Bringing you scientifically proven tips and ideas to live a happier and more meaningful life through interviews with positive psychology and well-being thought leaders.The editors of Live Happy magazine bring you best-selling authors and happiness gurus that share their knowledge on topics such as wellness, gratitude, well-being and mindfulness. Interviews are conducted with people like Shawn Achor, Michelle Gielan, Dr. Christine Carter, Margaret Greenberg, Dr. Drew Ramsey, Gretchen Rubin, Barbara Fredrickson, Tal Ben-Shahar, Deepak Chopra, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Stacy Kaiser, Darin McMahon, Michelle McQuaid, Fred Luskin, Shani Robins, Kristin Neff, Dr. Rick Hanson, and many more.
Bringing Joy to the Workplace With Alex Liu
28/01/2020 Duration: 20minFor most of us, “joy” is not the first word that jumps to mind when we think about work. But this week’s guest has made it his mission to find out how we can all change that. Alex Liu is the managing partner and chairman of the global management consulting company Kearney as well as being a huge proponent of finding joy in the workplace. He hosts the Joy at Work podcast and recently spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos on topics related to creating more joy in the workplace. In this episode, you’ll learn: What business leaders can do to create a more joyful work environment. How to bring a joy-filled attitude to work. How finding joy at work can transform your life.
Clear Your Clutter, Clear Your Mind With Marla Stone
21/01/2020 Duration: 14minJanuary is National Organization Month, which makes it a great time to get your home in order. But how do you do that when it seems you have more “stuff” than you have places to put it? This episode’s guest is Marla Stone, a psychotherapist turned professional organizer and author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide to Getting Organized for Those Who Love Their Stuff. She explains how to create a de-cluttering strategy built around less stuff and more satisfaction. In this episode, you’ll learn: How our outside clutter reflects our inner state. Where to start clearing the clutter. How to live a perpetually organized life.
Tap Into Happiness With Jessica Ortner
14/01/2020 Duration: 16minIf someone told you there was a simple practice that could lower your stress, improve your health and boost your overall well-being, you might be skeptical. But this week’s guest has a science-based solution that can do all those things … and so much more. Jessica Ortner is a New York Times bestselling author and producer of The Tapping Solution, the breakthrough documentary film on EFT tapping. She’s here today to explain what EFT tapping is, how it works and how you can start using it today to change your life for the better. In this episode, you’ll learn: What tapping is and how to do it. Why tapping is so effective. Different ways tapping can be used to solve challenges.
Setting Goals Instead of Resolutions With Dr. Andrea Goeglein
07/01/2020 Duration: 23minAs we begin a new year and a new decade, many of us have set ambitious resolutions for change. Or maybe we’re still trying to decide what it is that we want and need from the next 12 months. Today’s guest, Dr. Andrea Goeglein, can help. Known as Dr. Success because she helps business leaders learn how to define and reach their goals, Andrea shares those same practices to help you create goals for the coming year, learn how to think differently and how to keep going even when it seems like you’ve gotten off track. In this episode, you’ll learn: Understanding the important difference between a resolution and a goal. How to prepare your mind to reach your goals. Steps to set yourself up for success.
Finding Your Purpose for 2020 with Joanne Fink
31/12/2019 Duration: 17minMany of us will start the New Year with a renewed commitment to change or to following a new purpose in life. This week’s guest, Joanne Fink, literally wrote the guidebook to lead us on that journey. As an award-winning designer and author of books on creativity, grief, faith and spirituality, she has created journals that help readers explore their own path in their own time. Her latest book, My Spiritual Journey, is a guided journal that asks the hard questions needed to help you ground yourself in gratitude, find deeper connections and determine your personal purpose. In this episode, you'll learn: How and why your purpose can change throughout your life. Why it’s important to define your purpose. What happens when you begin to live life more intentionally.
Happy Acts for a Happy New Year With Deborah Heisz
24/12/2019 Duration: 21minWith the New Year just around the corner, you might already be thinking about that New Year’s resolution or what you hope to accomplish in 2020. We have some ideas! In this episode, we hear from Deborah Heisz, who is CEO and Co-Founder of Live Happy. But she’s also the driving force behind the global #HappyActs movement and, this week, she tells us how committing to happy acts can help us create a happy New Year—for ourselves and for others. In this episode, you’ll learn: How #HappyActs began and what they are. What you can do to start your own #HappyActs initiatives. Where to find more ideas for performing #HappyActs.
