09 Beyoncé - "YA YA" 10 Populous & Weste - "Petalo" 11 Metronomy - "Nice town (Alain Ogue remix)" 12 Alsarah & The Nubatones - "Nar (Nickodemus & Kiko Navarro remix)" 13 Tea - "Ibiza redoux (feat. Brian Auger)" 14 Carlita - "Time" 15 Mike Nasty - "Mind made up" 16 GarcyNoise & Luca Mauro - "Music love dance (feat. Okuali)"
DJ convidat: Golden Bug
26/04/2024 Duration: 01h17sJa fa temps que Antoine Harispuru fa feina a Barcelona. El "capo" de La Belle Records, amb el sobrenom Golden Bug, es mou com un peix entre el ball, al psicodèlia i el disco. Avui ens fa una sessió exclusiva per escurçar la sortida del seu pròxim àlbum, "Piscolabis Part II". 01 Denzel Curry - "Black balloons (13lack 13alloonz) 02 Instant Funk - "Crying" DJ Convidat: Golden Bug 03 Save! - "Rainy Monday" 04 PJ Harvey - "Down by the water" 05 Can - "Don't say no" 06 Grace Jones - "Devil dub" 07 Daft Punk - "Alive" 08 ZYX - "Get away wisdom" 09 Beastie Boys - "So what' cha want" 10 Druk 1000 - "Zamboling" 11 Golden Bug - "Variation sur 3 bancs (Pilooski remix)" 12 Talking Heads - "This must be the place" DJ Convidat: Golden Bug 13 Georgia - "About work the dancefloor' (Krystal Klear remix)" 14 TPO - "Hiroshi's dub (Milo's Garage dub)"
Corrents subterranis
25/04/2024 Duration: 01h20sD'aigua, de resistència, d'escapada. La pista fa recerca a llocs on no hi voldries anar, i la feina es tradueix en pedres precioses que brillen sota la bola de miralls. 01 Ish D - "Maybe sunshine" 02 Ada Kaleh - "Unravelling (feat. Eric Leeds on sax)" 03 Nick Hook & Dennis Wonder - "Movin' on (BANG! extended remix)" 04 Dave K (UK) - "The underground" 05 MANIBA, Alfie Cridland - "Into the night" 06 NESI (ES) - "Together" 07 Danny Quest - "Blacked out rova" 08 Antoine Clamaran & Tristan Garner - "Cancun paradise (Antoine Clamaran rework)" 09 Rules - "Not giving you up" 10 BYNX & Veronica Bravo - "Touch me" 11 DJ Rui Da Silva - "Touch me" 12 BRKLYN - "Get back the love" 13 Piem - "Messin' around" (ft. Leo Wood) 14 Soulchaser - "My love (Work harder)"
Ciclistes, ovnis i cançons d'amor
24/04/2024 Duration: 01h19sQue xisclin les trompetes, que els cantants demanin comprensió i que el ballador aixequi els braços enlaire. Un retaule contemporani de veneració al ball. Paraula de "Pista". 01 Thee Heart Tones - "Cry my tears away" 02 Chicano Batman - "Live today" 03 Claudio Corona - "Imagination unlimited" 04 Lorde - "Take me to the river (versió Talking Heads)" 05 Kneecap - "Fine art" 06 Fred Everything - "Soul love (feat. Stereo MC's)" 07 Dave Mathmos - "Your love (Contemporary Soul remix)" 08 Ish D - "Testify" 09 Kojak - "The funk hunt (Pro-Zak Trax)" 10 Nikki Carvell - "Ain't paradise (feat. L Cole)" 11 ASSHOLE!! - "Oh I well help being baby ooh yeah" 12 Sonic Spells - "Not better alone" 13 Anbau - "Pista da ballo" 14 Caution - "Ufo" 15 Nico de Andrea & Baron - "Kingston groove (feat. D-Prezzy)" 16 Aswad - "Shine (Wave City Bay remix)"
Roses, ones i ritme
