El músic català que més en sap de música de ball es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. Dissabtes i diumenges, de 20.00 a 22.00
La "dolce vita" és viva
17/10/2023 Duration: 01h18sRyan Paris col·labora amb Mac DeMarco en un dels duets més inesperats dels últims temps. Conclusió: no ens marquem límits, ni corsés, ni manies. Si és bonic, és nostre. 01 L'Rain - "r(EMOTE)" 02 Mac DeMarco & Ryan Paris - "Simply paradise" 03 Midas The Jagaban - "Louis Vitty (feat. Tayc)" 04 15 15 - "Perfect heaven" 05 Rüdiger - "The dancing king" 06 Felix Ames - "Don't be alarmed" 07 Joe Crepúsculo - "Mi fábrica de baile (cumbia con Mexican Institute of Sound)" 08 Cineplexx - "Amigos (feat. Sabina Odone)" 09 Zonke & YORK - "Only you" 10 Jorja Smith - "Feelings" 11 Gazella - "Te estoy amando localmente" 12 Junco y Mimbre - "Perdre'm_lo" 13 TTeo - "Samba" 14 Pipi Le Oui - "Special (Pipi's Funkadoodle mix)" 15 Soulnaturals - "Baby I got your back (feat. Tony Cannam)" 16 Christine and the Queens - "To be honest (Paul Woolford rework)"
La coral, el raper i el seu marit
16/10/2023 Duration: 01h01minAvui, el càsting és complet i complex. És èpic, ballable i molt seductor, a l'alçada del repertori habitual de la nostra secta. 01 The Polyphonic Spree - "Section 44 (Galloping seas)" 02 Jessie Reyez - "Jeans (feat. Miguel)" 03 Ana Frango Elétrico - "Insista em mim" 04 Black Pumas - "Mr. Postman" 05 Butcher Brown - "Eye never knew (feat. Pink Siifu, Keyon Harrold)" 06 H31R - "Right here" 07 El Búho & Bomba Estéreo - "Brujería (feat. Li Saumet)" 08 Netta - "Wonderful & great" 09 Smoove & Turrell - "Echoes" 10 Chase Atlantic - "Mamacita" 11 Souleance - "Out of touch (feat. Kit Sebastian)" 12 Say She She - "Norma" 13 Max Beesley's High Vibes - "Zeus" 14 DERECHO Rhythm Section - "E groove" 15 Mr Doris - "Feel good feat. D. Funk, Cantaloop & Nell Shakespeare (Krafty Kuts remix)" 16 Yofi Tofi & Marshall Jefferson - "Tic tacs"
El clàssic: "Our favourite shop", de The Style Council (1985)
13/10/2023 Duration: 01h10sPaul Weller i Mick Talbot arriben al numero u de les llistes britàniques amb un disc polític, anti-Thatcher i ple d'elegància. De la portada a la darrera nota, la paraula "modernista" mai ha tingut tant significat com en aquesta obra mestra. 01 "Homebreakers" 02 "All gone away" 03 "Come to Milton Keynes" 04 "Internationalists" 05 "A stones throw away" 06 "The stand up comics instructions" 07 "Boy who cried wolf" 08 "A man of great promise" 09 "Down in the Seine" 10 "The lodgers (or she was only a shopkeeper's daughter)" 11 "Luck" 12 "With everything to lose" 13 "Have you ever had it blue" 14 "Our favourite shop" 15 "Walls come tumbling down" 15 "Shout to the top"
Un conill a la pista
12/10/2023 Duration: 01h12sSalta i salta. No sabem d'on ha vingut, però hi és, i no són al·lucinacions. Els peus reben ones poderoses que ens fan activar la ment i el DJ ens fa la mescla perfecta. 01 Bailen - "Love you blind" 02 The Subtheory - "Crown of thorns" 03 Headache - "That thing with the rabbit" 04 The Folk Implosion - "Insinuation (Dust Brothers remix)" 05 Lol Tolhurst & Budgie & Jacknife Lee - "Ghosted at home (feat. Bobby Gillespie)" 06 NO ZU - "Heat beat head (Grim Up North remix)" 07 Les Fils de Joie - "Adieu Paris" 08 Bandit Bandit - "Si j'avais su" 09 Voie 81 - "Just toi et moi" 10 Duran Duran - "Danse macabre" 11 Briskin - "Rhythm" 12 Ill Peach - "Colliding" 13 Tetsumasa - "Leave now" 14 Sparkle Division - "Oh yeah!" 15 Tori Amos - "Professional widow (Armand's Star Trunk Funkin' mix)"
