John Hayward / Doctor Zero Podcasts

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Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft -- Audio Podcasts by Joe Koday


  • Slaves of the Ethereal Machine


    As reported by, investment guru Warren Buffett is worried about a “meltdown” in municipal debt: Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Anti-Civilization


    Look at the world through the eyes of Hamas and its apologists, and ask yourself: what’s the point of sending a couple of boats full of terror “activists” to run the Gaza blockade? Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Pearls On Green Velvet


    When I heard that President Obama would skip the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, my initial reaction was surprise. It seemed like a foolish unforced error, the sort of mistake a wartime President with flagging popularity can hardly afford. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the […]

  • Versus America


    One of the most striking moments in our increasingly surreal politics came when congressional Democrats leaped to their feet and applauded a foreign leader as he trashed the state of Arizona and its immigration law . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • ObamaCare By Any Other Name


    Why are liberals suddenly objecting to the name “ObamaCare,” forcefully enough to compel Jake Tapper to apologize for using the term? As Allahpundit noted, it’s supposed to be the crowning achievement of the Obama presidency — and, indeed, the modern Democrat Party. He should be proud to have it named after him. Click here to […]

  • The Betrayal of Mystery


    If you enjoyed the finale of Lost, I’m not writing this to challenge your taste. You have nothing to apologize for, or defend. There’s nothing “wrong” with cherishing the fine acting and emotional resonance of its reunions and farewells . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read […]

  • Broken Puzzles


    Tonight, fans will bid farewell to Lost, one of the most potent obsessions to erupt from popular culture in the past decade . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • The Feral Vanguard


    In “The Necessary Enemy,” one of the first posts I wrote for Hot Air over a year ago, I made this point about the violent and desperate nature of socialism: Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • The Tea Party Imperative


    Rand Paul’s decisive victory in the Kentucky GOP primary is widely viewed as a demonstration of Tea Party power. Democrat spin doctors have already wheeled Paul into surgery, laughing and high-fiving each other as radioactive chunks of extremism turn up in his biopsies. He might be sitting on a healthy lead against his Democrat opponent […]

  • An Interview With Dick Blumenthal


    Following is an excerpt from an Associated Press interview with Democratic Senate candidate Dick Blumenthal, currently fighting allegations that he lied about his military service in Vietnam . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • The Custodians of Memory


    I was a high-school student when the movie Rambo came out in theaters. While waiting in line for a seat on opening weekend, I saw a group of Vietnam vets coming out of a previous showing. One of them was in a wheelchair. I asked them what they thought of the movie. They all indicated […]

  • Romancing The State


    Speaking before a group opposed to gay marriage on Saturday, Florida GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio discussed the increasing power of Big Government: Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Heart and Soul of the Right


    Public Policy Polling released a poll of possible Republican presidential contenders yesterday, putting Sarah Palin in fourth place behind Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and even Newt Gingrich. All four are within a few points of each other, and the data comes from the same outfit which assured us Doug Hoffman would sweep New York’s 23rd […]

  • How To Be Poor


    Extreme poverty is not a difficult condition to reach. All you have to do is remove yourself to a desolate wilderness area, and exert the minimum effort necessary to feed and shelter yourself. Any increase in activity, or human interaction, will make you less poor. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click […]

  • Opposing Kagan


    The second round of Survivor: Supreme Court — Obama Edition has begun, and there isn’t much chance Elena Kagan will be voted off the island. The Republicans should try anyway. She isn’t a very good nominee. Was there no one with a more impressive resume, and a greater volume of published work, who could be […]

  • Men of Iron and Steel


    The release of “Iron Man 2” this weekend kicks off the summer blockbuster season. It’s an interesting cultural moment for conservatives. The movie version of Iron Man is one of the most unambiguously libertarian figures in popular culture, a billionaire industrialist playboy who spends much of the new movie telling the government to get bent […]

  • A Republic of Reason


    Everyone prefers the government to conduct its affairs with reason. We live in a lawful republic, rather than suffering at the mercy of an emotionally unstable monarch. Faith in law demands the supremacy of reason, because law is discipline, the opposite of uncontrolled passion. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here […]

  • Invisible Truth


    A while ago, InstaPunk wondered if reviewing elementary concepts, as I often do, is an effective use of conservative energy. To explore the idea further, he put together a provocative list of basic ideas that should be understood as common sense by most people, inviting his readers to suggest more. Can these concepts be conclusively […]

  • The Luxury of Conservation


    Writing on her Facebook page about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Sarah Palin explains why she remains committed to developing domestic oil resources, even though she had a front-row seat to the Exxon Valdez disaster . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the […]

  • Law Unenforcement


    The United States of America, like every other nation on earth, has laws concerning immigration and the security of its border. Some people feel these laws are too restrictive, or not restrictive enough, but no one seriously disputes they exist . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to […]

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