Afternoon Delight with Patrick Imig, Jeff Abeln and Willie Springer - Weekdays from 12-2P on CBS Sports 920
Segment 1 - Show Open 6.18.14
18/06/2014Comming at you from Lucas Park downtown, ready for some poker this afternoon, Yadi attack add
Segment 1 - Show Open 6.17.14
17/06/2014Live from Friendly's Sports Bar & Grill in South City, Willie enjoyed his house call haircut, BPV big screen mishap, the USA caters to the super stars
Segment 1 - Show Open 6.16.14
16/06/2014St. Gabriels picnic was a true pony show, Will #USMNT be getting any off field action, Willie shares his Hot Pocket expertise, passionate takes from callers