Amor pel ball
11/10/2023 Duration: 01h01minEl mateix Cerrone beneiria la sessió d'aquesta tarda, que amenitzen amb elegància Bibio, Jungle i el mateix productor francès. 01 DJ Muggs & Dean Hurley - "Divinity 2 infinity: the odissey (feat. Kool Keith)" 02 Brandon Love - "Freedom" 03 Bibio - "Rosewoods" 04 Andrea Lacoste & Azaria - "Soleil" 05 Trueno - "Tranky funky" 06 Jullian Gomes, Kuniyuki Takahashi & Sio - "Let me go" 07 Cerrone & Marc Lavoine - "Lovebox" 08 Mory Kante - "Yeke yeke (Diamond Setter's Supernature edit)" 09 Amirali - "Deep inside" 10 Baustaff - "Habano" 11 Jungle & Joy Anonymous - "JOY (Back on 74)" 12 Kokiri & SELKER - "One thing" 13 DJ Georgie Porgie - "DiscoBall" 14 Frank Nitty - "Feel"
La casa del funk
10/10/2023 Duration: 01h01minDimonis fora, amor a dins i funk al cor. Tens una idea millor? 01 edbl & Jackson Mathod - "Cold (feat. Myles Sanko)" 02 Pale Jay - "Bewilderment" 03 El Búho & Bomba Estéreo - "Brujería (feat. Li Saumet)" 04 Mndsgn - "Finallyalone" 05 Eric Hilton - "Amor astral (feat. Natalia Clavier)" 06 Fantasy 15 - "Blast off!!!" 07 The Sextones - "Love can't be borrowed" 08 Cyril Cyril & Meridian Brothers - "Diablos de Chuao" 09 Mo'Horizons - "Sudoeste" 10 Usted - "Enflechado" 11 Art Feynman - "Early signs of rhythm" 12 Mr Doris & D-Funk - "Feel good feat. Cantaloop & Nell Shakespeare (Krafty Kuts remix)" 13 Feist - "Sealion (Chromeo remix)" 14 Jungle & Joy Anonymous - "JOY (Back on 74)" 15 NOBE - "Phonecall (deserve it)" 16 Charlotte Moss - "Keycore"
Els primers senyals del ritme
09/10/2023 Duration: 01h14sNo hi ha antídot que curi el virus del ball i el ritme: no podràs parar de ballar. Quantic, Chai i Troye Sivan, puntes de llança d'aquesta sessió. 01 Dora Morelenbaum - "Japão" 02 Pearl & The Oysters - "Fireflies (Vicky Farewell remix)" 03 Crystal Fighters - "Love x3" 04 Quantic - "Unconditional (feat. Rationale)" 05 Midas the Jagaban - "More vibes more money" 06 NO ZU - "Last words" 07 Art Feynman - "Early signs of rhythm" 08 Troye Sivan - "Got me started" 09 CHAI - "Game" 10 Madame - "Il bene nel male" 11 Left Unsaid - "Nonstop" 12 Pamela Rodríguez - "En el espejo" 13 Sofia Kourtesis - "Si te portas bonito" 14 Verdance - "It all depends" 15 Tú No Existes - "Pon tu nombre aquí" 16 Jet Boot Jack - "I'm a DJ"
DJ convidat: El Columpio Asesino
06/10/2023 Duration: 01h41sLa gira de comiat d'El Columpio Asesino fa aturada a Barcelona el dia 28 amb totes les entrades venudes. Abans l'Álbaro Arizaleta ha volgut fer un "convidat" per a tots nosaltres. Llarga vida. 01 Listening Center - "Portable electronic musical instrument" 02 Abrão - "Intensidade (Rina remix)" DJ convidat: El Columpio Asesino (Álbaro Arizaleta) 03 Sex Pistols - "Anarchy in the UK" 04 Pixies - "Where is my mind?" 05 The Velvet Underground - "Heroin" 06 David Bowie - "Heroes" 07 Suicide - "Ghost rider" 08 Daft Punk - "Revolution 909" 09 Air - "Sexy boy" 10 LCD Soundsystem - "Yeah" 11 Portishead - "We carry on" 12 Ryuichi Sakamoto - "Merry christmas Mr. Lawrence" DJ convidat: El Columpio Asesino (Álbaro Arizaleta) 13 Genesi - "Acid (All night long)"
Dents, ullals i peixos