23/04/2024 Duration: 01h28sPer Sant Jordi, la pista vol ser també banda sonora. Us oferim el millor del nostre repertori de ball i emoció, veus precioses i melodies que encara ho són més. 01 Strand of Oaks - "More you" 02 Fabiana Palladino - "I can't dream anymore" 03 Iraina Mancini - "Sugar high (Saint Etienne remix)" 04 KMX VII - "Wings of eternity" 05 Bullion - "Affection" 06 Amin Payne - "We got love (feat. Jay Gabriel & Lewho)" 07 Dopamoon - "Maravilhosa Ft Joa¿o Selva" 08 Sam Redmore - "Let it all out (feat. Lumi HD)" 09 LORD$ - "Make it alright feat. Sôra" 10 Kronan & Kaleta - "Yamba jump" 11 Athlete Whippet & Aphty Khe¿a - "U make me feel" 12 Hackerbeatz - "How they felt feat. Donna Summer" 13 Conor Grant - "I can feel it (fade)" 14 Nikki Carvell - "Ain't paradise feat. L Cole (Angelo Ferreri HouseDope remix extended)" 15 Hollaphonic - "Walking in the rain"
Ciutats fantasma
22/04/2024 Duration: 01h01sEl "Ghost town" de The Specials encara inspira artistes del 2024, i avui ressona fort a la pista. També soul, instrumentals i hip-hop en una tarda màgica, molt màgica. 01 SPELLING - "Hard to please" 02 MRCY - "Lorelei" 03 Twin Hector - "SHE NASTY" 04 Karate Boogaloo - "One hand one bounce" 05 MT Jones - "All I do" 06 Rikas - "Strangers" 07 Mocky - "When you laugh feat. Hilary Gay (Redux edit)" 08 The New Mastersounds - "Smoothie" 09 Monolog - "Bill's Valence street jam" 10 Transmission Towers - "Sparse" 11 The Specials - "Ghost town (Dub mix by Lord Dubby)" 12 Dope Demeanors - "Dub swagger (This Place)" 13 Vanilla - "Into my eyes" 14 Camila Cabello - "I luv it (feat. Playboi Carti)" 15 Brilla Carmen - "La vida" 16 Dickie Landry - "Hang the rich" 17 Massive Attack - "I against I feat. Mos Def (WIN WIN edit)"
El clàssic: "Power-Fuerza", de Ghetto Brothers (1972)
19/04/2024 Duration: 01h20sUns balls entre bandes rivals per trobar la pau a la Nova York del 1971 va deixar el llegat, en format disc, dels Ghetto Brothers. Avui, amb la reedició de Vampisoul, aquesta obra mestra arriba a la pista i a casa teva. 01 Ghetto Brothers - "Girl from the mountain" 02 Ghetto Brothers - "There is something in my heart" 03 Ghetto Brothers - "Got this happy feeling" 04 Ghetto Brothers - "Mastica chupa y jala" 05 Ghetto Brothers - "You say you are my friend" 06 Ghetto Brothers - "Viva Puerto Rico libre" 07 Ghetto Brothers - "I saw a tear" 08 Ghetto Brothers - "Ghetto Brothers power" 09 Rebel Diaz and Divine RBG - "Viva Puerto Rico libre (Ghetto Brothers remix)" 10 James Brown - "James Brown's boo-ga-loo" 11 Santana - "Fried neckbones and home fries" 12 Giobel & The Latin Chords - "We belong togheter" 13 Richie & PS 54 Schoolyard - "Listen to Louie" 14 Joe Bataan - "Cycles of you" 15 Run the Jewels - "Rubble Kings theme (Dynamite)" 16 Little Shalimar - " The revolution might be televised" 17 Little Shalimar - "
Una qüestió de jerarquia