Holiday Happiness Tips With Joe McCormack
17/12/2019 Duration: 17minTechnology has changed our lives in many ways, but when holiday celebrations are spent with guests on their phones or tablets, it takes away much of the magic of the moment. This episode’s guest is Joe McCormack, who literally wrote the book on how to find focus and human interaction in the midst of technology’s interference. His book, Noise: Living and Leading When Nobody Can Focus, provides tips on surviving in today’s business world, but he sat down to talk with us about how to keep the holidays happier by preventing technology from intruding on our quality time. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to create a technology-free holiday gathering. The benefits of setting aside the noise of our technology for a few hours. Tips to get everyone to (gladly) participate in a tech-free celebration.
Discovering the Power of Community With Peter Montoya
10/12/2019 Duration: 21minAfter leaving a successful career in the finance industry, Peter Montoya was concerned by the growing anxiety, depression and loneliness that we’re experiencing as a society. To help turn the tide on all of the negativity, he started Thrive Union, an organization whose mission is to help people go from loneliness and isolation to purposeful belonging. His free online videos provide a life school to teach us the things we need to know to have a thriving, happier life. Peter sat down to talk about why we need a life school and how it can help trigger global change. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why community is so important. How sharing your purpose with others can improve your life. What you can learn at “Life School.”
Simple Abundance Revisited With Sarah Ban Breathnach
03/12/2019 Duration: 16minWhen she wrote the book Simple Abundance 25 years ago, author Sarah Ban Breathnach had no idea that she was about to launch a global movement. Long before gratitude journals were a “thing,” her organic approach to gratitude and a simpler, happier life resonated with readers around the world. Simple Abundance sparked a movement that sold millions of books and changed not just her life, but the lives of countless readers. Now, she has refreshed her book for modern times and sat down to talk to us about her updated edition of Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life.
The Thank-You Project With Nancy Davis Kho
26/11/2019 Duration: 25minWe’ve heard a lot about the power of saying thank you, but what happens when a simple thank you turns into a heartfelt letter? Nancy Davis Kho was at a reflective point in her life when she decided to write one thank-you letter every week for a whole year. In her new book, The Thank-You Project: Cultivating Happiness One Letter of Gratitude at a Time, she explains why she wanted to embark on this project and what kind of effect it had on her—and those she wrote to. We knew we had to talk about it on the show. And what better time to talk about it than right before Thanksgiving? Nancy is a freelance writer, podcast host and author of The Thank You Project. She talked to me about how the project started, what it taught her, and why each of us can benefit from writing thank you letters. In this episode, you’ll learn: How you can benefit from your own letter-writing project. Why it’s so life-changing to write thank-you letters—even if you never mail them. Some of the surprising letters you’ll want to write—
Train Your Brain for Happiness With Dr. Tara Swart
19/11/2019 Duration: 25minWe’ve all heard about the principles of visualization and manifestation, but to many of us, it might sound a little too good to be true. Today, we’re talking to a neuroscientist who guides us through the science of visualization and tells us how it can help us reach our goals and live happier lives. Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, psychiatrist and senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. She works with top executives all over the world to help them achieve mental resilience and peak brain performance. Her new book, The Source: The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain, shows how you can actively change the way your mind works to train it for happiness. In this episode, you'll learn: Why it’s critical to take control over what we’re thinking about. How we can make dramatic, positive changes by changing how we think. The science behind vision boards — and how to put it into practice.
Happiness Around the World With Helen Russell
12/11/2019 Duration: 21minThis week, you can enjoy a whirlwind trip of happiness around the globe! When journalist Helen Russell moved to Denmark in 2012, she wanted to learn more about why the country ranked so high on the happiness scale. That search led her to write the book, The Year of Living Danishly, and opened the door to studying happiness. With her second book, The Atlas of Happiness: The Global Secrets of How to Be Happy, she looks at happiness practices around the world and makes some interesting discoveries about how we’re different from other countries in our pursuit of happiness—and how we’re the same. She’s here to talk about how happiness differs from one country to the next, what we can learn from other countries and in what ways we’re all the same in our pursuit of happiness. In this episode, you'll learn: Why happiness practices are so different from one country to the next. Why different perceptions of happiness affect the way we practice well-being. How learning about happiness practices from other countries
Developing a Winning Mindset With Annie Vernon
05/11/2019 Duration: 20minIf you’ve ever watched elite athletes and wondered what makes them so different, we’ve got great news for you: Today’s guest can answer that question. What’s even better is that she can tell you how you can apply some of the same winning techniques to your own life. Annie Vernon is a two-time World Champion, Olympic silver medalist with the Great Britain Rowing Team and a two-time Olympian who has learned that the secret to winning doesn’t just lie in physical prowess, but is just as dependent upon the right mindset. In her book, Mind Games: Determination, Doubt and Lucky Socks: An Insider’s Guide to the Psychology of Elite Athletes, she explores how the way we think changes our outcomes. So, whether your playing field is a boardroom, a classroom or your kid’s playroom, she’s here to tell you how changing your mindset can improve your game. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why training your mind is just as important as physical training. Why self-awareness is so important to your mindset. How small chan
Digital Detangling With Pete Dunlap
29/10/2019 Duration: 23minIf you feel like the world is moving a whole lot faster these days, you’re not alone. We’re consuming information at an unprecedented rate and living in an “always on” world. It’s no secret that this high-tech world is taking a toll on our health, our relationships and our overall well-being. Today’s guest, Pete Dunlap, is leading the charge for what he calls “humane technology use.” His book, Digital Detangler: A Guide to Mindful Technology Use won the Next Generation Indie Book Award and the Independent Press Award in 2019 for its thoughtful examination of technology and his insight on how we can better use it. He also created Digital Detangler Family Services, which helps families address the crisis of tech addiction together. In this episode, you'll learn: How technology affects our mental health. What causes technology addictions. How families can address technology overuse.
