Live Happy Now

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 226:46:42
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Bringing you scientifically proven tips and ideas to live a happier and more meaningful life through interviews with positive psychology and well-being thought leaders.The editors of Live Happy magazine bring you best-selling authors and happiness gurus that share their knowledge on topics such as wellness, gratitude, well-being and mindfulness. Interviews are conducted with people like Shawn Achor, Michelle Gielan, Dr. Christine Carter, Margaret Greenberg, Dr. Drew Ramsey, Gretchen Rubin, Barbara Fredrickson, Tal Ben-Shahar, Deepak Chopra, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Stacy Kaiser, Darin McMahon, Michelle McQuaid, Fred Luskin, Shani Robins, Kristin Neff, Dr. Rick Hanson, and many more.


  • Why Your Brain Needs a Summer Vacation With Dr. Henry Mahncke

    02/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    It’s summertime, and if your body feels like it needs a vacation, it’s not alone – so does your brain!  This week, join host Paula Felps as she talks with Dr. Henry Mahncke, CEO of Posit Science and Brain HQ, who explains why vacations are so good for your brain. As you’re about to find out, when you go on vacation, you’re giving your brain all kinds of ways to stay healthy and happy. Listen in to learn how that works, how to make the most of your vacation, and how to keep those benefits going once you get home. In this episode, you’ll learn: What your brain needs to keep itself healthy. Why vacations are so good for your brain. How to get the same benefits of a vacation when you “staycation.”

  • Happy Activists: Wilson County Kind Makes Kindness Cool

    25/06/2024 Duration: 21min

    We know that kindness is crucial, but sometimes it seems to be in short supply these days. That’s why Randall Hutto, mayor of Wilson County in Tennessee, has made his office the starting point for spreading kindness. This week, Mayor Hutto and project administrator Susan Shaw explain why they created the initiative known as Wilson County Kind and how it is helping create a happier, kinder place to live. In this episode, you'll learn: What inspired Mayor Hutto to create a kindness initiative. Why it’s important for local governments to get behind initiatives like this. How others can start their own kindness initiative.  

  • Commit to a Summer of Fun with Mike Rucker, PhD

    18/06/2024 Duration: 26min

    Summer officially begins on June 20, and that’s the perfect time to launch Live Happy’s Summer of Fun! We’ve teamed up with organizational psychologist Mike Rucker, PhD, to offer a free eight-week email course based on the principles of his book, The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life. In this episode, he explains how this course will help you learn to program your life for fun this summer — and beyond. In this episode, you'll learn: Why making a commitment to have fun is so important to your mental health. How to make room for more fun in your life. What to expect when you commit to having a Summer of Fun.

  • Overcoming Loneliness With Dr. Jeremy Nobel

    11/06/2024 Duration: 31min

    Loneliness is one of the major challenges facing our society today, and since this is Loneliness Awareness Week, it’s a great time to look at what’s behind this loneliness epidemic. This week, host Paula Felps sits down with physician, teacher, innovator, and author Dr. Jeremy Nobel, founder of The Foundation for Art & Healing and the Project UnLonely initiative. Jeremy, who is also on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, has published the book Project UnLonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection, and he’s here to talk about what loneliness is doing to us – and what we should be doing about it. In this episode, you’ll learn: The three types of loneliness — and what to do about each one. How chronic loneliness affects both physical and mental health. How engaging in creative expression can help navigate loneliness.

  • What’s Driving Gen Z’s Anxiety (and What to Do About It) With Dr. Lauren Cook

    04/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    Younger generations are experiencing stress and anxiety differently than previous generations, and that’s something we’re making part of the ongoing conversation at Live Happy.  For this episode, host Paula Felps is joined by author and clinical psychologist Dr Lauren Cook. Her latest book, Generation Anxiety: A Millennial and Gen Z Guide for Staying Afloat in Uncertain Times, looks at why millennials and Gen Z are so anxious and how that is affecting them. She shares some of the things that are driving that anxiety and, importantly, offers insight into what we can do to help change this downward spiral – and what that will mean for future generations.  In this episode, you’ll learn: Why it’s so important to talk about anxiety and mental health. Signs that someone is struggling with anxiety. Steps to take to better manage our own anxiety or help someone else.

