Rants, discussions and interviews hosted by 'the Cafe Coach' Rahti Gorfien. Coach Rah, as her clients call her, is a professionally certified life and ADHD coach. Helping artists stay artists while living a life they love is her specialty. Epiphanies guarenteed!
Radio Rahti 1509 The Power of Knowing What You Want
06/08/2015 Duration: 29minWanting is powerful. It drives everything. What if you really knew what you wanted? #lawofattraction, #laurenastor, #jayeaustinwilliams, #childdevelopment, #coachstewberman, #ourgoods, #fame, #coaching, #discovery
1508 A Conversation about Allies and Adversaries
31/07/2015 Duration: 30minCoach Rahti talks about allies and adversaries to your art. They can be living or dead, or just inside your head. If they're you're family, then turning them into your creative allies may take some training if they're not already on board. But it can be done! #boundaries, #supportsystems, #creativity, #lifecoach
Radio Rahti 1507 A Conversation about Art and Life Part 1
29/07/2015 Duration: 29minSwan Drsti and Coach Rahti engage in the first of a series of conversations about being and staying a happily productive artist from where you are in your life right now. #creativity, #persistence, #lifestyle, #coaching
Radio Rahti 1506 Pain Management
29/07/2015 Duration: 29minWhen things go from bad to worse than you think they can possibly get, do you have the tools and support to handle it? Fear of pain can translate to fear of life…which is a kind of death because there are no more risks you’re willing to take. Coach Rahti takes you on a humorous expedition into her most recent personal hell….and how she lived to tell about it. #post-surgicalpain, #paintolerance, #copingwithpain, #success, #lifecoach
Radio Rahti 1505 Creative Survival
29/07/2015 Duration: 24minRahti rolls in late but gets right to it: For the artist, creative survival, or resilience, is grounded in clarity of purpose and appreciation of one’s own accomplishments regardless of public reception. The truth will set you free! #professionalartist, #stayinspired, #creativity, #lifecoaching
Radio Rahti 1504 Creative Tenacity
29/07/2015 Duration: 29minAs artists, we make meaning. But to keep making art requires an appreciation of the many, many moments we must live through when we’re not actively creating. If your day job is torture, its because you see it as a waste of life. What if you saw it differently? Surrendering your artistry is not a pre-requiste for happiness. Quite the contrary. #willpower, #professionalartist, #creativitycoaching, #Rahtigorfien
Radio Rahti 1503 A Conversation with Penny Arcade
29/07/2015 Duration: 32minPenny Arcade, veteran performance artist and activist, exposes the facade created by academia of the ’emerging artist’. Because there is no entry level position. #PennyArcade, #emergingartists, #midcareerartists, #artistsneedtohaveatrade, #veteranartist
Radio Rahti 1502 Compare and Despair: A Show about Competition
29/07/2015 Duration: 29minWe all compete whether we think so or not. Its part of the Human Condition. Whether we do so positively or negatively comes down to a conscious (or unconscious) choice. #creativeprofessionals, #arts, #success, #lifecreativityadhdcoaching
Radio Rahti 1501 Meaningful Marketing
29/07/2015 Duration: 29minMarketing for the artist or freelancer needs to be a way of life. To sustain this, the marketing must must be meaningful. Meaningful, in that the medium conveys the essence of the artist. What is that essence? Its the meaning you make just by being uniquely yourself. #Marketing #Artists #Creativity #lifecoaching #creativitycoaching #ADHDcoaching