05/10/2023 Duration: 01h54sSi tanques els ulls mentre balles, pots anar molt lluny. Saps com es titulen les cançons d'avui? Són cavalls guanyadors. 01 TSHA & Ellie Goulding & Gregory Porter - "Somebody" 02 Mo'Horizons - "Anotha bossa (feat. Guida de Palma)" 03 KAYYAK - "Mönchhof Amour (feat. Xenia Lasareva)" 04 TONN3RR3 & Biyake - "Bana disco" 05 Ana Frango Ele¿trico - "Electric fish" 06 Burnt Ships - "That look (In your eyes) feat. Deltron Blac" 07 J Balvin con Usher y DJ Khaled - "Dientes" 08 Tina B - "Honey to a bee" 09 Christine and the Queens - "To be honest (SG Lewis remix)" 10 Actress - "Push power ( a 1 )" 11 James Rod, Chris Massey - "Take me higher" 12 Sofia Kourtesis - "Si te portas bonito" 13 Essed - "House feeling" 14 Carola - "Back to the old school" 15 Usmev - "This vibe"
Duets, conjunts i tu
04/10/2023 Duration: 01h20sTots els formats serveixen si la cançó ens toca profundament. Discoteques tristes, balladors anònims les animen. Hi entres? 01 Drake - "Slime you out (feat. SZA)" 02 Casisdead - "Matte grey wrap (feat. Desire)" 03 Shed Seven - "F K H (Jagz Kooner remix)" 04 The Folk Implosion - "Natural one [Unkle remix]" 05 Nation of Language - "Sightseer" 06 Airu - "Es por tu bien" 07 Duran Duran - "Danse macabre" 08 J. Worra & Cherry Tooth - "Dancing at the disco" 09 Weval - "Forever (Solomun remix)" 10 H.A.N - "Evacuate" 11 Asshole!! - "I hate people" 12 Left Unsaid - "Nonstop" 13 Kungs & Shadow Child - "Changes (DeusExMaschine remix)" 14 Moráz - "Pentão" 15 Stereoclip - "HLTA"
Cors trencats, llàgrimes de mercuri
03/10/2023 Duration: 01h01minSabem que ballar cura, i que les cançons de ballar i plorar puntuen doble. Avui tenim violins, cantants i doble ració de soul. 01 Edbl and Jackson Mathod - "Cold (feat. Myles Sanko)" 02 d4vd - "Once more" 03 Daniella Barbarito - "Caminito" 04 Daniel Ögren - "Kristinehamn by night (for Christopher)" 05 Espectro Caudillo - "El temible grupo Jaguar" 06 Soolking - "Casanova (feat. Gazo)" 07 Chromeo - "Mercury tears" 08 Pantera Blue - "Autotuneame" 09 Seafood Sam - "86 Carolina west" 10 Jalen Ngonda - "That's all I wanted from you" 11 Alma Afrobeat Ensemble & Ray Lugo - "Room enough for us (Terrificos remix - Dinky edit)" 12 Alan Palomo - "La madrileña" 13 Trueno - "Tranky funky" 14 Allison Russell - "Shadowlands" 15 Harry Soul y Toroweins - "Reaction" 16 Izo FitzRoy - "God gets a little busy sometimes (Cosmodelica remix)"
Dilluns d'imprescindibles
02/10/2023 Duration: 01h01minUna tarda al mes, el temps i les novetats deixen espai a cançons imprescindibles que dormen a l'arxiu de casa per enfilar una sessió en què tot va com la seda, i les dècades es fonen en un perfecte amor per la causa. 01 Profile - "People make the world go round" 02 Ralfi Pagan - "Make it with you" 03 David Oliver - "Love TKO" 04 Brenton Wood - "Te oogum boogum song" 05 Cascabel - "Vida musical" 06 Melba Moore - "Love's comin' at ya" 07 Eruption - "Leave a light (I'll keep a light in my window)" 08 Pino D'Angio - "Julius Caesar plum-cake dance" 09 The New York Models - "Fashion" 10 Carlos Perón - "Et" 11 LCD Soundsystem - "Bye bye bayou" 12 Duran Duran - "Girls on film (night version)" 13 Incarnations - "Sunset on Punta Paloma (Frisvold and Rune Lindbaek remix)" 14 That Petrol Emotion - "Abandon (Boys Own mix)"
DJ convidada: Coco María