18/04/2024 Duration: 01h16sDepeche Mode tenen galons, però mai s'han adormit en el seu èxit. Remixos de les seves cançons, peces inspirades en The Specials i tot el groove del món. 01 Porn.Dasteller - "Holocaust" 02 Anyma - "Explore your future (Daniel Avery extended remix)" 03 Depeche Mode - "People are good' (Obskür remix)" 04 Dope Demeanors - "Dub swagga (This Place)" 05 Boston Bun - "Never change - Let it go" 06 DJ Spectra - "Robot baby love 2" 07 Jenia Vice - "Skyfall (Kanedo remix)" 08 Calussa & KeeQ - "Dont' be afraid" 09 Athlete Whippet & Aphty Khéa - "U make me feel" 10 Ish D - "Give thanks" 11 Joe Goddard - "New world (flow) feat. Fiorious" 12 Cory - "You are the one" 13 Galo - "Lifted" 14 Arty - "Sunshine (Chaney remix)"
Preguem, tots mans enlaire
17/04/2024 Duration: 01h41sEl déu del ball es agraït i, si li fem ofrenes, ens tindrà en compte. El southern-gospel d'Ish D ha embogit el DJ, però la resta no es queda curta. 01 Clyde Beats - "Rising up (feat. Amalia)" 02 Savana Funk & Gaudi - "Raha" 03 Ish D - "How he works" 04 Kronan & Kaleta - "Yamba jump" 05 GAZZI & NIDIA - "El pedio" 06 Ahadadream, Priya Ragu & Skrillex - "TAKA" 07 Baustaff - "C64 tribe" 08 Adapter - "Left right" 09 Curses & Third Culture - "Lost and found" 10 Rob Laniado - "Old skool (extended mix)" 11 Wolfgang Gartner - "Dubplate 99 (VIP edit)" 12 NESI (ES) - "Together" 13 Noise Cans & Busy Signal - "Move (extended dub)" 14 Kanedo, Kaiotto - "Do that"
Grans de sorra en un rellotge
16/04/2024 Duration: 01h21sUna hora justa de ball. Ball brasiler, berlinès, català o de Manchester. Divuit perles entre la sorra i, quan gireu el rellotge, seran totes vostres. 01 Future, Metro Boomin, Kendrick Lamar - "Future" 02 Monolog - "Watermelon man (feat. Bill Summers)" 03 15 15 - "Baon" 04 Rubel - " Grão de areia (feat. Xande De Pilares)" 05 Juli Giuliani & Made in M - "Granito de arena" 06 Kuf Knotz & Christine Elise - "In flow" 07 Khruangbin - "Pon pón" 08 Lake Street Drive "Good togheter" 09 RAH & The Ruffcats - "Agidi" 10 Neil Frances & Drama - "Energy (Ken Sable For Tha D Remix)" 11 Control Alt Supp - "Good pound" 12 Barry Adamson - "The last words of Sam Cooke" 13 Jorja Smith - "GO GO GO (feat. Josman)" 14 Kali Uchis - "Me pongo loca" 15 DOPAMOON - "Encore (feat. Napkey)" 16 A Certain Ratio - "Keep it real" 17 Two Shell - "Talk to me (feat. FKA twigs)" 18 Project Gemini - "Lost in the woods"
Noms propis que fan goig a la pista
15/04/2024 Duration: 01h19sArnau Obiols, Pascal Comelade, Jerry Harrisson, Kokoro Disco San i 13 més. Avui pots triar i remenar en una tarda que té de tot menys condescendència amb el ballador. 01 Parlor Greens - "West Memphis" 02 MRCY - "Lorelei" 03 Andrew Emil, Glass Slipper, Claude Young - "God only knows" 04 Crumb - "AMAMA" 05 Arnau Obiols & KAYYAK - "San Diago" 06 Jerry Harrison - "A perfect lie" 07 Benjamin Ingrosso with Olly Alexander - "Kite" 08 Sinkane - "Come together" 09 Magenta Club - "x1000" 10 Ordonez - "Gimme sumthing" 11 DJ Simon Sez - "Kenya (feat. Sofiya Nzau)" 12 Pascal Comelade - "Saxo skyn derivato (Kokoro Disco-San remix)" 13 BICEP & Goldtrix "Trippin on glue (Ricky Spires edit)" 14 BYOR - "Thunder" 15 DAILLY - "Altitude"
