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40K Radio – Episode 72: Warhammer Weekend Preview
10/11/2021 Duration: 57minIn this episode we take a look at all the reveals from the Warhammer Weekend preview and what it may mean next for 40K. We also cover all the other previews and find out just how many things Amy is preordering and what’s up with Blood Bowl players!
40K Radio – Episode 71: Look to the Skies
06/11/2021 Duration: 01h12minIn this episode we take a look at the newest releases for Aeronautica Imperialis, Skies of Fire and talk about what we hope to see in the upcoming Warhammer Day preview!
Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 49: Welcome to the Horror Show
24/10/2021 Duration: 03h39minWelcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 49. In this 6th Annual Halloween episode, we return to our roots with some rather fitting monster names, Tim shows off his inner sous-chef, and Dave’s forced to rush through his hobby updates yet again. Then, Addams Family Feud once again rises from the dead, Jean picks up a rather […]
40K Radio – Episode 70: You Don’t Choose The Ork Life
17/10/2021 Duration: 01h08minIn this episode we take a look at the new 40K Orks. Found out what sort of conversions we are thinking about and just why we love Orks!
Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 48: Fake It Til We Make It
18/09/2021 Duration: 03h44minWelcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 48. In this episode we try to be welcoming to any new listeners but fail miserably, Lathan runs late and Dave “accidently” forgets to turn on his mic, and Dev Skypes in only to run into more technical difficulties. Then, we try our hand at another game show when we […]
40K Radio Episode 69: Kill Team
28/08/2021 Duration: 01h35minWe are joined by the man behind Geek Nation Tours and the Freebooters Network Teras Cassidy. We talk about everything happening at GNT and then dive into Kill Team. Which factions will the hosts be creating Kill Teams for? Tune in to find out!
Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 47: It’s About Damn Time!
25/08/2021 Duration: 03h51minWelcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 47. In this time twisted episode, we invite some variants to sit in for some of our missing crew, Mario returns and gets a whisky named after him, and Dev Skypes in only for us to find out exactly how he feels about using the Schwartz. Then, a variant Geeky […]
40K Radio – Episode 68: Oops All Dragons
14/08/2021 Duration: 01h12minIn this episode, we discuss the new Orks, Kill Team, and GW’s shift to making all their models handsome.
Masters of the Forge: Altar of War – Episode 23: Robot Roll Call
08/08/2021 Duration: 01h27minDave hauls out the new Adeptus Mechanicus codex vs. Adam’s Dread Mob. Masters of the Forge Geek Nation Tours Be sure to let us know what missions you’d like us to try next! Email: Twitter: @mastersofforge Facebook:
40K Radio – Episode 67: The Latest from GW
07/08/2021 Duration: 01h07minIn this Episode we discuss the “controversial” decision by GW to not allow 3D printed models at their events…which they’ve never done anyway! We also take a look at Dominion and talk about all sorts of Beast Snagga goodness.
Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 46: Is This Thing Still On??
28/07/2021 Duration: 02h39minWelcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 46. In this long-awaited episode we finally manage to get the Crew back together in the same room, Tim finds a way to hurt himself in the manliest way possible, and Lathan forgets how to podcast while we’ve all been away. Then, we all raise a glass for some interesting […]
EGO: The Eighties Geek Out Podcast – Episode 18: Dungeons & Dragons
23/07/2021 Duration: 01h13minDust off your dice, sharpen a pencil and get your imagination in gear, because it’s time to talk D&D! Brad and Ian dive into the world of magic and monsters in the greatest roleplaying game of all time. The guys also talk about the D&D toys and cartoon as well. Make your saving throw and […]
Hero Man and Sidekick Boy – Issue 37: Knight Smash
22/07/2021 Duration: 01h11minIt’s back to the comics cave for the dynamic duo! Andy and Ian discuss current reads such as Cojacaru, Two Moons, Once and Future King, Firepower, Dead Dogs Bite and more as well as Marvel Unlimited 1980s goodness from the X-Men and Captain America. They also chat about TV fare such as Falcon and Winter […]
40K Radio – Episode 66: Codex Mechanicus and Necromunda Hive War
17/07/2021 Duration: 45minIn this episode we take a look at codex Adeptus Mechanicus and Necromunda Hive War. We find out just how well has GW done pulling us into Necromunda and what crazy plans JF has in store for his Beast Snaggas!
40K Radio – Episode 64: More Previews
09/05/2021 Duration: 53minIn this episode we catch up on all the latest from GW and speculate about what Warhammer Fest may bring!
40K Radio – Episode 63: Ork-Riding Squigs
19/04/2021 Duration: 01h10minIn this episode we get to hear about Amy and JF’s Adepticon Painting challenge. We then lose Amy in the warp and take a look at the latest GW preview and find out just how many Squigs Riding Orks JF needs.
Hero Man and Sidekick Boy – Issue 36: Goodness and Badness
10/04/2021 Duration: 01h13minBack to the comic racks we go! Andy and Ian discuss current (and old) reads such as Uncanny X-Men, Captain America, Star Wars Bounty Hunters, Black Panther, Firepower, Once and Future, Die, Die, Die, Post Americana and Two Moons. They also talk about Marvel’s Annihilation series from 2006 and introduce you to Granny Goodness. There’s […]
Exploding Dice Radio – Episode 17
19/03/2021 Duration: 54minDystopian Wars 3.0 has arrived, and Exploding Dice Radio is here to talk about it! Andy and Josh dig into what’s in the Hunt for the Prometheus 2-player starter set, and then discuss the new releases coming at the end of March 2021. Then, they briefly discuss the new ORBATs and how some of the factions are looking.
40K Radio – Episode 62: Greg Sparks Interview
19/03/2021 Duration: 53minIn this episode we are joined by Adepticon’s very own Greg Sparks! We talk about the Con that never was (Adepticon 2020) and discuss how the community helped Adepticon stay alive. We also talk about how to submit events for Adepticon and what we can look forward to next year.
Hero Man and Sidekick Boy – Issue 35: Serpents and Spiders
16/03/2021 Duration: 01h04minAndy and Ian dive back into the comics bin to pull out some treasure…and some stuff that’s not as valuable. The boys discuss current reads such as Firepower, Wasteland, A Man Among Ye, Post Americana, Deadpool and more. They also try to sift through the rubble of the Spider-Man clone saga and take a peek […]