29/09/2023 Duration: 01h06sLa mexicana Coco María fa de DJ i selectora de ràdio i elabora les increïbles llistes dels discos "Club Coco ahora" per al segell Bongo Joe Records. Plaer assegurat. 01 Bobby Oroza - "Deja vu" 02 TheEEs - "Con sentimiento (feat. Arema Arega & Regis Molina)" 03 Panda Bear & Sonic Boom - "Whirlpool dub (Adrian Sherwood Reset in Dubâ version)" 04 Lyrics Combo - "Lyrics Jamboree (Lyrco)" 05 Lola's Dice - "Sacúdete (Bongo Joe Records)" 06 Chiemi Eri - "Otemo yan (Akuphone)" 07 Los Bumpers - "Contonea las caderas (El Virrey)" 08 Acid Coco - "Seguimos sonriendo (Bongo Joe Records)" 09 Juan Pablo Torres - "Elvira (Areito)" 10 Junior y Su Equipo - "Alegrate (DJ Yack & Sonido La Bomba)" 11 Juan Hundred - "Always ready to smoke (Bongo Joe Records)" 12 Los Bonny Boys Hot's - "Vírgenes del sol (Lyra)" 13 Naya Sitara - "Djane man (Idries)" 14 Los Destellos - "La cumbia del sol" 15 King Truman - "Like a gun" 16 Soulnaturals - "I found love in a discotheque ft. CeCi Munette (Hotmood remix)"
Cafeïna per no dormir a la ciutat dels neons
28/09/2023 Duration: 01h01minRóisín Murphy ens deixa una perla que ens fa volar el cap i l'aplaudim amb marimbes, seccions de corda, groove i molt funk. 01 Marika Hackman - "No caffeine (strings version)" 02 Orbs of Light - "Billion days (40 Thieves version)" 03 Georges Davis - "Marimba disco" 04 Róisín Murphy - "Free will" 05 Soulnaturals - "Parlo Discoteca feat. Rosa Levv (Flevans remix)" 06 A Certain Ratio - "Constant Curve feat. Ellen Beth Abdi (Emperor Machine rework)" 07 Manu Chao - "Bongo bong (Francis Mercier remix)" 08 Chymamusique - "He keeps me safe feat. Mlindos, Dustinho (Retro mix)" 09 Les Bisous - "Dirty dancing (feat. Nazzereene)" 10 Zakes Bantwini & Kasango - "Osama (Claptone remix)" 11 ANOTR & Abel Balder - "Relax my eyes" 12 Oden & Fatzo X Camden Cox - "Lady love" 13 Mou Mou - "Close your eyes" 14 Christine and the Queens - "To be honest (SG Lewis remix)" 15 Rain - "One night in neon city"
Somnis elèctrics
27/09/2023 Duration: 01h01minEndollats a les emocions, les bases del techno-pop d'avui són moments del futur. Mags com James Blake i altres exploradors treballen per fer-nos sentir vius una estona. 01 Future Islands - "Deep in the night" 02 James Blake - "He's been wonderful" 03 Sofia Kourtesis - "Vajkoczy" 04 Pachyman - "Goldline" 05 Leitstrahl & Alberto Melloni - "Automaton lover" 06 Jamiroquai - "Automaton" 07 Tixis - "Nioko bokk" 08 Rees - "A dream wave" 09 Le Vicarious Bliss Pop Experience & Headbangirl - "Together in electric dreams" 10 Etienne Daho & Vanessa Paradis - "Tirer la nuit sur les étoiles (Yan Wagner radio remix)" 11 Alan Palomo - "La madrileña" 12 Charli XCX - "Boys (Faysha Refix)" 13 J. Worra & Cherry Tooth - "Dancing at the disco" 14 The Chemical Brothers - "No reason"
26/09/2023 Duration: 01h01minEstri que ens permet veure a llarga distància, preveure allò que ens vol sorprendre per terra, mar i aire. El futur del ball, oi que mentens? 01 SanIsidro - "Puente de plata" 02 Shabazz Palace - "Binoculars (feat. Royce The Choice)" 03 Ez Mil - "Realest (with Eminem)" 04 Nicki Minaj - "Last time I saw you" 05 Timbaland - "Keep going up (feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake)" 06 Mr Doris & D-Funk - "Feel good feat. Cantaloop & Nell Shakespeare (George Solar Bubble Dub)" 07 Anitta - "Funk rave" 08 Andrea Lacoste &Azaria - "Jayeechi wayu¿u" 09 Mykki Blanco - "Holidays in the sun" 10 Barry Can't Swim - "How it feels" 11 Kai Alcé - "Space skat n dat" 12 Ana Frango Ele¿trico - "Electric fish" 13 Louis The Child - "Stay with me (with Absolutely)" 14 Bombays - "Goddess" 15 CamelPhat- "Compute (feat. Ali Love)" 16 Huebl - "Lean on you feat. Jahson The Scientist (Detroit Mix)"
Danses macabres, hardcore i tres números més