  • Create a Healthy Relationship with Social Media With Giselle Ugarte

    28/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    As we wrap up Mental Health Awareness month, it’s a great time to talk about how social media affects mental health — and how you can use it to support a happier, more meaningful life. Host Paula Felps is joined by coach, speaker and influencer Giselle Ugarte, who helps people learn how to build their confidence, reframe their relationship with social media, and show up more authentically at work and in their relationships. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to use social media for positive interactions and deepening your relationships. Signs that social media may be having a negative effect on you and what to do about it. How to curate your social media feed so it will have a positive impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • Supporting Mental Health Through Music With Brandon Staglin

    23/05/2024 Duration: 22min

    Music can be a powerful tool for improving mental health, and in this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Brandon Staglin, co-founder and president of One Mind, a mental health nonprofit organization committed to improving brain health by supporting research and providing resources. Central to their mission is music, which Brandon explains has been an incredible healing tool in his own struggle with mental illness. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why One Mind was created.  How Brandon uses music for healing and connection in his own life. How to be part of this year’s One Mind Music Festival for Brain Health.

  • Changing the Conversation on Mental Illness with Patrick J. Kennedy

    21/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    May is Mental Health Awareness month, and this episode is a reminder that we can’t just be aware of the problem – we need to take action. Host Paula Felps is joined by mental health advocate Patrick J. Kennedy, whose new book, Profiles in Mental Health Courage, shares the dramatic stories of people who are living with mental illness. Because of his own challenges with mental illness and addiction, the former congressman is on a mission to change how we view mental illness in this country and, importantly, change the way we treat it. His bold plan for the future of mental health includes bipartisan action to identify, treat, and manage conditions earlier to enrich the lives of all those affected. In this episode, you’ll learn: What inspired Patrick to share his own story and how it helped him change the narrative around mental illness and addiction. Why talking about our mental health challenges helps us heal — and helps others. How Patrick would like to see the approach to mental illness and addiction tr

  • Repairing the Mother/Daughter Relationship With Leslie and Lindsey Glass

    14/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    The relationship between mothers and daughters can be tricky, so this week, host Paula Felps sit down with co-authors and mother/daughter duo Leslie and Lindsey Glass, who’ve just released the book, The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover: 4 Steps to Bring Back the Love. They know all too well how fraught the mother/daughter relationship can be, and they’re here to talk about what makes this relationship so difficult for many and how to start rebuilding fractured family ties. In this episode, you’ll learn:  The most common areas of conflict between mothers and daughters. Why learning your mother’s and grandmother’s mental health history plays an important role in the mother/daughter relationship. Where to start reconciling a damaged relationship.

  • Discover Harmony and Healing Through Jin Shin Jyutsu With Adele Leas

    10/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    As companions for our animals, most of like to take a hands-on approach. But learning the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu can take that one step further by deepening the human/animal connection and keeping everyone happy and healthy. Join host Brittany Derrenbacher as she sits down with internationally known teacher Adele Leas, the originator of Jin Shin Jyutsu for animals. Although this practice was originally designed for humans, Adele has discovered its amazing ability to balance the body, mind, and spirit in diverse species of animals and now helps others learn how to use it. In this episode, you’ll learn: What Jin Shin Jyutsu is — and how it can improve health and happiness. How Adele discovered its powerful healing abilities. How it can be transformative for rescue animals.

  • Becoming a Mindful Mother With Jennifer Mulholland

    07/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    We’re going to celebrate Mother’s Day in just a few days, but in reality, moms should celebrate themselves every day. This week, host Paula Felps sit down with Jennifer Mulholland, a working mom, conscious leadership expert, and co-author of the book Leading with Light: Choosing Conscious Leadership When You’re Ready for More. Jennifer’s work focuses on cultivating presence and rediscovering the light within, and she’s here to talk about how we can bring that business principle into our lives as mothers and how it can change the world for us — and around us. In this episode, you’ll learn: What it means to be a mindful mother. Why our presence is the greatest gift we can give our loved ones. Simple tips for practicing being present even in chaotic times.

  • Gen Z and Mental Health With Deborah Heisz

    30/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    As we enter May — which is Mental Health Awareness Month — it’s the perfect time to talk about recent findings about Gen Z. Multiple recent studies show that Gen Z has unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.  In this episode, host Paula Felps sits down with Live Happy CEO and co-founder Deborah Heisz to talk about what’s causing this mental health crisis among young people and what we all can do about it. In this episode, you’ll learn: What recent research shows us about Gen Z’s mental health. How social media and traditional media are contributing to the problem. Why it’s important to be aware of this mental health crisis. 

  • Reclaim Your Personal Power With Dr. Emma Seppälä

    23/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    In a time when we are increasingly distracted and overwhelmed, many people are rethinking what’s important and how to achieve it.  In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with acclaimed psychologist Emma Seppälä, author of the new book, Sovereign, who explains how our we can overcome the chaos around us and take steps to live a more vibrant, courageous life that aligns with our true desires and potential. In this episode, you’ll learn: The danger of self-criticism and how to overcome it. The importance of becoming more aware of the information you’re exposing yourself to. How self-care improves every area of your life — and where to start.