DJ convidat: Barry Adamson
12/04/2024 Duration: 01h10sEl mític baixista i compositor de Manchester presenta nou disc i biografia. Avui es posa darrere els plats de la pista tota una llegenda. El veuràs al juny a Barcelona, i el pots llegir a "Por encima de la ciudad, por debajo de las estrellas". 01 Jack Ackerman & Julie Gamble - "Love as conquered man" 02 Lew Kirton & The Invitations - "For your precious love" DJ convidat: Barry Adamson 03 Quincy Jones - "Ironside (Theme from "Ironside")" 04 The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra -"Dangerman" 05 Sparks - "This town ain't big enough for the both of us" 06 Sly & The Family Stone - "Thank you (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" 07 Deep Purple - "Fireball" 08 Mavis Staples - "Chained" 09 Mac Miller - "Dang! (feat. Anderson .Paak)" 10 Danger Mouse & Black Thought - "Because (feat. Joey Bada$$, Russ & Dylan Cartlidge)" 11 Gilla Band - "Post Ryan" 12 Warm Drag - "End times" 13 Brainstory - "Peach optimo" 14 Visage - "Night train (dance mix)" 15 Vanilla - "Swept away (Aroop Roy remix)"
Vainilla sobre pastís
11/04/2024 Duration: 01h30sDolçor, avui, als beats i les melodies. Col·lectius de dones lluitant al món del house i una nova dèria, els MRCY. 01 Thoma - "Speak play (Fthmlss remix)" 02 Vanilla - "Turn me loose" 03 MRCY - "Flowers in mourning" 04 WhoMadeWho & RY X - "Love will save me (Marten Lou remixes)" 05 Breakfast Dubz - "Flight plan" 06 Andrew Emil, Glass Slipper, Claude Young - "Dancefloor paramour (Glass Slipper remix)" 07 LP Giobbi & hermixalot - "How deep is your love" 08 Kasbo - "This is it (feat. Frida Sundemo)" 09 Elkka - "Make me" 10 Nabihah Iqbal - "Zone 1 to 6000 (Frank Wiedemann remix)" 11 Danny Quest - "Love affair" 12 Poolside - "Each night (Boys' Shorts remix)" 13 Nony B - "Aril" 14 Bicep - "CHROMA 002 L.A.V.A"
Almívar vessat sobre caixes de ritmes
10/04/2024 Duration: 01h23sHorteres i ballables, seductores i fortes, i també homes fets i drets. Avui la pista sona britànica i francesa del nord, així que la pluja també es balla. 01 D-Shaw - "Mr. Loverman" 02 FLO - "Walk like this" 03 Metronomy & Pan Amsterdam - "'Nice town (Metronomy remix)" 04 Klaus & Johann Grobe - "Getting down to Adria" 05 Justice & Miguel - "Saturnine" 06 Neil Frances - "Some kind of static (Alan Braxe remix)" 07 DJ Bliss & BIA - "808" 08 Arnau Obiols & KAYYAK - "Faith" 09 Blaze - "Breathe (Natasha Diggs extended remix)" 10 Joe Goddard - "New world (flow) feat. Fiorious" 11 Dot - "Drifting away" 12 Sian & Sasha Carassi - "This music feat. David LeSal (Maori extended remix)" 13 Le Boom - "Orange glow" 14 James Lock - "Time 4 house (club mix)" 15 Hot Since 82 - "Reach out (feat. Sweet Mercy & Rowetta)"
Dimonis, dones de futbolistes i joves activistes