25/09/2023 Duration: 01h01minLa selecció d'avui és una mostra de que el ball actual és divers, inclusiu, combatiu i normal. Així és com ens agrada. 01 TheEEs & Maike Jacobs - "Slight & small" 02 Róisín Murphy - " 'What not to do (Moodymann remix)' 03 Emeli Sandé - "There for you" 04 Super Duty Tough Work - "Dirty hands" 05 Skarra Mucci - "Roots rock reggae (feat. Yaniss Odua)" 06 Duran Duran - "Danse macabre" 07 Wolfgang Valbrun - "Cyclone" 08 Magic Number - "Loving you" 09 Earthtones & Semblanzas del Rio Guapi - "Tuyo todo tuyo" 10 Izo FitzRoy - "God gets a little busy sometimes (Cosmodelica remix)" 11 Cineplexx - "Oh no (feat. Anntona, Papaya)" 12 Jamilla Woods - "Boomerang" 13 Darkways - "Inexistence" 14 Mikos i Koalas - "Hardcoreta" 15 El Columpio Asesino - "Babel (feat. Fermin Muguruza)" 16 The Incredible Tigerman - "Ghost rider"
Prèvia "Europe's Biggest Dance Show 2023"
22/09/2023 Duration: 30minEscalfem motors. Abans de participar en el "Europe's Biggest Dance Show", que organitza la UER (Unió Europea de Radiodifusió) i coordina BBC Radio 1 en col·laboració amb diverses emissores europees, "Pista de fusta" us avança alguns dels participants en aquesta vetllada històrica de música de ball. Atents! iCat retransmet l'esdeveniment en directe des de les 19.30 h. Podreu seguir la nostra sessió, comandada per Miqui Puig, de 23.30 a 24.00 h. 01 Andy Romano - "Monday" 02 Danny Howard - "Bullet" 03 Icona Pop - "I love it (Cobra Starship remix)" 04 Marten Hørger & Neon Steve - "We're back" 05 Empire of The Sun & Southstar - "We are the people (southstar remix)" 06 Amber Broos - "Amok" 07 Madison Mars - "Unmei"
Unicorns a la pista
21/09/2023 Duration: 01h01minLa bola de miralls pot provocar miratges, però les orelles són exigents, i avui tenim un repertori exquisit, per enamorar-se al bell mig de la pista. 01 Bobby Oroza & El Michels Affair - "Losing it" 02 Black Market Brass - "The pìt" 03 Mo' Horizons - " Mango woman feat. Gyedu-Blay Ambolley (Sono Rhizmo' remix)" 04 Automat - "Climb feat. Barbie Williams" 05 DJ Linus - "Samaya mudra" 06 Josep Xortó + The Congosound - "Equivalència" 07 The Bamboos - "Ex -files" 08 Kiss Me Again - "Elizabeth street" 09 Soulnaturals - "I found love in a discotheque feat. CeCi Munette (Hotmood remix)" 10 Craxi Disco - " Unicorn (Super Paolo rework)" 11 Bernardo Pinheiro - " Steps out (Space Odyssey mix)" 12 Novalima - "El Regalo (BLOOM remix)" 13 Gensi - "Primavera 707" 14 Carl Craig & Psyche - " From beyond (Admn remix)" 15 jxck - "Touch me"
Maresme pagès i criminal
20/09/2023 Duration: 01h44sAvui tot és ball, les cançons guareixen i els cantants s'hi deixen la pell: obrim de nou amb "Bandolers" i seguim amb danses de Cuenca, Brooklyn i Londres. 01 Baya Baye MGT Los Sosis - "Bandolers" 02 Gary Beals - "I like that feat. JRDN & KAYO" 03 Montoya - "La danza de Cuenca" 04 Major Lazer - "Diplomático (DJ2D2 Blend)" 05 Mae Stephens - "Mr Right (with Meghan Trainor)" 06 Jungle - "Candle flame (feat. Erick The Architect)" 07 Roosevelt - "Rising" 08 Kokoro Disco-San - "Brightest light (feat. ft. Brigitte Emaga)" 09 Supershy - "Feel like makin' love (feat. Roberta Flack)" 10 James Lock - "Dub Tropicana" 11 Fiminai - "Believe in yourself" 12 Leitstrahl & Alberto Melloni - "Automaton lover" 13 The Chemical Brothers - "Skipping like a stone (feat. Beck)" 14 Yulia Niko - "You knew" 15 Haruka Salt & Din. - "Watch me dance" 16 Romy - "The sea (TDJ remix)"