Embracing Slowness With Jeff Bethke
22/10/2019 Duration: 20minIf you feel like the world is moving a whole lot faster these days, you’re not alone. We’re consuming information at an unprecedented rate and living in an “always on” world. It’s no secret that this high-tech world is taking a toll on our health, our relationships and our overall well-being. Today’s guest, Jeff Bethke, looks at how this fast pace is zapping our sense of purpose and meaning. His new book, To Hell With the Hustle: Reclaiming Your Life in an Overworked, Overspent and Overconnected World, looks at how we can shift our focus from our online world to our inward life and find greater purpose and meaning. In this podcast, you’ll learn: How too much time online affects your sense of purpose. Why saying “no” is so powerful. How a Tech Manifesto can help you control your time online.
Overcoming Workplace Bullying With Dr. Britt Andreatta
15/10/2019 Duration: 23minBullying has become such an issue in today’s world that October has been named National Bullying Prevention Month. And while we normally associate bullying with school children, the fact is that many adults are being bullied at work every day. This week’s guest, Dr. Britt Andreatta, is an expert on the science of teams and author of the book, Wired to Connect. She’s developed safety tips to make sure all employees are working together to eliminate bullying in the workplace She also shares information on how and why bullying happens at work—and what to do about it. In this podcast, you’ll learn: Where workplace bullies come from. How to make sure others aren’t being bullied. The high cost of unresolved workplace bullying.
The Importance of Self-Forgiveness With Stacy Kaiser
08/10/2019 Duration: 22minIf you’ve ever struggled with forgiving someone, or forgiving yourself, you don’t want to miss what this week’s guest has to say abut it. Stacy Kaiser, a licensed psychotherapist, relationship expert, author and frequent Live Happy Now guest, has great insight on how forgiveness and self-forgiveness affect our overall well-being. But she doesn’t just tell us how much we need it in our lives; she gives us actionable advice for forgiving others, forgiving ourselves and discovering greater happiness. In this podcast, you’ll learn: Why forgiveness is essential to your overall well-being. What forgiveness really means. Steps you can take to forgive others as well as yourself.
Teaching Kids Positive Messages With Again Again
01/10/2019 Duration: 22minGiving our kids positive messages is important, but sometimes it’s difficult to do in a tumultuous world. The guests on this episode are not only giving kids a new way to look at the world, but putting it to a great beat that parents love, too. After becoming parents themselves, long-time friends Anne Montone and Jennifer Cook used music as a way to teach and explain things to their children. The two musically inclined friends then created the singing duo Again Again, and their debut full-length album, “Listen. Love. Repeat.” is filled with positive, family-friendly messages for our time. In this episode, you'll learn: Why music is so effective as a way to learn. How music can be used to let kids know they matter. How they created music that parents and kids can enjoy together.
Making Good Habits Stick With Wendy Wood
24/09/2019 Duration: 24minHabits: We’ve all got ‘em … and we all wonder why we aren’t better at changing them. This week’s guest has the answer to that question. Wendy Wood has spent 30 years researching human behavior and is the leading expert on habits and change. Her new book, Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick, helps explain how we form habits, what habits really are and why so much of what we’ve believed about changing habits is wrong. In this episode, you’ll learn: What is a habit? How long it really takes to change a habit Why creating the right environment is critical to successfully changing habits
The Beauty of Conflict for Couples With CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke
17/09/2019 Duration: 28minIf you think that conflict is always bad for your relationship, think again. This episode’s guests are CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke, authors of the book, “The Beauty of Conflict for Couples.” As therapists, they’ve helped hundreds of couples reconcile their differences and get their relationships back on track—but they say it’s not about romance. They teach couples that the things we argue about often have the potential to pave the way to greater intimacy…if we learn how to use it properly. In this podcast, you’ll learn: Why conflict can be the secret ingredient to reaching relationship goals. How to use the 5/5/5 Rule of Fighting. Why the small conflicts, not the big blowups, are relationship-killers.