09/04/2024 Duration: 01h46sTropical i ple de dub, amb cançons comercials rodones, i també gran concentració a l'entrecuix vibrant en baixos i estructures. El de sempre, però intentant millorar. 01 Golden Bug & The Limiñanas - "L'effet domino avec Anna Jean (Puma & The Dolphin remix)" 02 MRCY - "Lorelei" 03 Ibelisse Guardia Ferraguti & Frank Rosali - "Destejer" 04 The Deadstock 33s - "My best dub" 05 Wolfgang Valbrun - "Cyclone" 06 Sam Akpro - "Disposition" 07 Dandara - "Se ve (feat. G. Zamora)" 08 Angélica Garcia - "Color de dolor" 09 Shakira & Cardi B - "Buena punteria" 10 Reyna Tropical - "Conexión ancestral" 11 COMA - "Start/Stop/Rewind" 12 Bryce Fox - "Trust nobody" 13 Crystal Murray - "Starmaniak" 14 Boston Bun - "Never change - Let it go" 15 Chin Chin - "Appetite" 16 Kuf Knotz & Christine Elise - "High vibrationz (feat. Mother Lion)"
Un jove MC s'afilia al sindicat del funk
08/04/2024 Duration: 01h18sDesprés, ell i tota la seva família venen a celebrar-ho a la pista. Tarda amb funk, groove i sacseig del bo. Hi haurà pastís. 01 Fat White Family - "Today you become man" 02 TIEMEI - "Danger us" 03 Nancy Whang & Bonar Bradberry - "Working the midnight shift (Disco Version)" 04 Dopamoon - "Encore Ft Napkey" 05 L'Impératrice - "Me da igual" 06 The Knocks & SOFI TUKKER - "One on one (Cerrone remix)" 07 Loulou Players - "I like to make you dance (Extended mix)" 08 Cywil - "All night long" 09 Ahadadream, Priya Ragu & Skrillex - "TAKA" 10 Katermurr - "Morning sun" 11 Galo - "Lifted" 12 Groovebox - "Funk syndicate" 13 Bruno Furlan - "Sugar daddy" 14 Steven 'Sugar' Harding - "The young MC" 15 Atelier - "Friday"
El clàssic: "Discovered (A collection of Daft Punk samples)", 2007
05/04/2024 Duration: 59minCom si fos un tast vertical de mostres, escoltem les cançons originals de les quals els marcians dels cascs integrals van treure material per a la seva discografia. Artistes estel·lars del ball en un disc clàssic a dues bandes. 01 Breakwater - "Release the beast" 02 George Duke - "I love you more" 03 Edwin Birdsong - "Cola bottle baby" 04 Cerrone - "Supernature" 05 Tata Vega - "Get it up for love" 06 Karen Young - "Hot shot" 07 Chaka Khan - "Fate" 08 Sister Sledge - "Il macquillage lady" 09 Oliver Cheatham - "Get down saturday night" 10 Eddie Johns - "More spell on you" 11 Little Anthony & The Imperials - "Can you imagine" 12 Jerry Goldsmith - "The rec rooom"
Llàgrimes, tristesa, cura
04/04/2024 Duration: 01h22sFer que el ball ens faci fora de la tristesa i els dies grisos. Balladors, cantants i productors fan front comú aquí, a la pista. 01 Tonina - "La cura (with Xiuhtezcatl & Sam Pine)" 02 Kasper Bjørke - "Tears we haven't cried (feat. Toby Ernest9" 03 Zaho de Sagazan - "Tristesse" 04 COMA - "The same" 05 Darkways - "Lies" 06 NIIKO X SWAE - "Rain (feat. Mougleta)" 07 Clypso - "I've seen the light" 08 RHYME SO - "Deep in Vogue (feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor)" 09 Glasgow Kiss - "Pill" 10 Mr. Oizo Vs R33DY D - "Flat beat (I feel bad)" 11 Poolside - "Each night (Boys' Shorts remix)" 12 REIGN - "Reel freee" 13 - "Breathe (feat. Yolanda Mutesasira)" 14 Piek - "Acidnoise" 15 Noizu - "Acid rain (feat. Madge)" 16 NOME. - "Rabbit hole (feat. CERES)"