We need to learn more about our Catholic Faith, and so here I have provided a means to discuss the faith intelligently and to study the rich tradition found in the Catholic Church.
Session 4 SOF + R: Suffering and Euthanasia
30/05/2017 Duration: 01h36minWhat can we do about Euthanasia being legalized in Canada? How can we understand the Church's teaching about death and dying and the value of suffering? If you would like to bring about changes in Canada in regard to life-issues? Here is a website that you might want to explore to get more active in the movements towards promoting a culture of life:
Session 3 of SOF + R: Why is abortion immoral?
20/05/2017 Duration: 01h45minAbortion is a modern day crisis that affects many people. It is also accepted legally in our own country, and as a result is a divisive issue. However, being divided might mean that there is something to be concerned about in regard to the questions about the ethics of abortion. It isn't a topic we should be indifferent on, because it affects us all. In this podcast I look into the arguments for abortion and the arguments against. Using philosophy I hope to demonstrate a reasonable position that does not require an appeal to faith in order to demonstrate why abortion is an immoral choice. Faith on the other hand can teach us that there is mercy.
Personal Testimony: Finding Courage to Open our Hearts to God
18/05/2017 Duration: 26minI was fortunate to be invited to St. Patrick's Catholic High-School, in Sarnia Ontario. I delivered this testimony to the grade 11 students on Wednesday. Here is a brief summary of how Christ and I found each other, and how I terribly needed this encounter to grow in courage and boldness.
Session 2 SOF + R: Catholic Moral Principles
15/05/2017 Duration: 01h28minMorality and understanding the difference between right and wrong is certainly important to the Catholic Church. But it is important for spiritual reasons, not legalistic reasons. It is all about our relationship between God and Neighbour!
SOF+R Session 1: Faith and Reason, Ontology and the Meaning of Life
06/05/2017 Duration: 01h14minTonight we reflected on the relationship between Faith and Reason, according to the Catholic Church. We also discussed the natural-law, how things are ordered according to Aristotle, and finally on our own existence and the reason why we exist as human beings.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Be Not Afraid (of Confession)
23/04/2017 Duration: 10minSin seems to be more available than the sacrament of confession. Nonetheless, it is the vocation of all the faithful, priest or lay-person to seek out God`s healing grace in the sacrament, and not to burden ourselves with the crushing weight of sin. The precepts of the Church teach us that we ought to attend the sacrament once a year (not excluding those times we go for devotional reasons or due to mortal sin). The reason for this is that there must be some sort of tangible recognition of our sin before God, and His ministers whom He has imparted the authority to forgive sins. This is the way God wants us to ordinarily seek His mercy.
5th Sunday of Lent: Experiencing Death with Jesus in Anger, Sadness and Hope
02/04/2017 Duration: 21min -
1st Sunday of Lent: Fear, Pride, and Overcoming Temptation through Faith
05/03/2017 Duration: 15minReadings:
8th Sunday in Ord Time: Abandonment, Loneliness, Motherhood and Divine Friendship
26/02/2017 Duration: 18min -