  • Embrace Earth Day With Casey Johnson

    16/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    As we get ready to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, it’s the perfect time to talk about how we can better care for our planet. In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Live Happy Marketing Manager Casey Johnson, who created the Earth Day Happy Acts campaign and is a fierce advocate for the planet. She talks about the daily practices she uses to help preserve and protect Mother Earth. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why Millennials and Gen Z are so passionate about environmental issues. Small steps we all can take to help improve the health of the planet. The importance of being in nature and learning to appreciate it.

  • Making the Most of the Rest of Your Days with Jodi Wellman

    09/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    What if thinking about death could give more meaning to your life? In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Jodi Wellman, who founded Four Thousand Mondays to help people make the most of the time they have left on this planet. Her new book, You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets furthers that mission by providing readers with a roadmap to live each day to the fullest. Find out how and why Jodi started this mission and how we all can live better by counting the Mondays we have left. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to prevent deathbed regrets. Why reflecting on death can help us start living the life of our dreams. How counting down the Mondays you have left can make them more valuable.

  • Living Better Longer With Caroline Paul

    02/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    We know that a positive mindset is good for your health, but did you realize it can change how you age? In this episode, host Paula Felps talks with lifelong adventurer and New York Times bestselling author Caroline Paul about her new book, Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking — How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age. In Caroline’s book, you’ll meet inspiring women in their 70s, 80s and beyond who combine a positive mindset with outdoor adventure to defy common beliefs about aging. Caroline also shares the science and psychology of how outdoor adventure affects both your brain and your body — and can help you become more active, joyous, and adventurous later in life. In this episode, you’ll learn: How a negative view of aging changes your brain. Why outdoor adventure isn’t usually encouraged for older women—and why it should be. The five pillars for fulfilling aging and the role going outside plays in them.

  • How Happiness is Changing in the U.S. With Dr. Lara Aknin

    26/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    Each year, the release of the World Happiness Report gives new insight into global well-being. On this episode, host Paula Felps talks with Dr. Lara Aknin, a distinguished professor of psychology at Simon Fraser University and one of the editors of the report. Lara explains why the U.S. fell out of the top 20 happiest countries for the first time in the report’s history, which age group is thriving in the U.S., and shares some encouraging findings about how benevolence is changing worldwide. In this episode, you’ll learn: What age group is happiest around the world — and how it differs in the U.S. What is driving unhappiness among America’s young people. Good news about well-being and dementia.

  • Healing Paws With Heather Stohr

    21/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    Plenty of research shows that pets can help us heal, and now even hospitals are warming up to the idea. On this episode, host Brittany Derrenbacher sits down with Heather Stohr, a certified child life specialist at Norton Children’s in Louisville, KY.  Heather manages the facility dog program at Norton Healthcare, which allows animals to play a very important role in the healing process for patients, families, and caregivers. Find out how they are changing lives one hospital bed at a time. In this episode, you’ll learn: What a facility dog does in a hospital — and how it changes the way patients heal. How dogs are trained to become facility dogs. How dogs are also changing the lives of prisoners as they are being trained.

  • Meet Happy Activist Will Thomas and Celebrate the International Day of Happiness

    19/03/2024 Duration: 22min

    March 20 is the International Day of Happiness, and that makes it the perfect time to meet Will Thomas, a Happy Activist who founded Good News magazine during the pandemic to give people a break from the steady stream of negative news. What was supposed to be a one-off publication has grown into a thriving media brand with magazines in eight communities. In this episode, Will joins host Paula Felps to explain how it evolved and why it’s so important to spread positivity in your own community. Then, Live Happy’s Casey Johnson and Laura Coppedge talk about how you can celebrate the International Day of Happiness and share some of their favorite ways to make the most of the day.  In this episode, you'll learn: How sharing positive stories can change the way people see their community. Why it’s important to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. How to spread happiness on Live Happy’s Digital Happiness Wall.

  • Move From Surviving to Thriving With Brandi Sellerz-Jackson

    12/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    If you feel like you’re stuck in survival mode, this week’s episode is just what the doula ordered! Host Paula Felps sits down with life doula and author Brandi Sellerz-Jackson to talk about her new book, On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life’s Great Labors, which is part memoir, part roadmap to leading a happier, healthier life. She’s here to offer tips on how each of us can go from surviving to thriving and discovering true joy. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why we should treat ourselves like a houseplant. The four labors of life that everyone experiences. Brandi’s three tips for cultivating joy.

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